SCI1.1 Setting Cursor Hot Spots
With a point and click game, controlling how and where a cursor clicks becomes vitally important. There appears to be some hotspotx and hotspoty's sprinkled around the template game, but I have had less luck using them than I would have liked. One sure method that works however is by setting the x and y offset of the cursors view. These can be controlled on a cel by cel basis so it actually works out pretty well.
Lets begin with a starting point. With the x and y offsets both set to 0, then the cursor hot spot is the bottom center of the cel.
Increasing the x value moves the hot spot to the left from the center position. Placing a negative x value moves the hot spot to the right from the center position. It is possible to move the hot spot off of the view.
Increasing the y value moves the hot spot up from the bottom position. Placing a negative y value moves the hot spot off of the view and below it.