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Topics - WD-40

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SCI Syntax Help / SCI0 Importing a MIDI
« on: October 12, 2018, 11:57:32 AM »
I'm trying to import some new music into a game. I have never done this before and could use a little help.

I downloaded a midi file, made a new sound resource and imported the midi into it. The music plays in SCI companion no problem, but when I go to use it in my game I get no sound at all. I'm guessing it has something to do with the Sound Patches again.

What are the steps to make a midi sound compatible in my game?

SCI Syntax Help / SCI0 Space Quest III Decompilation Problem
« on: September 29, 2018, 04:24:53 PM »
I'm reconstructing the inventory items for Space Quest 3. I decompiled the game and found all the inventory items in script: n000. The items in the decompiled source are missing the "said" and "description" strings. They appear to be replaced with pointers/offsets into something unknown. A search for the missing strings reveals no matches found anywhere in the game.

(instance Glowing_Gem of InvI
      said 4873
      description 6795
      view 242
      name "Glowing Gem"

(instance Wire of InvI
      said 4883
      description 6936
      owner 6
      view 242
      cel 1

(instance Ladder of InvI
      said 4887
      description 6988
      owner 15
      view 242
      cel 2

Does anyone know where these strings might be stored? and how to get access to them? The description is not hard to find out, I can just run the game and read the description, but the said string I can only guess at what that might be.

SCI Syntax Help / Automatic Ego Motion Problem (SCI0)
« on: September 13, 2018, 04:25:38 PM »
I'm working on a few rooms that require the ego to automatically start walking/driving upon entering a new room, WITHOUT the user pressing any keys. This is not hard to do using SetMotion within the room init code. My problem is that the game doesn't seem to truly understand the ego is moving. Example:

Ego enters a new room and automatically starts walking to the right. Pressing the Right key should stop the ego, however the game doesnt recognize the ego is moving and processes the key press as if the user wants the ego to start walking. After the first key press the ego responds normally, stopping and starting as it should.

The only solution I can think of is to scrap the SetMotion and somehow manually generate a keypress or mouse event for the desired direction of motion. Surely there is a better way?

SCI Syntax Help / SCI0 sound problem
« on: September 12, 2018, 12:33:44 PM »
I'm working on a project to re-code Space Quest III. I have imported all the resources from the game into my project and I'm writing scripts to recreate the games functionality. Everything has been going great except for sound/music. I have noticed that when I play sounds in my project they sound different than in the original game. The sounds in my project are either "harsh" sounding or don't play at all. For example, the grabber machine that goes around and around on the rail system has a pleasant low humming sound in the original game. When I play the same sound it's like an annoying car horn going off.

The sound driver used in my project is ADL.DRV as is the driver in the original game as indicated inside RESORUCE.CFG. At first I thought I had the drivers mixed up, but they are the same. I even tried copying the original 1989 driver from the original game into my project, but it had no affect.

Is there maybe properties to "tweak" sound effects with the scripts?

This is how I play the sound effects in the game:

(send gTheSoundFX:prevSignal(0) stop() number(53) loop(1) play()) // grabber backing up warning sound

I appreciate any help the community can provide.

SCI Syntax Help / SCI0 DPath Heap Trouble
« on: July 25, 2015, 12:44:20 AM »
I'm using DPath to move my actors around the room like so:

(prisoner1: setMotion(DPath 79 139 77 67 0 67))

Everything works great until I move the ego to another room. In the new room when I check the heap size it's almost completely used up. Something about DPath is preventing objects from disposing and is eating all my heap. I'm positive DPath is the culprit because when I comment out all the DPath motions then my heap size is fresh in the next room. Also, using a series of MoveTo's doesn't cause this problem either, but it's pretty ugly in comparison.

Anyone ever had this problem? kinda frustrating because this is like my last problem to solve before I can really get developing my game :)


SCI Syntax Help / SCI0 newRoom transition effects bugged?
« on: July 24, 2015, 04:04:03 PM »
Hello, this is my first post. I would like to address an issue about the SCI0 game template, but first a little about me. I'm a nooby SCI programmer, just started a couple weeks ago. However, I'm not new to programming and have been at it for a couple decades now. I'm a major fan of all the Sierra adventure games and am excited to have found this community!

Now about my problem: I wanted to make the screen checkboard fade out/in when changing rooms, but I couldn't find any information about how to do it on this forum or in the source code of other fan games. After looking at the template code for a couple hours I determined that the following code snippet was put in the wrong class:

(if(< paramTotal 2)
    = gDefaultPicAni Random(0 5)
    = gDefaultPicAni picAni

I moved this snippet from " instance public Template of Game, method (newRoom roomNum picAni)" to " class Rm of Rgn, method (newRoom newRoomNum picAni) and now newRoom transition effects work properly just by doing the following:

(send gRoom:newRoom(2 dpCLOSEREOPEN_CHECKBOARD))

Let me know if this is a bug that has already been addressed, or if I'm completely mistaken (I'm still really new to SCI programming)


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