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Topics - Chris Cromer

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Mega Tokyo AGI Archive / MOVED: Help us save the Adventure Game genre
« on: July 27, 2004, 05:05:07 AM »
While it may be adventure game related, this board is about AGI games... so I think the general board would be better for this topic.;action=display;threadid=6437

Mega Tokyo AGI Archive / Encrypted object files
« on: January 20, 2004, 05:10:52 AM »
I have been playing around with reading the object file in php. So far I have the ability to tell the difference between an encrypted object file and a normal one. Although it doesn't check if it is an AGDS object file or not.

But I am having trouble with figureing out how to decrypt it after I have determined it is encrypted. The docs say something about:
XOR each element of those eleven bytes with the corresponding element in the string "Avis Durgan"

What exactly is "XOR" and how do I go about decrypting it?

And before anyone says that since I am a moderator of the AGI board I should know this... bite me. :P I know AGI's scripting language. But what I don't know is the interpreters inner workings and the format the data is stored in and encrypted, which is what I am attempting to learn now.

Mega Tokyo AGI Archive / MOVED: Demo Quest????
« on: December 20, 2003, 01:53:13 PM »
I moved it to the SCI board because it's a SCI game.;action=display;threadid=5134

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Sound in SCI EGA
« on: September 11, 2003, 10:01:29 AM »
What's the biggest sound resource the SCI EGA interpreter can handle? When I am trying to load this sound I made from a midi, SCI Studio gives an error saying it's too big for the SCI interpreter to handle.

So I got to wondering what's the biggest size it can handle? And is there anyway to load the sound into my game? Or can I get somebody to cut it down(I didn't make the midi... so I don't have any tools to change it).

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Actors
« on: August 29, 2003, 10:45:52 AM »
I am having a bit of a problem with what I want to do with an actor.

I have 2 views of an actor, and when the user types a command in it changes to the second view... but the problem is that I want it to change back to the first view once it reaches the end of the second view's loop.

Here is what I have so far:

Code: [Select]
Battle script
(include "")
(include "")
(script 100)
(use "controls")
(use "cycle")
(use "door")
(use "feature")
(use "game")
(use "inv")
(use "main")
(use "obj")
(instance public rm100 of Rm
      picture scriptNumber
      north 0
      east 0
      south 0
      west 0
   (method (init)

            posn(60 170)
            posn(270 189)
(instance RoomScript of Script
   (method (handleEvent pEvent)
        (var dyingScript)

         * Handle the possible said phrases here *
                posn(51 170)
//(send gGame:changeScore(1))
            = dyingScript ScriptID(DYING_SCRIPT)
            (send dyingScript:
                register("You press the self detonation button.")
            (send gGame:setScript(dyingScript))
// Death scythe instances
(instance deathscythe_stand of Act
        view 1

(instance deathscythe_shoot of Act
        view 6

// Epyon instances
(instance epyon_stand of Act
        view 15

I am making the deathscythe shoot which is the second view... it animates just fine and stops at the end of the loop. But I can't for the life of me figure out how to tell if the loop is done or not so that I can change it back to his "standby" picture for when he is standing still. :-\

Mega Tokyo AGI Archive / MOVED: Larry 8
« on: July 25, 2003, 03:09:39 PM »
This isn't reall AGI or SCI, they are just petitioning to make a new game, no telling what engine it would be in.;action=display;threadid=4215

Mega Tokyo AGI Archive / MOVED: My agi sci board
« on: June 24, 2003, 07:27:55 PM »
This is not really an AGI/SCI board... it does have a section in it for it though... more appropriate in off-topic I think.;action=display;threadid=4020

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Template game bug
« on: March 17, 2003, 10:49:26 AM »
There is a bug in

It uses a hard coded value for the normal speed instead of the variable.

Change this:


Mega Tokyo AGI Archive / AGI game archive
« on: January 20, 2003, 08:55:24 PM »
Alright I have started rebuilding the AGI game archive, I would like to know though, what features do you think the old one was missing, and give me suggestions on new features you would like to see.

Also I would like to note that this version of the game uploader will be built into the message board/site instead of being a seperate site in another directory.

Right now the new game archive can be found at

As you can see I am going to be building both the AGI and SCI game uploader into 1 thing.

Mega Tokyo AGI Archive / Star Commander
« on: October 25, 2002, 04:05:19 AM »;action=show

Hey guys, somebody uploaded this game last night. I played it for a bit and this games graphics are awesome and a must see. Go check it out. :)

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