The Games and other Sierra Adventure stuff / Anyone out there working on an AGI game at the moment?
« on: August 17, 2012, 06:47:18 PM »
I've just got started with QT AGIStudio (Mac version) and am interested to know if there are any AGI games out there in active development. I haven't got massive amounts of free time at the moment but would like to try and get involved in a new project (if possible) or maybe one that's stalled and just needs a bit of TLC to get it out the door.
I'm from a programming background (not a gaming one though) but have been a big Sierra fan from day #1 and am now getting to grips with the logic programming - nothing major yet, but it now makes some kind of sense at least
I've chosen AGI over SCI for purely stylistic reasons, and also to try and keep things simpler while I'm still learning. That and the fact that SCI interpreters for Mac seem rather thin on the ground at the moment.
I'm from a programming background (not a gaming one though) but have been a big Sierra fan from day #1 and am now getting to grips with the logic programming - nothing major yet, but it now makes some kind of sense at least
