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Messages - macca

Pages: [1]
AGI Development Tools / Re: WinAGI Version 2.3.5 - Fixes Game Import Bug
« on: January 25, 2024, 10:20:46 PM »
Version 2.3.5 is available here:

It fixes the bug in earlier versions that caused WinAGI to crash when importing a game.

I can confirm this resolved my issue with Police Quest. Thank you!

AGI Development Tools / Re: WinAGI Version 2.3.4
« on: January 24, 2024, 10:22:07 PM »
BUT, you have identified a very serious bug. The lock up is because of a change I made in 2.3.4 to address different types of text files and how they might indicate end-of-line. I thought that was a straightforward fix, but due to how the import function sets up the globals.txt file, the change causes WinAGI to lock up as you describe.

I am very sorry about that, and will get a fix for it ASAP, probably tonight.

Thanks for your response, and no worries. I just saw the new release and look forward to checking it out. Thanks for your quick fix - and keep up the good work!

AGI Development Tools / Re: WinAGI Version 2.3.4
« on: January 23, 2024, 12:22:47 PM »
I am new to WinAGI and recently downloaded WinAGI 2.3.4.

I was trying to open Police Quest (from GOG) and encountered some errors during load - with the error message
Title: "Errors During Load"
Message: "Some errors in game and/or resource data were encountered."
After clicking the "OK" button to dismiss the alert box, and trying to click a control in the application I get an activity indicator cursor and then WinAGI goes to Not Responding and requires me to close the program.

I could see the following details in the bottom section of WinAGI during the load process.
Warning: "RW08", Description: "View 36 invalid view description pointer", Resource: 36, Line#: --, Module: "View36"
Warning: "DC07", Description: "This block at position 1146 contains no commands", Resource: 1, Line#: 340, Module: "Logic1"
Warning: "DC07", Description: "This block at position 1153 contains no commands", Resource: 1, Line#: 343, Module: "Logic1"
Warning: "DC07", Description: "This block at position 388 contains no commands", Resource: 119, Line#: 130, Module: "Logic119"

As additional reference, I tried to open Police Quest in AGI Studio 1.3.8 and did not encounter any issues. Any assistance would be appreciated.


Pages: [1]

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