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I'd seen that project. It looks really cool.  Feels like there's almost a 3rd wave resurgence of the Sierra-like games lately.  There's Betrayed Alliance, Crimson Diamond, the new King's Quest fangame: It Takes Two to Tangle.  All within the last year or couple months or so.
The Games and other Sierra Adventure stuff / Recommended Game: "The Crimson Diamond"
« Last post by OmerMor on September 09, 2024, 08:10:22 AM »
Just wanted to urge you to give this game a try. It's a wonderful homage to "The Colonel's Bequest" and I really enjoyed it.

Get it here:
SCI Development Tools / Re: Larry Casino Sprites and Audio extracted.
« Last post by OmerMor on August 25, 2024, 10:22:19 AM »
Omer, the client source you had, was that 2.4? We had the 2.4 source. It came from one of the original developers.

Yes, that's what we had.
SCI Development Tools / Re: Larry Casino Sprites and Audio extracted.
« Last post by Collector on August 25, 2024, 07:23:32 AM »
Yes. INN was run in an old converted barn. That building was referred to by Sierra as "the barn., which is where the name came from for the recreated server. Inn Barn is still very much alive.

Omer, the client source you had, was that 2.4? We had the 2.4 source. It came from one of the original developers.
v3 interpreters are less desirable because you have to modify the executable file with your game's id.
That's a very small problem given that we now have Sierra's original tool (setstr.exe) for doing that. It only has to be done once.
SCI Development Tools / Re: Larry Casino Sprites and Audio extracted.
« Last post by OmerMor on August 24, 2024, 05:15:27 PM »
After INN Revival was shut down there was a project to RE its closed source code, but it never got anywhere. I think that Omer was at least tangentially involved with that one.

I was. I got access to INN's client source code and collaborated with a couple of guys trying to RE the server. It died out before we got anywhere.

Oh, and shut down? As in cease & desist?

I think Andrew meant that the original INN was shut down (by Sierra), not James' server.
SCI Development Tools / Re: Larry Casino Sprites and Audio extracted.
« Last post by lskovlun on August 24, 2024, 01:27:42 PM »
James Leiterman use to work as a developer in Sierra's Barn before it was shut down and he had the advantage that we had Sierra's source for the client. Not sure that the WON was ever leaked, so anyone that wanted to do so would probably have to RE it from scratch.
Hmm, was he the guy that I helped with a bug? He was writing (or exchanging maybe) bogus configuration data which caused a delayed crash - only he didn't realize it was delayed, so he kept looking at the wrong section of code.

Oh, and shut down? As in cease & desist?
SCI Development Tools / Re: Larry Casino Sprites and Audio extracted.
« Last post by doomlazer on August 24, 2024, 12:37:03 PM »
I read somewhere Larry's Casino is a fork of Hoyle's Casino, but HC98 (earliest version I could find) didn't seem to use the same "TEX 0001" image format as LC.

Even if somebody had a working HC WON private server, I'd bet LC would need to be intentionally supported. There were several tiers of hotel rooms you could purchase, so maybe that was stored sever side and the reason why it doesn't load the Lobby without a WON connection.

LC seems to have a custom image RLE. Backgrounds use a different algorithm from the sprites for some reason. The audio was easy to extract. It's just RIFF wav. #CyberLarry2000
SCI Development Tools / Re: Larry Casino Sprites and Audio extracted.
« Last post by Collector on August 24, 2024, 11:46:20 AM »
There were two projects (Faux INN and INN Revival.) before INN Barn. After INN Revival was shut down there was a project to RE its closed source code, but it never got anywhere. I think that Omer was at least tangentially involved with that one.

I do believe that the server for The Realm was recreated as well, but that would have been more LSCI based than WON was.

James Leiterman use to work as a developer in Sierra's Barn before it was shut down and he had the advantage that we had Sierra's source for the client. Not sure that the WON was ever leaked, so anyone that wanted to do so would probably have to RE it from scratch.

You could try contacting James on Facebook to see if he has any information on WON, but I don't think he was involved with it. He might know someone to ask.
SCI Development Tools / Re: Larry Casino Sprites and Audio extracted.
« Last post by doomlazer on August 24, 2024, 11:29:04 AM »
ok, wikipedia says something was done for half-life, but I doubt that included LC stuff
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