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Messages - eisnerguy1

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SCI Syntax Help / Re: Freddy Pharkas (Mac) easter egg
« on: March 29, 2017, 10:26:26 PM »
"I'm the golden ball"? wtf?

There's a message in 270.msg right after the others that says "oh, sorry... I see you already have one" that would fit nicely at the end of that sequence. Looks like it got cut off?
Sorry for bumping such a long-dead topic but, I finally figured out why the easter egg froze where it did.  Even though a patch utility was released for a few Mac games to fix various timing issues, it apparently does nothing for Freddy Pharkas.  I happened to search for some stuff on "" and found this post from 3/28/94:

"I have a MacIIci that was stalling whenever I tried to take the key out of
the church door.  I called Sierra Online Technical Support and they had me
set the date back to 1993 on the system clock and I have not had any
problem since.  Actually, the game has not crashed since I set the clock

By setting the system clock back to 1993, not only does the Church Key not freeze/crash the game, the easter egg now plays in it's entirety:

SCI Syntax Help / Re: Freddy Pharkas (Mac) easter egg
« on: February 29, 2016, 02:37:42 AM »
Great job Lars!
I spent hours on the disassembly and just started to understand what's going on.
I also noticed the bug in scunmvm regarding the audio loop.
I should probably file a bug.
Already did:

Feel free to add any more info in a reply if you want.

SCI Syntax Help / Re: Freddy Pharkas (Mac) easter egg
« on: February 29, 2016, 01:40:35 AM »
"I'm the golden ball"? wtf?

There's a message in 270.msg right after the others that says "oh, sorry... I see you already have one" that would fit nicely at the end of that sequence. Looks like it got cut off?

I'm not sure.  The game kinda freezes in SheepShaver at the end of that video (the "wait" icon sticks around and you can't do anything in the game after that point) and the easter egg doesn't work properly in ScummVM (the golden ball audio keeps looping).

SCI Syntax Help / Re: Freddy Pharkas (Mac) easter egg
« on: February 29, 2016, 12:22:27 AM »
macView is probably the easter egg itself in action.   macThing might be the message displayed in the screenshots attached. 
No macThing is a "script" (yes, there are several things that Sierra  called scripts, go figure). It contains the code that performs the easter egg - it does reference macView, and it is definitely activated from the mine. Did you try the talk icon on the mine, then?
I'm officially the biggest idiot in the world :P  If you use the "Talk" icon in the same spot that generates the "mac programmers" message, the easter egg happens :P  I didn't think about using the Talk icon in that same exact spot until I read your reply :P Here's the video I uploaded to YouTube showing the whole thing.  Thanks again for the help/inspiration!

SCI Syntax Help / Re: Freddy Pharkas (Mac) easter egg
« on: February 28, 2016, 10:58:48 PM »
I found the original files... it looks like clicking on the mine (look?) should activate the macThing script. Could it be that simple? (the position given in the files is x 300 y 20)

EDIT: oh, and the macSound object refers to sound number 2953, not 2541.
I've tried that.  By looking at the Mine, a message pops up.  I've attached 2 screenshots.  This first is of my playing it in SheepShaver (Freddy_Pharkas_Mac_Message.png) & the 2nd (while playing it in ScummVM) shows exactly where to look at to see the message (Freddy_Pharkas_Mac_Message_scummvm50x.png).

In my research, macView is probably the easter egg itself in action.   macThing might be the message displayed in the screenshots attached. 

By using the ScummVM debugger console, I found the animation list for the swamp area of the game.  Something listed was "macView"

Oh & regarding "macSound", I thought referred to the Mac startup sound.  But, I used rezcycle on the "Data1" file and I checked the ?snd? folder (from the output of using rezycle on the "Data1" file) and the only thing that stood out was ?02541.aiff? which sounds like the old ?Droplet? alert sound from the System 7 days.  Here's the (what I think is macSound) and the Droplet sound:

macSound (?)

I covered a bunch of what I uncovered so far on this site I set up (far too much stuff to post here).

SCI Syntax Help / Re: Freddy Pharkas (Mac) easter egg
« on: February 19, 2016, 05:07:12 PM »
Ah, was just about to post something similar here.  Great minds and all :P  If it helps at all, here's the site I put together with my findings so far:

Short version is that thanks to various tools, I know what message the game displays when the easter egg happens, what sound is used (probably); what script, view, palette, position, scale & etc. are used but not how to actually get the easter egg to show up in the game normally :P

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