SCI Community How To's & Tutorials / Re: LSL6 dark intro scenes with narration and no visible text
« on: Yesterday at 09:55:42 PM »
When it comes down to it, you can use either the SCICompanion decompiler, Eric's repo or Sluice's repo. All three have their strengths and weaknesses. It's understanding how and why they differ, as Kawa explained above, that's important. Using all three together can be really helpful when working on a problems.
I like this idea as an accessibility feature, it should always be shown when text is on.
If sluicebox considers implementing this as official bug fix for ScummVM the code logic might be pseudoCode: [Select]if Subtitles not enabled:
in both 130 and 140.
(gGame hideControls:)
I like this idea as an accessibility feature, it should always be shown when text is on.