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Messages - CTxCB

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SCI Development Tools / Re: SCI0 / SCI1 Sounds to MIDI?
« on: July 04, 2016, 01:20:13 PM »
Try copying the files to a SCI1 game's folder, and opening it in SV.exe.
For example, when I try that, and I play the MIDI file in Mixcraft, my MIDI-Editing Suite, instead of playing the notes normally, it's as if the sustain is on and it doesn't stop playing the note, it doesn't happen with SoundToMIDI and The Hoyle Vol. I & II Music with Mixcraft. Just SV.EXE, it also seems as if it extracts MIDI information that isn't needed, or garbage.

SCI Development Tools / Re: SCI0 / SCI1 Sounds to MIDI?
« on: July 04, 2016, 12:16:12 PM »
Sadly, though, SV.EXE doesn't have support for LSCI (Large-Scale SCI) which was created by Jeff Stephenson to manage the networking for The Sierra Network, which later became The ImagiNation Network once AT&T bought half of the service. I so wanted to learn to play the map theme for INN. :'(

Here's an archive with all the SND files from INN:
Thanks for those. It's much appreciated, now to only find a way to convert them to MIDI files.

SCI Development Tools / Re: SCI0 / SCI1 Sounds to MIDI?
« on: July 04, 2016, 12:15:23 PM »
The SCI Sound Utilities can. It uses an updated SoundToMidi that Gumby did. You can also do it in bulk.
Yes, it can... But not for me. I'm unable to run SoundToMIDI because it is a 16-Bit Program because I'm using a 64-Bit version of Windows. As I quote from the error window: "Unsupported 16-Bit Application: The program or feature 'Snd2MIDI.EXE' cannot start or run due to incompatibility with 64-bit versions of Windows. Please contact the software vendor to ask if a 64-bit Windows compatible version is available."

That's the original version (Snd2MIDI), I ported this to a 32 bit application (SoundToMIDI).  Bad choice of naming on my part, it's not very clear.  You can grab the SCI Sound Utilities here:
So, uh, The theme tune to Hoyle Vol. I & II (sound.010) worked fine converting with that and there were no problems, but it only works on SCI0 sounds, I have no way to convert SCI1+ sounds, such as the theme tune to Hoyle Vol. III (800.snd), or the music for INN which also has the xxx.snd format. What do I use for those?

SCI Development Tools / Re: SCI0 / SCI1 Sounds to MIDI?
« on: July 04, 2016, 06:29:29 AM »
I use DOSBox to run 16-bit DOS apps like the Sierra SCI interpreters. I run Windows 3.11 -in- DOSBox to run old Win apps. And I run Windows 98 in VirtualBox for old 16-bit Win apps that won't accept 3.11.

So which of these is SoundToMIDI?
Ah, I'll try that out in a bit. SV.EXE seems to be useless with the task at hand.

SCI Development Tools / Re: SCI0 / SCI1 Sounds to MIDI?
« on: July 04, 2016, 06:10:00 AM »
I use DOSBox and/or VirtualBox in those cases.
How do I use DOSBox to get all the MIDI Music Channels? I've tried SV.EXE but it's weird and although the tracks are fine, they do weird things like one track seems to build up notes instead of them stopping once finished, making a horrible mess. My side-plan of doing this was to remix the Hoyle I Theme with the Hoyle III Theme in one song, I made something interesting, but not in a good way. Also, another problem here with INN in specific, is that the game doesn't connect anymore because obviously all the servers and stuff are dead now, so I can't get the map music that way.

SCI Development Tools / Re: SCI0 / SCI1 Sounds to MIDI?
« on: July 04, 2016, 05:16:18 AM »
SV can do it. I use it myself. And I use its command-line counterpart for mass ops.
Use SV V1 to export to MIDI. The latest version (that has a separate EXEs for GUI and command line) has a bug with music playback and doesn't play all channels properly (exporting has the same problem).
Thanks, I'll finally be able to learn to play the theme tune to the first two games in the Hoyle Franchise (Since they both have the same theme tune, along with most of the same artwork). Sadly, though, SV.EXE doesn't have support for LSCI (Large-Scale SCI) which was created by Jeff Stephenson to manage the networking for The Sierra Network, which later became The ImagiNation Network once AT&T bought half of the service. I so wanted to learn to play the map theme for INN. :'(

The SCI Sound Utilities can. It uses an updated SoundToMidi that Gumby did. You can also do it in bulk.
Yes, it can... But not for me. I'm unable to run SoundToMIDI because it is a 16-Bit Program because I'm using a 64-Bit version of Windows. As I quote from the error window: "Unsupported 16-Bit Application: The program or feature 'Snd2MIDI.EXE' cannot start or run due to incompatibility with 64-bit versions of Windows. Please contact the software vendor to ask if a 64-bit Windows compatible version is available."

SCI Development Tools / SCI0 / SCI1 Sounds to MIDI?
« on: July 01, 2016, 03:29:16 PM »
I've tried SoundBox, which doesn't export to MIDI. Is there a modern program I can use to do this?

The Games and other Sierra Adventure stuff / Re: No-Shirt Developer(s)
« on: November 18, 2015, 07:27:00 AM »
You don't have to rethink it. Phil and I already did that for you. You can do your CCTV thing and have it recognizable as a CCTV thing, even without noise effects. What makes video footage CCTV footage? The grayscales? The particular overlay things like "CAM1 (KITCHEN)"? Just because it has little to no scanlines and no noise at all doesn't mean it can't be instantly recognized as anything but CCTV footage if you have the grayscales and labels.

Practical example: Duke Nukem 3D has security cameras and monitors. If you activate a monitor, you're shown the scene as seen from the cameras linked to that monitor. There's no special effects involved -- no scanlines, no grain, not even a grayscale filter -- but the very fact that there are white corner brackets and a blinking REC makes it scream "these are CCTV images". The only real special effect here is that if you step back again, the monitor texture still shows the camera footage.
I'm thinking that I'm going to do it the view way, as in have a 2 to 8-Cel Loop (haven't decided on length) that has noise and static, scanlines, Video Tearing, etc., and then overlay the information, like time, location and such as their own Loop, to allow for little bits of animation on that too. Since there's going to be thunder / lightning, I might alternate between two sets of 2 to 8-Cel Loops, one with additional lighting and the other without. Credits will then be their own Loop in the same view (Credits similar to Laura Bow II: The Dagger of Amon Ra). And hopefully, I'll have one view for the intro scene... Instead of having lots of views, I'm trying to consolidate it into as little as possible.

The Games and other Sierra Adventure stuff / Re: No-Shirt Developer(s)
« on: November 18, 2015, 06:03:35 AM »
Or you could sit back and rethink your plans.

I know I have. Heck, I know Al Lowe and Roberta Williams have.
I'm willing to regarding other areas of the game, but this Intro scene... I'm not sure how I'd rethink it. It fits in with the plot of the game too well to let it go.

The Games and other Sierra Adventure stuff / Re: No-Shirt Developer(s)
« on: November 18, 2015, 05:05:31 AM »
Can't remember. But I'm wondering how timing would be done on a .SEQ File with with regular SCI sound methods.
You don't time it at all.

Like I said, the actual conversation in KQ6's intro, between Valanice and Alexander, is done mostly with regular views and pictures, and the SEQ files for that shot only serve to do the larger animations like Valanice entering and leaving. The other use is for large dramatic moving-camera shots, and the only sound then is background music.

Also, my SEQ file creation tool doesn't work quite right and is very cheap about compressing the frame data.
Well, it seems as though I'll need to do a whole scene as a .SEQ to implement some of the effects I'll need, as they're constant, that or randomly switch between .SEQ(s). It does involve large chunks of animation.

The Games and other Sierra Adventure stuff / Re: No-Shirt Developer(s)
« on: November 18, 2015, 04:47:55 AM »
Looking at the opening to King's Quest VI (I've never actually watched the Introduction to that game), I see that the .SEQ files have voice acting? Can .SEQ Files hold audio files or timing for when an audio file should be played? Or is it just some elaborate code that knows when these events should happen in the .SEQ File and plays them to match? I'd love to know!
Didn't I already say that all the audio for the DOS intro is done with regular SCI sound methods?
Can't remember. But I'm wondering how timing would be done on a .SEQ File with with regular SCI sound methods.

The Games and other Sierra Adventure stuff / Re: No-Shirt Developer(s)
« on: November 18, 2015, 03:33:34 AM »
How do I limit the game to a VGA Palette?

Not sure I understand that sentence. The game is VGA. It can use any palette.

My idea is to take a real image (creative commons) and then try to convert it to VGA, and see what that's like, then work on drawing something from that, or if it's good enough then I might use it instead.
What I meant to say is that I want to limit Paint.NET to a VGA Palette. How do I do that? The same one that SCI1.1 Games use.

The Games and other Sierra Adventure stuff / Re: No-Shirt Developer(s)
« on: November 18, 2015, 03:05:57 AM »
Also, I've installed Paint.NET to do images for my SCI1.1 Game. How do I limit the game to a VGA Palette? My idea is to take a real image (creative commons) and then try to convert it to VGA, and see what that's like, then work on drawing something from that, or if it's good enough then I might use it instead.

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: Things that bug me
« on: November 18, 2015, 02:43:18 AM »
As long as copy+paste doesn't carry the carriage returns into it's destination.

The large image creating horizontal and vertical scroll bars in the post IS annoying, though. It should scale the image down to the size of the post window. There should be no scroll bars inside a post area at all, really. Except for code, I guess.
Yeah, that DEFINITELY is more annoying. I think the thing about going back to the sub-board after writing your post is equally annoying, because maybe you want to re-read replies or make a second reply in the topic. About the Code-Thing, maybe I'm trying to make there be no vertical scrollbars, because I just think they are annoying, they lose immersion of the forum experience. :P

The Games and other Sierra Adventure stuff / Re: No-Shirt Developer(s)
« on: November 18, 2015, 02:39:51 AM »
Looking at the opening to King's Quest VI (I've never actually watched the Introduction to that game), I see that the .SEQ files have voice acting? Can .SEQ Files hold audio files or timing for when an audio file should be played? Or is it just some elaborate code that knows when these events should happen in the .SEQ File and plays them to match? I'd love to know!

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