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Messages - Chris Cromer

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 78
Mine's a dell as well. Dell Inspiron 2650 laptop.

As for bootdisks, none of the Sierra boot disk programs run, they require autoexec.bat... but XP doesn't have that file. Plus XP doesn't come with DOS in the system. Only a DOS emulator.

Hmmm, anyone besides me wonder if the problems are on XP, XP Pro, or both?

My problem, which is the text in the menu and in the boxes are garbage and can't be read. I am on XP Pro.

I have to use NAGI to play them properly because all of them do it.

Mega Tokyo AGI Archive / Re:V - Arcade Sequences
« on: October 04, 2004, 02:44:29 AM »
My vote probably does not count, but I like them. Although I think a few more would be nice.

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:Quest for the Cheat for DL
« on: September 13, 2004, 06:09:46 PM »

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:Sound Guide
« on: September 05, 2004, 01:41:41 PM »
Well check the game's directory, if there is an install.exe file in there you can run that file to change your configuration. In the sound settings just set the driver you want, in this case sound blaster.

If you don't have install.exe in a certain game's directory, you will probably have to manually modify resource.cfg and change the soundDrv setting to use the driver you need.

If just sound blaster change it to this:

If soundblaster/adlib change it to this:
soundDrv = ADL.DRV

Yes, Brian said to use SCI Studio 3 for now to start your games.

The second part was what I was saying, I was only speaking in general, and if you really want to get into it, there is more involved than just placing the scripts in and having them work. You have to replace the interpreter with a newer one which can use the better graphics. You also have to change the scripts to use the point and click system, although, the ega version can have point and click as well, so if you put point in click in the script all you have to do is convert it rather than code it from scratch when 4 is released. You also need to move all the resources into the new resource for the new interpreter. You will probably have to tweak some scripts as they might not work with the newer SCI interpeters, or they might not work with the default scripts that are required by that interpreter.

What he should be focusing on is getting the scripts going, working on story line, and creating various resources like sounds, fonts, etc.

Anyway, as I already said, I was only speaking in general. I wasn't trying to get into detail, but you totally spoiled that by disecting what I said. ;)

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:Heheh... :D
« on: August 29, 2004, 09:57:46 PM »
Sorry about that your right... I just woke up when I posted that. ::)

Yes, Brian has said that he wants people to start making their games in SCI Studio 3. Then when SCI Studio 4 is released all they can use the same scripts, and just replace the graphics with better  graphics.

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:Heheh... :D
« on: August 29, 2004, 07:23:15 PM »
A release date is not set. It is only August so there are still 1/4th of the year left that it could be released on. 4 months. Anyway, stop focusing on making the release date farther away, it will be release when it's finished.

« on: August 29, 2004, 07:20:41 PM »
He gets tons of mail, so it takes him a while to sift through it all so please be patient. And just donating doesn't get you the beta, you have to actually mention to him when donating that you would like the beta. So if you didn't mention it when you donated, please send him an email asking for it.

And that e-mail, and this board, are the only 2 ways to contact him.

Paypal should handle different types of currency if I am not mistaken. So it might be able to give you some clue as to the ammount you need to send.

And Brian is that $10 Canadian? ;)

« on: August 28, 2004, 07:25:41 AM »
There is no set date, there is no approximate date, there is nothing to indicate when it will be released. You as well as everyone else here including myself will just have to be patient and wait.

« on: August 23, 2004, 10:57:41 PM »
hay will the forth version of SCI Studio be bale to support higher graphics such as 4096 colours and be able to have better pixel quality.
It will support all SCI games, including the 32bit ones. So the answer is sort of yes... not 4096 exactly, though... more.

also will there be a mutltiplayer function
It depends on if any of the SCI Interpreters have it. If you use the SCI interpreter that was used for the imagination network, then it should theoretically be possible.

how far is this version going and when do you expect a release date as i am very anxious to get into it
There is not release date set, it will be released when Brian is finished, so please don't ask anymore about the release date or it's progress, he will let us know what's going on in the news on his site.

are there any beta testing versions that i can have and if so can i have one to help find the bugs and stuff
You can get a beta copy by making a donation to Brian through paypal(he doesn't give it for like $5 and such though, so if your going to donate, don't think you can donate like a dollar and then get a copy, you have to donate a decent ammount to get it), otherwise no, you cannot get a copy before anyone else.

Mega Tokyo AGI Archive / Re:V Project Update
« on: August 23, 2004, 09:16:54 PM »
Hi Chris.

Back in Decemeber 2002, my site crashed and my forum and the v forum where both lost due to a lack of backups.
Do you want me to create a new message board in it's place?

A new forum would be superb.  8)

The board is set up, just register and I will give you admin powers.

Mega Tokyo AGI Archive / Re:V Project Update
« on: August 23, 2004, 06:27:51 PM »
Back in Decemeber 2002, my site crashed and my forum and the v forum where both lost due to a lack of backups.

Do you want me to create a new message board in it's place?

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