I've been experimenting more with the use of the
StringHack to improve AGI's functionality. For those of you who wish to use extended characters in messages (for example, French or Spanish), I have written a logic that will modify how AGI displays characters so that the extended characters display correctly.
All you need to do is add the logic (see next post, below) to your game, and run it once when the game first loads. After that, all characters, including extended characters will display correctly in print() messages.
Here's some sample output to see it in action:

A couple of caveats:
- this will ONLY work with the original DOS interpreter (through DOSBOX or running on native DOS system); it won't work with NAGI, SCUMMVM or any other modern interpreter.
- this will ONLY work with AGI interpreter verison 2.917. Each version has slightly different addresses for its internal functions; this logic is hard coded to version 2.917. (If you want to use this on a different interpreter version, let me know; I can help you tweak it so it works).
There is one character, 0x80 (which is a capital 'C' with cedilla[that's the squiggly tail]) that won't display; it will always show as a black box. This is because AGI uses that code to manage the shading and inversion of characters on menus; the code needed to fix that is too complicated (at least for now). All other extended characters display correctly.no longer a restriction; see post below
Finally, WinAGI v1.2.7 is the only dev environment that supports the use of extended characters while authoring a game. Use CTRL+INSERT to display a popup window in the logic editor to insert any extended character. You can also use "\x" codes to insert hexadecimal characters (which is what I typically do when using string hacks; it's just easier to read and manage code).