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Messages - MusicallyInspired

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That has occurred to me, too, but are there any SCI1.0 games with a PCM sound embedded one of its sound resources?

Sure. Any SCI1.0 game with digital sounds. Like SQ1VGA, LSL1VGA, PQ3, and Longbow for example.

Well, soon we'll have such a tool ;)


SCI Development Tools / Re: SCI1 Sound Resource Format
« on: July 31, 2022, 04:38:35 PM »
Technically, in SCI1+ sound resources there are tracks, channels, and devices. All three. Standard MID files support multiple tracks as well that can point to the same channel. But standard MID files don't support devices. I think that's what it's referring to. Tracks =/= channels and tracks =/= devices. They're all unique. SCI0 sounds don't support multiple tracks per channel so its tracks really are just channels.

According to SQ3 sound resources viewed in SCI Viewer, Bit 2 is indeed PC Speaker.

The MT-32 by default operates on channels 2-10 (this can be changed to 1-8 + 10). But it always uses channel 10 for percussion.

I assume the sound spec is referring to MIDI channels counting from 0 because that's more programmer-esque (and I believe Ravi's SoundBox tool counts the MIDI channels from 0-15. EDIT: It does).

This brings to mind that one tool we're still missing is something that amends a PCM audio sample to a SCI1.0 sound resource. NRS made one for SCI0 sounds, but that obviously doesn't help with SCI1.0.

I'm not an artist but I'm eagerly anticipating this!!

SCI Development Tools / Re: Convert SCI0 vocab to SCI1 vocab?
« on: July 28, 2022, 06:40:13 AM »
Wow that's wonderful!

SCI Development Tools / Re: Convert SCI0 vocab to SCI1 vocab?
« on: July 22, 2022, 05:26:49 PM »
I'm glad to hear that it worked!

Regarding the sound issue, I might give a hand here, to automate the manual work needed, but I don't really understand the problem definition.
I have done some work on ScummVM's sound code, but I never touched the sound format itself.

Can you refer me to specs, if any exists, of the old and new formats? Examples of game or two that uses each format?
And what happened to loop points in the new format?
And I didn't understand the comment regarding # of voices channels.

Here is the SCI Sound format specifications by Ravi Iyengar. It's more focused on SCI0 sounds and Amiga and Macintosh SCI1 sounds for some reason. There's no information about standard SCI1 sound resource specs that I could find. I do know the difference between SCI0 and SCI1+ sound resources aren't much but among them is that SCI1 sounds can have multiple tracks per channel which makes it easier to assign instruments to different music devices because you can assign multiple music device instruments using their own tracks to a single MIDI channel. The interpreter just ignores the other tracks for the music devices not being used. SCI0 sounds can only have one track per channel so you're limited to 15 tracks and have to share notation with other music devices (Adlib and MT-32 for instance).

As for the "# of voices" thing, part of the SCI sound resource specification is to assign an "initial voices" value to each channel. This is a value that SCI reads and tells the Adlib music device specifically how many voices can sound at the same time. Adlib is limited to 8-voice polyphony and no more (unless you use the SBPRO driver which is stereo OPL3 and you have 16-voice polyphony instead). So each Adlib dedicated track/channel must have an initial voices value set to properly control the polyphony. Ravi's "SoundBox" was a program he wrote to convert MIDI files to SCI0 sound resources and it allows the user to assign the "initial voices" value for each channel. This feature is not implemented in SCI Companion because it was designed mainly around GM MIDI import only and never really considered other music devices.

As for loop/cue points, I'm not sure exactly what has changed there. I would assume it was the same. However, Collector was suggesting that one extract the SCI sound resources to MIDI and then reconvert them to SCI1 sound resources. This process wipes the cue and loop information because they don't have a standard MIDI format equivalent. Hence they'd have to be re-implemented by hand. Having a proper converter to convert SCI0 sound resources to SCI1+'s format would negate this issue. I've looked into it but my code fu is weak.

SCI Development Tools / Re: Convert SCI0 vocab to SCI1 vocab?
« on: July 21, 2022, 01:08:24 AM »
The only other obstacle here would be updating the Sound files to a format that's compatible with the newer interpreter. SCICompanion doesn't correctly support creation of sound resources that work with the earliest SCI1 interpreters.

Export as MIDI and reimport?

Another problem is that currently there is no way to assign # of voices values to channels for SCI1+ sound resources (Adlib needs this). And you'd have to reimplement all the cue & loop points by hand.

Well.done, everybody! Wow!

Everything-Else / Re: A Curious Facebook Suggestion
« on: April 20, 2022, 01:35:23 AM »
Yeah I didn't have a clue about that or who that was. That's pretty random though lol.

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