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Messages - Crazy_Chicken

Pages: [1]
SCI Development Tools / Old Dos Sierra Game ? King Quest VII
« on: July 07, 2024, 03:20:57 AM »
I am trying to mod one of my favorite games: King?s Quest VII
I thought it might be fun to play around with some of the graphics/audio

I?ve used SCICompanion to browse and extract some of the things I wish to improve. I?ve extracted some sprites/audio and have made some improvements; however when I apply the changes, the game breaks. I get the following message whenever I attempt to run the game with my new edits: Error 42: This game has not been version-stamped

The Error 42 shows up in the following conditions:
1) If I make my changes and run the game through SCIcompanion
2) If I use the ?Repackage Audio? option
3) If I use the ?Rebuild Resources? option, SCIcompanion gives me an error itself saying ? failed with error 2: The system cannot find the file specified?

I don?t know what any of this means, I cant really find an answer to what this is; there doesn?t seem to be anything out there explaining that error code or how to correct it.

At first I thought it was because I used an incompatible graphic/sound format, but I don?t think that?s the case as simply extracting/reinserting untouched assets causes the game to not work. My best guess is that either the devs locked the archive with a hash of some sort, or there is a step I am missing in order to run with these changes.

Anyway, I am at the end of my technical ability; I?ve reached a wall I cannot pass and thought I would reach out here to see if anyone can further assist me on what I am doing wrong. Thank you!

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