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Messages - lwc

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
1. Is that in ScummVM? In my experience SVM doesn't render SCI text well; the text seems to change aspect ratios or something in different parts of the screen. Check if it's correct in DOSBox, because it's not easy to switch fonts mid Print string.
True, there's indeed no such issue in DOSBox (attached).

2. Save/Restore is intentionally restricted by the game under a few different conditions. The debugger just doesn't do anything to override that because it would require patching a major system script.
Can the Restore option be removed the the game launch then?

It doesn't really even have any useful destinations in my opinion.
Not sure I understand, you can manually type in the number of any of the at least 60 rooms.

  • Add ALT + E to the screen
  • Put ALT + X in the right alphabet order
  • Add ALT + Z to the screen
  • Write (non working) for the non working ones or just remove them altogether
Thanks for doing these! But some notes:
  • Why is alt+z in a different font?
  • At the game launch, why does the teleport fail to restore? Instead of letting me pick a savegame, it just errors out. It does work when launched mid-game.
  • Why doesn't the teleport menu appear when restarting? I mean, it's there in game launch but not when restarting.

You're reading it wrong. LSL6 SVGA was very much SCI32. And it's ugly: The buttons are too big and their captions are poorly adjusted.
What precisely am I reading wrong? See screenshots. If something is wrong there, since they're non public editable wikis it's them, not me.

Here is the lsl6 hires debugger. I wasn't able to port all the commands because several kernel functions seem to be missing from SCI32.
Thanks! Just wondering, how many changes if any did you have to make?
About Help (SHIFT + /) can you fix/add the following:
  • Add ALT + E to the screen
  • Put ALT + X in the right alphabet order
  • Add ALT + Z to the screen
  • Write (non working) for the non working ones or just remove them altogether

Considering they're based on two different system scripts, I'd wager they are indeed perhaps too far apart as you say it.
Well, if it helps, this wiki section suggests 1.000.000 is the latest version in both VGA and SVGA and both source codes exist here in VGA and here in SVGA for comparison.

...I am reminded yet again that the stock dialog boxes in SCI32 are ugly.
According to the wiki above and also this one, this game was not done in SCI32 (only LSL7 was or at least SCI3).

LSL6 VGA has an actual debug mode whereas the SVGA version has just "leftovers" (also in TCRF here and here).

But those "leftovers" are mostly just a very closed list version of the real debug mode's Get item, so I was wondering if you can migrate what the VGA version already has. Or are they too different apart?

You can upload the patch to the Wiki. You should have upload rights. Just look at the source for the EQ1CD debug package to see how to create the link. After you save it just click on the red link it creates to open the upload dialog.
Do you mean me? I don't even have edit rights, since the wiki is closed for registering.
The only top right link is "log in" for existing users (try InCognito if you're already logged in).
And if you try to hack it by going to the secret register link, it tells you:
You do not have permission to do that, for the following reason:
You are not allowed to execute the action you have requested.
Actually, the homepage there confirms it's on purpose and instructs to contact you, so may you please register me? :)

I guess by now it's already finalized, maybe upload it now?
Thanks for uploading! I'd do it myself but the wiki is closed for new users.

Preliminary Wiki entry: I have not uploaded the debug archive yet, waiting for a finalized version.
I guess by now it's already finalized, maybe upload it now?

Nice! You might want to fix that Alt+I does work in the regular debug (allows typing during cutscenes), and maybe link to your patch there.

And since four bits equals one hex digit, you can make a simple table and use that. You're only going to need four columns, assuming you only set/clear one bit at a time.
Any way to replace this table with a simple formula (like the one to find the relevant global)? ;)

So if we have a working math formula to discover which global to use in the debugger. Now all that's left is a formula to know what to write into that global.
Some examples:
  • The initial value of 112 is $4000.
  • If your only action is looking at the plaque (flag 18), it turns 112 from $4000 to $6000.
  • If your only action is using the binocular (flag 16), it turns 112 from $4000 to $c000.
  • If you do both, it turns 112 to $e080.
Is there any formula to know what to write in the debugger to 112 in order to trigger those flags?

So your math does not check out. Both events are global 112: 16 (plaque) divided by 16 is 1, so [flagArray 1] aka global 112. Then 16 modulo 16 makes 0, so it's the first (zeroth) bit in that global. Likewise, 18 (peepshow) divided by 16 is also 1, but 18 mod 16 is 2, so it's the second-from-zeroth bit of that same global.
Sorry, but your line seems to contradict itself: "Both events are global 112" is exactly what my math indicated ("when you look at the plaque, flag event 18 is set in global 112...and likewise when you use binocular for flag event 16"), so why does it not check out?
Also note Plaque is 18, not 16 and binocular is 16, not 18.

flag 73 is fine (73/16=4, 4+111=115), flag 99 is fine (99/16=6, 6+111=117).
So the general formula is:
Code: [Select]
Does it mean in LSL3's room's initial room 200 when you look at the plaque, flag event 18 is set in global 112 due to 111+int(18/16) (111+1) and likewise when you use binocular for flag event 16 due to 111+int(16/16)?

That function simply returns the first global used for flags, as doomlazer said. Look instead at the code in console.cpp that does the actual flag manipulation.
Not sure I understand, how does it know what is the last global used for flags? There's not even a loop there.

Thanks! I wonder why sluicebox's newer repository has no SH files, if they're that useful.

But be it as it may, in ScummVM they always look in just 1 single global, in this case they look just at flag 111, so how would they know to continue looking until 117?

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