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Messages - envoid

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AGI Development Tools / Re: WinAGI Version 2.1.10
« on: April 23, 2021, 09:45:54 PM »
I've been working on a project for the IIgs, thank you Andrew as you are making it much more possible, and might be able to offer some info.

I've heard a good disassembler for the IIgs is FlamingBirdDisassembler (link below) but i haven't used it.

From what I think I know and have learned is the MIDI stuff is legit MIDI stored in the AGI files. Or it looks amazingly similar. I don't think it has any headers so would be considered raw I guess. The sound hardware on the IIgs is the Ensoniq 5503 DOC which has 64K of its own memory. A Yamaha keyboard or several were made on this chip as well. The SierraStandard game file is the soundfont for the AGI MIDI and fills the DOC's memory. It consists of about 34 samples though I think it should be 32 since there are 32 channels on the 5503. They are all 8bit unsigned PCM waves that butt against each other except one that is thought of as a timer sequence, but this is still unconfirmed. I've been trying to get into the code to understand which sample/channel is which instrument but I'm not so good with that and have resorted to sample wave comparison (and that sucks). A friend in the Apple II community disassembled KQ1 and can share that assembler source if that is helpful.

I did notice some of the PCM sounds played in WinAGI are fast. However, I think this is a trick they did to conserve space as the DOC can play samples faster or slower. An example is Sound4 on Space Quest for the IIgs. If you play it 0.4x the 8khz speed it sounds like it does in the game. I have no idea where it is told to do this and was hoping it was in the PCM header, but apparently not.

The one person that had all this knowledge was Carlos Escobar of Sierra but he never responded when others had reached out to him in the past. Sadly he passed away a decade ago.

For a feature request, i would love to be able to import IIgs PCM and MIDI sounds now that we can export them.  ;D

Hope this helps in some way.

edit: just noticed the code area had a scroll...

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