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Topics - Chris Cromer

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Mega Tokyo AGI Archive / Sierra...
« on: October 04, 2002, 08:26:32 AM »

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Problem with SCI VGA view
« on: September 07, 2002, 09:32:04 AM »
I have been having a problem with a specefic view in the SCI VGA view editor, after I save it, the second cel in this view gets distorted a bit at the bottom, no matter how many times I fix it and save it, when I load it again the distortion is back.

The view is at

Anyway to get past this? All of my other views work just fine, this is the only view that does this.

Proabably a bug in the view editor, so hopefully it will be fixed.

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / SCI VGA Pics
« on: September 06, 2002, 03:29:18 PM »
I am curious, isn't SCI VGA pics a sort of bmp type format instead of vector format?

I think I heard something about it using this, except for the priority and the control screen though.

Mega Tokyo AGI Archive / AGI & SCI news
« on: August 16, 2002, 06:25:46 PM »
I am looking for a moderator or 2 for the board at

Basically you would have to post news about things in the AGI and SCI community, if anyone would like to volunteer please reply to this, and if I feel you are qualified I will let you become a moderator(which will give you power to post new AGI or SCI news articles which will appear on the news scripts:

Mega Tokyo AGI Archive / 3 new games
« on: August 06, 2002, 04:29:10 AM »
I found 3 new games that I have never seen before.

The Adventures of a Crazed Hermit
and Al Pond

the first 2 are demos, but the third is a complete game. All of these where uploaded to

Has anyone seen these games before?

Well anyway, everybody go check them out.

Mega Tokyo AGI Archive /
« on: August 05, 2002, 07:44:07 AM »
Apparently my site has gone down, sorry for the inconveneince. I am not sure when it will be back up, but I am going to contact my host and find out what is going on.

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / SCI Game Uploading
« on: June 26, 2002, 08:39:18 AM »
Well yall can now upload your SCI games to my server just like yall where able to do with AGI games.

You can also download everybodies SCI games from there.

Enjoy! :)

Mega Tokyo AGI Archive / Chris's AGI Web Site Update...
« on: June 25, 2002, 03:26:47 PM »
My site has gone down... and so has the site for my hosting company... hopefully it will be back up soon. But until then sorry that it isn't up and running.

Mega Tokyo AGI Archive / Out of town
« on: June 01, 2002, 05:59:20 PM »
I will be going out of town for a week or 2. I need somebody to take care of the AGI & SCI news for me while I am gone. If anyone would like to volunteer, please click here, and respond to that message.

I will choose somebody that posted in the thread tomorrow, out of all the people who want to help and that person will be given privelages to take care of the news system.

Mega Tokyo AGI Archive / AGI game uploading
« on: May 23, 2002, 08:03:52 AM »
Well I have been working on and AGI game uploader/browser.

What I have done so far is at

I just put those 2 games there for testing, but everything appears to be functional. All of the data about the game is stored in an mysql database. It also has an approval system so that way it won't allow downloading of games until they have been approved by the admin(me). This is to ensure that nobody gets any viruses by downloading the games, and to make sure nobody uploaded more than 1 copy of a game.

Uploading still isn't finished and the actual zip files aren't uploaded yet, but everything else works.

Go ahead try it out, tell me what you think and give me ways to improve it.

Mega Tokyo AGI Archive / AGI News
« on: May 18, 2002, 03:24:22 PM »
I have set up a new system not only for my site but for AGI in general at

This will hopefully for now on be the leading source of news for the AGI community. Go ahead check it out comment on the news read the comments just try it out and tell me what you guys think.

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / SCI News
« on: May 18, 2002, 03:16:26 PM »
I have set up an SCI news system at

I would bookmark this page, hopefully it will become a good news resource for SCI.

Also Brian, I want to know if you want to be a moderator for the news. This will allow you to post news about SCI and the news will appear on the scinews.php when you post it.

Mega Tokyo AGI Archive / Major update at Chris's AGI Web Site
« on: May 09, 2002, 07:21:18 PM »
Well everybody, I have been working on integrating my site with other things such as my message board(next I will add the chat room)

Go check out the new news system which is run by the message board at

Also I added member functions to the menu. I also plan on adding member sections to my site so if you are a member you will have access to things that nonmembers don't have access to.

Well anyway this is all happening at so go check it out.

Please be sure to add a few comments to the news(I want to get yall to fully test it to make sure it works the way it should). But if you don't just want to test it you can drop me a line or reply to what I said in the news.

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Windows and Text resources.
« on: April 21, 2002, 11:08:47 AM »
Ok the question I have is, I have a window set up and it works just fine with the Display statement. The thing is though I would rather use a text resource to display the text that should be in the window. This would make it a little easier to make windows if it used the text resources instead of the Display command. I don't seem to know how to make it use the text from the text resource which has been bugging me.

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