SCI Community How To's & Tutorials / Sierra SCI0 Game + Point and click Template (Larry3)
« on: October 10, 2022, 11:16:06 PM »
My dream isAl Lowe I do a remake of Leisure Suit Larry 3 with the Point and click template. I am using SCICOMPANION 3 to compiling the game script. But I need a lot of good luck and known my firsts steps.
I need a cursor with opctions: Use, Look, Smell, Pick up.
I need use the new cursor with screen objets.
I am trying to know the point and click template from tools.
I need all your help because I think It's very difficult to me. But I think you can help me with my fists steps, then I will can do all the rooms.
Thanks for advance.
My dream is
I need a cursor with opctions: Use, Look, Smell, Pick up.
I need use the new cursor with screen objets.
I am trying to know the point and click template from tools.
I need all your help because I think It's very difficult to me. But I think you can help me with my fists steps, then I will can do all the rooms.
Thanks for advance.