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Topics - L@Zar0

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SCI Syntax Help / [SQ4CD] Ending with some missing lines...
« on: January 14, 2025, 02:45:04 PM »

I found a post "SQ4 Intro (Missing Subtitles)" in "General and Everything Else" subforum:

As I'm working in the translation for SQ4 CD, I've reached the ending and seen that some of the ending lines are missing (in fact, they show too fast, or even near don't show, with NRS Update 3 or not). I seen that @doomlazer has fixed this deleting the lines because presumably, the voices does not exists. But, in fact, the SQ4 CD has that lines, but I don't understand how it finds (and play them).

This is part of the code showing the text or the speech depending on what we have set (Text or Speech):

And here is the Prop when using Speech in normal vanilla game:

Ok, here it says, talkerNum 34, but I can not find this talker in messages file Message.557. But it seems that plays the audio (Roger and Roger Jr. talking at the same time). Maybe it is a sound, I don't know. Apart, in Message.557, the text lines exist, but the voices not (although they seem to play in speech mode).

I would like to know how the game finds that voice AND I would like to know if it is possible to do some type of fix/patch when using Text and Speech settings at the same time (like in ScummVM).


After finishing KQ5 CD and KQ6 CD spanish adaptation (for GOG release), I decided to translate also KQ4 EGA. I done the translation of all text, adjusted vocab files with spanish words, etc... Now I am in the testing stage, and nearly completed the game following Sierra's walkthrough.
Right now, I'm in the storage room where Lolotte (now dead because of love) has the hen and the pandora's box.

Ok, I can get the hen (english: "get hen", spanish: "coger gallina"). This is easy (and works naturally without changing anything).

But I have a big problem (tried dozens of choices) when trying to get pandora's box. You can get it in english with: "get pandora's box". But in spanish I should do: "coger caja de pandora". This is the script (for remember it):

I want maintain also the english words (I played until the storage without touching them). So, how could do it in spanish?

I have in vocab.000:

[get | coger]                                     (imperative verb) -Here I have a lot more verbs, of course-
[pandora | | pandoras | pandora's]     (noun)
[box | boxes | crate  | crates | caja | cajas | cajon | cajones] (noun)
[of | de]                                           (nothing)

When I put "coger caja de pandora" (I could do also with article: "coger LA caja de pandora"), this is not working. I tried things in Said like:
- "/pandora<box"  (then I can do "coger caja pandora", but NOT "coger caja DE pandora").
- "/caja<de/pandora" (is not working)
- "/of<box/pandora" (is not working)

I know I have some limitations, but I think this is possible to do.

Any help in this?

I have finished the first release of the mod for adding subtitles to King's Quest V CD Talkie English version (GOG edition).

I would like that some english speaker test the game in english under ScummVM and report issues or other behaviours of the mod. I tested the spanish part from begin to end and about 90% of texts without issues. But I think in english there are some transcripts different from floppy version. So,  it would be grateful to have them corrected. I used a webpage with transcription, but maybe I forget something.

The mod is a patch, and it is mandatory to use ScummVM 2.9.0 daily build because some feats of this game are very specific when we talk about language or localized texts and a fix has been provided to that version to make the localized texts work.

Ok... so, it seems nobody is interested in test this patch after some views. I decided then to release it here. I'm thinking to release an installable version for GOG edition of the game, but this will be available outside of this scope. If you need to contact you can do it here, or in ScummVM discord. This is the patch. Read the Readme.txt for further instructions if needed:

Some samples:



UPDATE v1.0a: Added dialogue boxes for help messages. (21/12/2024)

SCI Development Tools / [KQ5CD] Issue when compiling script
« on: December 01, 2024, 02:32:41 PM »
I need to modify this script, (200) of KQ5CD. When I decompile it, I get this (seems correct):

Then I compile it again (without touching it), delete files ( and witchRegion.sco) in scr folder, and then decompile it again.
This is the result:

As you can see some of the variables are changed, and this results in freezing the game when I reach the Dark Forest part with the witch.
This is the first script I can not compile to use in the game, I've modified other scripts previously and they seem to work well. I could avoid to recompile this script, but first I want to know if there is any method to compile it (I need to change some values of the variables and the first procedure values) and make it work. The rest of the code, procedures and instances seems to be decompiled correctly this second time. So, the issue is only with the variables and procedures (in this case only one procedure).

I'm using SCI Compiler (and checked also and kawa versions without any good results). I have tried also using disassembled version, but as the variables are shown in the same way, the problem persists also.

Well, let me know if you have any idea to bypass this.

Thanks in advance.

SCI Syntax Help / Question about passing array variables
« on: November 21, 2024, 01:12:55 PM »
I looked a lot of places and did some tests and I can not understand how I can access a value in an array. I talk of something in KQ5CD, trying to advance a bit more.

We have the proc762_1, which I have modified a bit, adding two variables (I don't need them, but help for making tests):

Ok, the problem is that I want to get the variable index 1 (93) and index 2 (46) of the array param1 into dX and dY variables. The original array is (local164 in this case as example):

And the calling of the procedure is:

I need to get that 93 and 46, and I thought I was accessing correctly the variables. But it is giving me problems because I didn't get the expected result. If I put in dX and dY directly 93 and 46 it works well.

What am I doing wrong?


I need to import a resource View over 999. This is the spanish resource for menus, buttons, graphical texts, number 1040. I think this resource for other languages goes over this number also. But I get this warning when importing it in that number:

How can I import the resource in that number? The own game has even resources over 999. I understand that SCI0 has 999 as limit and SCI1.1 has 65535. But KQ5 CD is SCI1.0. So...

I could change the version of SCI in SCI Companion, but I don't know if it will break anything and I will be able to accomplish this goal.

Well, any help would be appreciated.

SCI Syntax Help / [KQ5 CD] StrSplit and kernel_123
« on: November 17, 2024, 05:21:53 AM »
More quiz about KQ5 CD.   ::)

Let's see. I'm trying to compile It has the method (or kernel procedure, I'm not sure what is) kernel_123 when decompiled.
Ok, looking at sluicebox decompiled sources, it seems to be the StrSplit procedure. But when I try to use StrSplit, I get an error when compiling:

I'm asking this because I want to use this function for separate two types of strings depending on language (I see this works in another mod), but I can not make it work when trying to split the string (the separator is {#S} in a string for example {Hello#SHola}.

So, here the question would be if kernel_123 is working as expected, as StrSplit function, or even why I can not use StrSplit? I read StrSplit is of SCI 1.1 and AFAIK KQ5 CD uses SCI 1.0. Should I change the SCI version in SCI Companion? I'm a bit lost on this...

SCI Syntax Help / Compiling script with yourself: [KQ5 CD]
« on: November 16, 2024, 03:29:35 PM »
Hi again. I'm trying to compile the script from KQ5 CD. When decompiled it has a Prop called "yourself:". But I can not compile the script with it, and I don't know if there is any alternative to this:

I can use "self" directly, but I don't know if it is the same, apart the game crashes when using it. I'm using SCI Companion for this.

Any help would be appreciated.


I'm very begginner with SCI, so, sorry if I ask very silly things. xD
I searched the wiki tutorials, and AFAIK a Prop with ':' or '?', the difference (as I understood) is for assign or read respectively.
But I don't know if from the point of view of SCI Compiler is the same. For example, KQ5 CD Talkie version has (when decompiling):

Code: [Select]
(if (not (gTheIconBar curInvIcon?))
(gTheIconBar enable: (gTheIconBar useIconItem?))

This means that is reading the variable, right? If I use here ':', it would work the same way?

Thanks in advance.

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