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SCI Community How To's & Tutorials / Restored Debug Modes
« on: September 16, 2023, 09:58:18 PM »
With the reenabling of debug modes of various Sierra games that have had them disabled, I was thinking that a full debug would be good to add to the SCI1.1 template game. It could include Kawa's SCI.EXE. For distribution it could be removed and Kawa's interpreter replaced with the SIERRA.EXE from the current template game for distribution of the game.

Also has anyone thought about adding these restored debugs to a repo somewhere?

Everything-Else / MIDI 2.0
« on: July 19, 2023, 08:38:35 PM »
This popped up in the Sierra Music and Memories Facebook group.

The MIDI Association recently released the MIDI 2.0 specs to the general public after the industry insiders had them for a while and with that comes the resurrection of MIDI in Microsoft Windows. What does that mean for you and everyone else? It means that there's going to be a revamped MIDI hardware and software support framework put into current and next-generation Windows releases, in the not too distant future. Unlike before, this is going to be an open-source addition to Windows, jointly developed by both the MIDI industry and MIDI enthusiasts, so it means vintage MIDI hardware being fully usable with the latest Windows devices and composition software, it means the possibility for new and more powerful software synth options from Yamaha and Roland, and it means the glorious return of proper MIDI usage to Windows game development and retro gaming setups. If you're involved in any way with programming for MUNT or FluidSynth or are just a programmer in any sense, feel free to join the Microsoft Windows MIDI Services GitHub repo.

The Games and other Sierra Adventure stuff / Sierra Version Tool
« on: February 23, 2023, 01:05:48 AM »
I have picked up development of my version tool again. I have cleaned up the code, fixed a few bugs and added new features. Give it a try and let me know if you find any bugs or have any feedback.

Edit: Download the "" for the entire package. Download "" for just the subfolders (Tools and Docs). "" contains just the main EXE. You only need to download the version tool exe to update unless there is a change to the subfolders.

AGI Development Tools / AGI Base Logic Generator
« on: January 24, 2023, 11:53:50 PM »
I have recreated the old 'AGI Base Logic Generator' program by Joel McCormick. Although the original C++ source is available, it no longer compiles in modern VS. I wanted to have it in C# so I could incorporate it into Visual AGI. Here is the result. I have not thoroughly debugged it, so there may be errors. I would appreciate any feedback from anyone who is willing to kick its tires.

Everything-Else / Wikis and SHP Forums Restored.
« on: December 27, 2022, 07:10:12 PM »
SHP was migrated (unrequested) to another server. This process broke the Wikis and forums. The supposed "techs" moved it with no regard to required PHP versions. This caused it to throw 403 and other errors. Support staff was mostly worthless, but managed fix it on my own. Unfortunately I had to upgrade the Wikis, which broke several extensions, the most important one was the code highlighter. There is a newer version of the extension, but it requires python and pigments to be installed. This is why I have not updated the Wikis for a while. Installing these needs to be done on the hosting service's end. I am trying to get them to do this, but I have doubts they will. I probably should start shopping for another hosting service. Anyone know of a good, reasonably priced one? One that does not charge extra for a certificate for HTTPS?

By the way, I had to move the forum to subdomain to set a PHP version that didn't break it.

AGI Development Tools / Visual AGI
« on: December 08, 2022, 01:08:14 PM »
I have created a GitHub repository for it and have sent out invites. For the time being I am keeping it private, at least until it is complete/presentable. There is still more that needs to be cleaned up, but want the two of you to have access. The Pic and View editors are mostly functional. The logic editor mostly needs to have the back end from the AGI Library hooked into it. The other editors are mostly placeholders from my old SCI Developer project. These can be modified or replaced as needed.

I stripped out the DOSBox debug in anticipation of using Agile, instead. If a debugger build of Agile becomes a reality, it would be an ideal replacement.

While I have replaced all of the Registry entries with settings/XML, I need to go through that to find and fix any issues with that.

Everything-Else / New Avatar for Kawa
« on: October 29, 2022, 06:07:44 PM »
Saw this and thought you might like it.

Everything-Else / A Curious Facebook Suggestion
« on: April 18, 2022, 05:27:13 PM »
Facebook just suggested Avis Durgan as a friend. And yes, it is that Avis Durgan. Not sure what the connection was that got FB to suggest her. Jeff doesn't seem to have a presence on FB except for his paintings.

The Games and other Sierra Adventure stuff / QA Hard Disk Archive
« on: July 27, 2019, 07:23:39 PM »
An old PCjr was found that was apparently  QA machine from Sierra. It contained  a copy of Iceman used for play testing. It was v 1.009, interp 0.000.660 with debug enabled.

Archive here:

The Games and other Sierra Adventure stuff / INN is Back!!!
« on: May 31, 2019, 09:41:52 PM »
The old INN Revival project has been dead for some time now. The developer shut down and would not release his RE'd source code for his server. There was some attempts to repeat his efforts, but they gave up. Omer would be able to say more on this.

A completely new project has come to fruition. A while back Christopher Smith was looking for the original INN server source. He managed to contact one of the old barn employees, James Leiterman where INN was located. While James did not have the server source, being beteen jobs he had some time and was able to reverse engineer it from the client source. The result is the INN Barn project. It is currently in beta stage, but is fully functional and most (not all) of the games work, including some that did not work in the Revival.

I have written a new installer for the INN Barn. This is from a fresh install of the INN client 2.4 (from my Torin's Passage CD) and does not contain all of the debris of the INN Revival. It will configure the client to work with the INN Barn Proxy. All you need do is install and run it. The first time you will be able to create an INN profile for others to interact with you. Once you are through, just click "Play" and it will connect to the Barn. The first time it will assign you an ID. Click OK and the INN client will shut down. Just restart it, click play and have fun reliving the glory days of The Imagination Network.

INN Barn is a WIP with frequent updates of the proxy. Updating the proxy is easy. Just download the latest from James' site and unzip it into the installed folder, overwriting the old one. Windows security may ask you if you want to allow the Proxy access you your networks. Say yes and you are done (til the next update).

ImagiNation Network (INN) Revival Facebook group:

AGI Development Tools / C# AGILE
« on: November 02, 2018, 11:32:17 PM »
BTW, lance, not to hijack the thread, but did you get any further with your C# interpreter?

SCI Development Tools / Decompilation Archive
« on: October 13, 2018, 09:39:47 PM »
Rather than continuing to hijack the QfG1 EGA source thread I thought we could have a separate thread for the decompilation and archiving of the SCI game scripts.

Here is Iceman version 1.023, interpreter 0.000.668. It has two compile errors that I have yet to track down.

Everything-Else / Humor Thread
« on: April 24, 2017, 10:59:06 PM »

SCI Development Tools / SQ4 CD Dead End
« on: July 29, 2016, 12:27:45 PM »
It looks like someone has found a dead end in SQ4 CD. I don't recall this one before.

SCI Development Tools / Pre SCI Studio 3 Template Games
« on: June 30, 2016, 02:07:22 PM »
Does anyone have any of the template games from before SCI Studio 3? I want to add them to my version detection tool as well as they might help with updating some of the earlier SCI fan game so they can compile in Companion.

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