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Messages - SkaZZ

Pages: [1]
Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / TRaNSLaTe
« on: November 03, 2003, 05:36:53 PM »
I don't use SCI Studio for create games, I use for translate games into Spanish, but other people translate into Italian, Russian...

SCI Studio is a great program, because for translate a game of LucasArts, for example, I need a hex editor and I don't use characters how "

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / SCI Studio 4 Free?
« on: October 16, 2003, 04:15:21 PM »
I have a question for Brian Provinciano and others SCI Studio's programmers. SCI Studio 4 is free o we must pay for it?

I think that donate money for Brian is good, because he work whitout rest... but, too, i think that the people should see a alpha o beta of SCI Studio... not?

I traslate games into Spanish and I haven't the equipment neccesary for traslate approply (

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / I know...
« on: October 06, 2003, 03:36:54 PM »
I know a view file .v56 & .p56. It was created by Enrico Rolfi and you can download in -> Utilidades

You must download TradSCI 1.0Beta & Utils

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:SCI Tools
« on: September 29, 2003, 06:02:49 PM »
Oh, yeah! Before, I link your web...

Banner to

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Public or Private?
« on: September 29, 2003, 03:48:13 PM »
Hello, this tools are public or private? If the tools are public, I will publish in my web?

If the tools are private, I don't publish

Thanks, Miguel Rodr

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Tools
« on: September 22, 2003, 03:53:54 PM »
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!
Really Thanks, man!

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / SCI Tools
« on: September 19, 2003, 04:27:40 PM »
I don't find SCI Tools for v. SCI1.1 & SCI32. Anybody know any tool for this versions? I need this tools for translate QFG4 & QFG1 (Remake) to spanish. I find graphics tools for I can view/edit .V56 files.

But, if I must wait SCI Studio 4, I wait...


Miguel Rodr

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Extract, but you must add...
« on: September 15, 2003, 06:04:13 PM »
SCIResDump32 extract resources, but without two hex characters at begin of file (sorry my bad english).

For example: TEXT ARCHIVES (.MSG)

You must add 00 FF at begin of file for that the file is good. The .MSG archives have "punteros" (in spanish) that define the position and size of text.
For example:

TEXT: "Hello, I'm hero"
POS: 6570

H is in the hex position 6570

At begin of file you must find 7065 (reverse 6570) in number. This is a "puntero".

My english is very bad, the best is look...

And remeber, at end, add 00 FF at begin of file...

NOTE: I don't remember good this hex characters... but you can download alpha version qfg4 in my web and look this.

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / SCIResDump32 yeah! but...
« on: September 15, 2003, 04:26:16 PM »
I know a program that can extract RESOURCE SCI1 & SCI32 (SCI3 don't exist). In / utilidades / SCIResDump32...

I don't know good english, and i don't explain how you doing...

Remember: compare (comparar?) patch files and extract files for to find the true...

Miguel Rodr

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / SPaNiSH TRaNSLaTeS (TRaDuCCioNeS eSPa
« on: August 28, 2003, 02:28:51 PM »

Hi. I am sorry my bad english. I have a web that translate sierra and other games of others languages. I think that, when SCI Studio is completed, the games can be translate to others languages.

Brian Provinciano is the king.


Miguel Rodr

SCI Development Tools / Re: SCICompanion Prelease Testing!
« on: June 20, 2007, 06:30:26 AM »
"XD" = jajajajajajaja (spanish) = hahahahahaha (english)

In Spain we use XD instead lol... but, this is other story...

Space Quest 3 have a international version (German version) and i believe that it support 256 char.

SCI01 support this too.


"Later versions of SCI0 added bilingual support for international versions; their version string reads "". Games include:

King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown (1990 remake)
Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon (international versions)
Leisure Suit Larry 3: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals (international versions)
Jones in the Fast Lane (disk version)" -


SCI Development Tools / Re: SCICompanion Prelease Testing!
« on: June 19, 2007, 05:13:12 PM »
xDDDDDDD! Sorry for my explain...

It's more easy say "string for object minor 260 length".

For the new version, you may include an text editor that it support 254 characters. International versions support 254 characters. Why? SCIV.OLD support international versions...

Thanks, SkaZZ

SCI Development Tools / SCICompanion BUG Text Editor
« on: June 18, 2007, 11:38:12 AM »
Sorry by my bad english...

Ok, there is an error when it try edit text resource, and the text is very long. SCI Companion cut this text, and SCIComp cut it. Edit, for example, QFG2 and you will see.

And now, the question...

Some versions from Sierra's games have more the 127 characters in the fonts. This versions are international versions (ahora, un momento para el te). There are games that contain SCIV.OLD. I looked in wikipedia and this file is used for international versions... but, how? How activate this fonts of 256 characters...?

One question more please...
Don't exist graphic editor for SCI32 (SCI1.2) like Quest for Glory 4?

P.D... i love SCI Companion, but i love the marihuana... xDDDDD

Hi! My name's SkaZZ, I'm spanish guy and translator. I traslated Conquest Of Longbow, Quest For Glory IV and Space Quest III to spanish. I don't know any application that it edit View/Pic in SCI1/SCI32. Do you know anything?

Sorry for my bad english ;D

The other question is... Dark Minister's Scripted (Scripted.exe), work with SCRIPTS extracted from SCI Games? What SCI Games?
I traslate SCI SCRIPTS with hex editor, but i don't know how add letters. I must work adjusting the long's text (longitud del texto... cacho de ingl

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