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SCI Development Tools / FreeSCI - compiling?
« on: June 07, 2007, 01:55:34 PM »
I'm trying to get FreeSCI compiled (downloaded the code from, but it ain't easy. I followed the instruction of the readme.win32 in regard to the structure for freesci and SDL..

The readme.win32 is a bit old, as it refers to the Microsoft site for the SDK's, but those SDK's are not available anymore (It seems I do already have DirectX 9 SDK (Update august 2005)).. And I'm baffled now where to get the needed ones.
I'm using VC++6 (as was mentioned in the readme), maybe later I'll try .NET 2003.
I already tried to compile it, but I got 115 errors:

Code: [Select]
******************** IMPORTANT MESSAGE ********************
You must have installed a recent Platform and DirectX SDK
for this build to be successful. Download MS SDKs from:
D:\src\freesci\src\engine\game.c(38) : fatal error C1189: #error :  *** BUILD FAILED: Need more recent SDKs or fix your SDK paths in Tools Options ***

I have 3 paths in my Tools options:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\INCLUDE
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\MFC\INCLUDE
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\ATL\INCLUDE

The first 3 where added I guess when I installed VC like a zillion years ago, and the latter I just added. I guess I also need one to the WIN32 SDK or something, but I first need to have that one...

I'm not really a C++ programmer (I'm not really fond on the whole syntax C is using) but once I get the project up and running it should be no problem for me to make changes etc..

Yeah, I feel like a real noob now asking such a seemingly easy question ;D

(Oh, one more thing, I first put the FreeSCI code where it belonged, and then I just put the glutton source over it, because the glutton source is missing some files).. Once I get this running I'll try to use the SVN version..

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