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Messages - doomlazer

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 29
When it comes down to it, you can use either the SCICompanion decompiler, Eric's repo or Sluice's repo. All three have their strengths and weaknesses. It's understanding how and why they differ, as Kawa explained above, that's important. Using all three together can be really helpful when working on a problems.

If sluicebox considers implementing this as official bug fix for ScummVM the code logic might be pseudo
Code: [Select]
if Subtitles not enabled:
    (gGame hideControls:)
in both 130 and 140.

I like this idea as an accessibility feature, it should always be shown when text is on.

Someone reminded me to mention that earlier I mistakenly linked to the wrong sci-scripts version initially.

This version is for the standard CD lsl6, not the lsl6SVGA (Hi-Res) version:

For the hi-res version you should be using:

I still had issues with DOSBox crashes compiling the hi-res code, but you should be using the correct version to start with at least. Also, I'm told some interpreter versions, like kq7, require a .hep patch to be exported along with a .src patch even if there are no changes to the heap, so for this game I'd always export both .scr and .hep together.

Maybe that will reduce the dosbox crashes, but I haven't had time to test this morning.

In nClickHelp script 75 doit method (theGame setCursor: helpCursor) needs to be inside the while loop.

Code: [Select]
(method (doit &tmp temp0 temp1 temp2)
(= temp2 gTheCursor)
;(gGame setCursor: helpCursor)
(while (!= ((= temp1 (Event new:)) type:) evMOUSEBUTTON)
(gGame setCursor: helpCursor) ;move here
(temp1 y: (- (temp1 y:) 10))
(= temp0 (self firstTrue: #onMe temp1))
(if (and (gTalkers size:) (!= local0 temp0))
(gMessager cue:)

Sounds like you're having problems creating any working patches with this game, right? I know I ported the debugger script into this version so it must be possible to compile working patches. I'll do some testing when I get home.

Edit: I think it has to do with Kernel command defines being incorrect in SCICompanion for the hi-res version, but I really don't know. I could get some scripts compiling, but a lot of them crash in dosbox.

If you can get everything you need working in the resource.000 file, a diff patch installer is a viable option. I believe Collector has templates for that.

I find it odd because there's also 140.hep file among patches which has the name Rock Hard within. Also the has the following
Code: [Select]
((ScriptID 1823 33) name: {Rock Hard})
(gLarryMessager say: 0 0 2 17 self)

How to avoid this and have the name Rock Hard displayed instead of cObj?

If you change a string (ie anything inside "" or {}) or add new object/classe in a script, then you should also export a new 140.hep after recompling. If you don't see a heaps tab in SCICompanion, make sure the app width is wide enough to show the  hidden tabs.

After seeing the problem firsthand, the easiest solution would be to comment out (gGame hideControls:), which keeps the interface visible during the fade to black.

Attached below is a patch that makes this change. You'll need to do the same thing in rm140 for the 76' Pacer line.

Edit: I don't know why, but recompiling any change to the rm130 script crashes the game in DOSBox, but not in ScummVM. I'v re-attached a fixed version that works in both.

If recompiling rm140 for the '73 pacer has issues in DOSBox, do this:

Export a clean 140.scr from SCICompanion.
Use a hex editor to find the value 385D03 in the patch file. That's hideControls.
(gGame hideControls:) in byte code is 9 bytes long, so change 385D to 3307 to skip the entire command.

That's the beauty of jmp!

...I didn't thought the header (when greater than 0x80) had any impact...

The problem is that there are extra bytes added to the SCICompanion export, so it can't read the cel count and other info that follows 0x8180 because it's not at the right offset.

I don't think the RLE is the problem; the image is correctly aligned. It looks like your image editor might be changing the palette. Everything looks correct (including moving stars) in the test i did using GIMP. I'd recommend trying a different editing program before anything else.

SCICompanion seems to export this picture with the wrong header. See export.png attached below for a comparison of the same file exported in SCIViewer and SCICompanion. To fix scumm error, replace 0x8180000... with 0x8181

For the palette, make sure you're using the imported bmp palette instead of merging them (see 1.png). I used GIMP for this test, but I believe most translators prefer FotoSCIhop for some reason.

SCI Syntax Help / Re: LSL6 Gravis Ultrasound Audio
« on: February 08, 2025, 12:22:18 PM »
It works fine. I just thought it was odd that it requires the drivers to be in a GK folder. Other non-sierra games find the GUS midi patch folder as defined in the dosbox config - normally C:\ULTRASND

SCI Syntax Help / Re: [SQ6] Issue decompiling
« on: February 07, 2025, 07:30:33 PM »
If the goal is to bypass the intro for testing, why not use the script debugger?

Modify a room you can re-compile to play the video and then TP to it from the 'Where to?'

SCI Syntax Help / Re: LSL6 Gravis Ultrasound Audio
« on: February 07, 2025, 10:23:24 AM »
I was trying the GMGUS drivers, but after your comment I downloaded the GUS32 driver from this page. I ran 'loadpats -ill6.ini', but when I start the game I get:

Error 53: Can't find sound driver 'C:\SIERRA\GKCD\GUSMIDI.DRV'.

Putting the drivers in that folder does work. but I'm not sure it was worth the hassle.

SCI Syntax Help / LSL6 Gravis Ultrasound Audio
« on: February 06, 2025, 11:56:20 PM »
After getting Gravis Ultrasound emulation working in DOSBox for a non-sierra project, I read LSL6 was one of the few games compatible with the card.

I downloaded the sierra GUS drivers from Sierrahelp, but couldn't seem to get it working.

Searching this site didn't turn up much and I couldn't find any youtube videos showing off lsl6 GUS audio. Anyone already do the leg work on this?

I'm curious if it sounds better or worse than the SB audio. GUS seems to be a crapshoot.

I'm still waiting for someone to discover a Japanese version of KQ4 with Harajuku Rosella sprites.

Edit: Also, none of those links mention that if you were able to enter the ogre's house at night and look through the keyhole, the window shows that it's dark outside. Attached below is a patch I made a few years ago that allows you to open the door at night. I forget if the bedroom window is also night or not.

SCI Syntax Help / Re: [SQ4CD] Ending with some missing lines...
« on: January 15, 2025, 05:03:50 PM »
Yes, the KQ5 talkie is different from all the others. The voice lines in KQ5 can be patched with .aud files. Everything else requires rebuilding the entire audio.vol and/or using a diff patch for distributing audio changes - at least AFAIK.

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