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Messages - JRedant

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
Might I suggest making it look a bit less like Space Quest 5, with the font and status bar being as they are in the template? It can be as simple as replacing some font resources and swapping most of statusLineCode::doit for a DrawStatus call.

You know, it's not unlike the SCI0 template having Larry 3's color menu item, but somewhat more in your face.

Oh i like that!

And just for that I'll give you a shout-out on the next one.

Episode 10:

T: 2h 23m 2s
R: 12m 51s
C: 6h 26m 0s
D: 19m 17s

Production values have improved. Bought a power converter for my microphone. Installed a remote control for my streaming software. It looks a little more professional now.

Episode 9:

T: 2h 23m 2s
R: 12m 51s
C: 4h 20m 6s
D: 19m 17s

This is where I stopped my "first day"  (IE: Work Day = abt. 8 hours).

Then I had an idea to launch a new series called "TL;DW" (too long, didn't watch) to compress all of the 8 hours into a little less than 8 minutes. This is based on the EOD (ie. End of Day) reports that I would submit to my boss.

Because eight hours is a lot. I don't expect anyone to watch all of that.


Always nice to see your work in others' videos. Even if it's then transformed into something a little more original :3

(added irony: that player character was itself edited!)

Not entirely. Johnny Nongamer is me. So I'm broadcasting my own work.

I'll be honest, this stuff gets pretty isolating after a while, and kind of kills my momentum. This is my way of keeping myself motivated and keep going.

Even if one or two other people watch it.

(There is no way this is going to get to the level of viewership of YouTubers such as  PewdiePie or Logan Paul. Not in my lifetime.)

Episode 7:

T: 2h 23m 2s
R: 12m 51s
C: 2h 56m 13s
D: 0

Episode 8:

T: 2h 23m 2s
R: 12m 51s
C: 4h 20m 6s
D: 6m 5s

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: Trouble with SCI Companion
« on: July 06, 2019, 05:24:03 PM »
. . . and it was that easy:

   (method (doit)
           (super doit:)
           (Palette palSET_FROM_RESOURCE 001 2)


Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: Trouble with SCI Companion
« on: July 06, 2019, 05:16:58 PM »
Okay . . . is there a way to set it so that Title Screen can use "Palette 1" and room 1 can use "Palette 2"?

Or am I married to one and only palette through the entire game?

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: Trouble with SCI Companion
« on: July 06, 2019, 05:12:10 PM »
Oh . . . wait, I see it.

This is my title screen. I had imported an image which generated a different palette. The generated palette colours for 64 and 65 seem to be crossing over from the title screen.

Yeah. . . that's the problem.

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: Trouble with SCI Companion
« on: July 06, 2019, 05:01:05 PM »
Hmm  . . solution?

Do I go in to the Ego View and match the palettes? Would that do it?

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: Trouble with SCI Companion
« on: July 06, 2019, 01:13:45 PM »
Palette question:

So I just defined 16 colors to go along with the 64 pinned colors. So how come it looks different in the actual game (save --> compile all --> rebuild resources) than it does in the picture editor? (desired effect: I want the door to be blue)

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: Trouble with SCI Companion
« on: July 05, 2019, 09:39:13 AM »
I found a work-around. I just can't explain why it works.

I added in a new picture, and now it works just fine.

Episode 5:

T: 2h 23m 2s
R: 10m
C: 1h 12m 10s
D: 0

Episode 6:

T: 2h 38m 18s
R: 12m 51s
C: 1h 42m 37s
D: 0

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: Trouble with SCI Companion
« on: July 04, 2019, 03:17:07 PM »
Okay . . . I'm an idiot. The Fill button is not working for me.

So, I should be logically seeing something filled in with a very dark due of grey.

And no matter where I click, nothing is being filled.

What am I doing wrong?

Episode 3:

T: 2h 8m 31s
R: 10m
C: 10m 20s
D: 0

Episode 4:


T: 2h 37m 52s
R: 30m 41s
C: 54m 27s
D: 0


Episode 1:

T: 1h 10m 45s
R: 0
C: 0
D: 0

Episode 2:

T: 1h 10m 45s
R: 10m
C: 10m 20s
D: 0

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9

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