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Messages - Daventry

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The Games and other Sierra Adventure stuff / Re: Rare SCI Games
« on: February 10, 2023, 05:02:53 AM »
Hi Threepwang
Check your personal email. There is a link to the version you need.

SCI Development Tools / Re: Decompilation Archive
« on: December 14, 2021, 04:01:07 AM »
When you will decompile the Police Quest 3, pay attention that there is a serious error in the English VGA version. The game is impassable. If on the morning of the sixth day you do not give the locket to Marie and come to the Judge with it, then the Judge requires another third piece of evidence. And on this dialogue, the game hangs deadly. The error is missing in other versions: German, Spanish, English EGA. Here is the code of this place. Skipped line (= seconds 10).

(instance givenTwo of rmnScript
   (method (changeState newState)
      (switch (= state newState)
         (0 (iEgo init:) (= cycles 1))
            (= save1 1)
            (proc0_16 iEgo 44 15)
            (= seconds 9)
            (if global25 (global25 dispose:))
            (iEgo dispose:)
            (= cycles 1)
            (if (not (global0 has: 37))
               (client setScript: givenThree)
               (= cycles 1)
         (4 (ijudge init:) (= cycles 1))
            (= save1 1)
            (proc0_16 ijudge 44 16)
//(= seconds 10) --- missed line
            (if global25 (global25 dispose:))
            (ijudge dispose:)
            (self dispose:)

SCI Syntax Help / Re: SCI0 - Pic Size Maximum?
« on: December 10, 2021, 06:16:29 AM »
Max 64 Kb

SCI Development Tools / Re: Message file format?
« on: March 12, 2021, 01:06:33 AM »
you already asked about the messages. Here's the discussion.
The official documentation is only available for version 4000+, thanks to Overmor. There are three versions of messages in total: 2000+, 3000+, 4000+. Here are my notes, I made them for myself. Sorry about the English. This is a Google translation.
* .msg
Game messages. Basic files for translation.
Three slightly different versions are known. Not too important, but still.
There is no exact numbering and changes made over time in the public domain (in any case, I did not find). Therefore, somewhat tentatively, I number them as follows:
version 2000, 3000, 4000.

1. Version 2000 (number within a specific message file> = 2000 <3000).
Block 1 - file header, size = 8 bytes
Offset Size Description
00 2 Message file identifier, equal to 0x8F or 0x0F
(in some cases, when numbering a specific type of resource, the base value 0x80 is used,
which is added to the identifier, for example 0x0F + 0x80, we end up with the identifier 0x8F)
02 4 Version number (0x00000835 = 2101, but optional, there are other numbers in the range from 2000 to 3000,
for example, the diskette versions of EQ1 contain numbers 2100, 2101, 2110, 2054)
06 2 Number of messages in the file

Block 2 - message addresses, size = 4 bytes
Offset Size Description
00 1 Noun (noun)
01 1 Verb (verb)
02 2 Address of the message text ("address" = "this value" + 2)

Block 3 - the messages themselves
Offset Size Description
00 variable Message in text format, ends with 0

Block 4 - developer comments (not used in the game) and this block may be absent altogether
Offset Size Description
00 2 Always 0 (?), Destination unknown
02 variable Comment in text format, ends with 0

2. Version 3000 (number within a specific message file> = 3000 <4000).
Block 1 - file header, size = 10 bytes
Offset Size Description
00 2 Message file identifier, equal to 0x8F or 0x0F
02 4 Version number (0x00000d53 = 3411, optional, for example, numbers 3300, 3340, 3400 are found in QfG1vga)
06 2 Pointer to first byte AFTER text data, start of block 4 ("address" = "this value" + 8 bytes).
In fact, this is the file size WITHOUT comments
08 2 Number of messages in file

Block 2 - message addresses, size = 10 bytes
Offset Size Description
00 1 Noun (noun) (which object the action is performed on, the list is in the corresponding .hep file)
01 1 Verb (verb) (which action, i.e. which pictogram is selected in the menu or item from the inventory)
02 1 Case (state, position, condition)
03 1 Sequence (sequence, several consecutive message windows can be called)
04 1 Talker
05 2 Message address ("real addr." = "This addr." + 2)
07 3 Meaning unclear

Block 3 - the messages themselves
Offset Size Description
00 variable Message in text format, ends with 0

Block 4 - comments (most likely missing)

3. Version 4000 (number within a specific message file> = 4000 <= 5000).
Block 1 - file header, size = 12 bytes
Offset Size Description
00 2 Message file identifier, equal to 0x8F or 0x0F
02 4 Version number (0x00000faa = 4010, optional such value)
06 2 Pointer to first byte AFTER text data, start of block 4 ("address" = "this value" + 8 bytes).
In fact, this is the file size WITHOUT comments
08 2 Number of the last message. Why it is needed is unclear.
Almost always more than the number of messages (in the next variable).
0A 2 Number of messages in file

Block 2 - message addresses, size = 11 bytes
Offset Size Description
00 1 Noun (noun) (which object the action is performed on, the list is in the corresponding .hep file)
01 1 Verb (verb) (which action, i.e. which pictogram is selected in the menu or item from the inventory)
02 1 Case (Condition)
03 1 Sequence (sequence, several consecutive message windows can be called)
04 1 Talker
05 2 Message address ("real addr." = "This addr." + 2)
07 1 Noun of referenced message (next 4 values, this is a reference to some other message)
08 1 Verb of referenced message
09 1 Condition of referenced message
0A 1 Sequence of referenced message (not really used in the game, probably introduced "just in case" :))

Block 3 - the messages themselves
Offset Size Description
00 variable Message in text format, ends with 0

Block 4 - developer comments (not used in the game), this block may not be available at all
Offset Size Description
00 variable Comment in text format, ends with 0
.. 6 The meaning is unclear, the 6th byte is always 0

It can be seen that the format did not change too much. First, the combination Noun + Verb was used, then Case and Sequence were added,
and at the end also the reference values ​​Noun, Verb, Case.
This system works as follows. When the player clicks on something, a "verb", "noun" pair is generated.
The cursor type is a verb, the object on the screen is a noun. For example, we click the "eye" on the "door". Generated by: DOOR LOOK, translated into appropriate
numerical values ​​4 1, a condition is added, if the state of the door or the environment is not important, then 4 1 0. If the door can be opened or closed, or
for example, night has come and this is significant, then there will be a corresponding number of "conditions". Then you don't even need to code anything, just the message is searched
with the corresponding codes. Several messages may appear in the same situation. Sequence indicates the sequence number of the message in the chain.
The combination of noun-verb-case-sequence for each "room" is unique.
The reference values ​​are introduced in order not to duplicate (when it happens) the same message, i.e. in several different messages the text is empty, but a link is given
for one (common for these situations) message.
A value of 0 is always interpreted as ALL, i.e. any verb, any noun, any condition. Items in the inventory are verbs. For example, "knife"
you have to understand how "act with a knife on ..."

Default values.
0 1 2 3 4
97 98 99
In a particular game, these values ​​can be redefined, for example in KQ6 "DO" is number 5.

A little about the TraduSCI format (SCIaMano). Enrico Rolfi figured out how to preserve the original messages when translating. He added
block 5, storing the original messages and block 2a (between 2 and 3), there is a signature and some service information.

AGI Development Tools / Re: Russian translation / AGDS tool?
« on: February 18, 2021, 05:05:03 AM »
Commands are supported in both Russian and English. This is exactly what you can see from the dictionary. Before the game, the file is loaded. This is a Russian keyboard driver. To enter commands in Russian mode, you need to press the 'right CTRL' once.
'Look' is an English word:).
In the font, the English letters are replaced with Russian ones. I am not personally acquainted with the translator and I do not know the details. I did not work with the agi engine at all, only with the SCI.
In the dictionary
"issledui" , "izuyi" , "look", "pohupai" , "pokawi" , "posmotri" , "posmotri na", "proyti" , "yitai"
In the game you will see.
исследуй, изучи, look, покупай, покажи, посмотри, посмотри на, прочти, читай

AGI Development Tools / Re: Russian translation / AGDS tool?
« on: February 18, 2021, 12:33:31 AM »
2 ZvikaZ
I have all the Russian translations of agi games. Between 90 and 95 years, the following games were translated: King's Quest II, King's Quest III, Space Quest, Space Quest II, Police Quest, Leisure Suit Larry 1, Black Cauldron. In 2009 was translated King's Quest I . The commands are entered usually in Russian. This is due to the fact that the agi engine supports only 7-bit fonts (the lower part of the ASCII table), so the English font was completely replaced by Russian.  But in some games, you can also enter commands in English. A keyboard driver is included with the game. Switching to the Russian/English - right Ctrl.
For example link,1613806934/pc/police_quest_in_pursuit_of_the_death_angel/files/Police_Quest_EGA_RUS.rar

The link doesn't work.

SCI Development Tools / Re: Changing message - fails
« on: January 22, 2021, 12:16:45 AM »
The version of messages 2000 is used in Ecoquest1 floppy.
These three unknown bytes in version 3000 can be anything. This can be reserved for future use. For example, for reference noun, verb, case. Or it can be a far link to audio resources. Or it's a timestamp to mark when a message was edited.

SCI Development Tools / Re: Changing message - fails
« on: January 21, 2021, 08:21:55 AM »
Thank you very much. It works correctly.

SCI Development Tools / Re: Changing message - fails
« on: January 20, 2021, 12:35:17 AM »
Version 3000 (number inside a specific message file >= 3000 < 4000).
Block 1 - file header, size = 10 bytes
Offset  Size (in byte) Description
00 .......... 2 ....... Message file ID, equal to 0x8F or 0x0F
02 .......... 4 ....... Version of msg file (0x00000d53 = 3411, optionally, for example, in QfG1vga. I've noticed 3300, 3340, 3400)
06 .......... 2 ....... A pointer to the first byte AFTER the text data, the beginning of block 4 ("address" = "this value" + 8 bytes).
In fact, this is the size of the file WITHOUT comments
08 .......... 2 ....... Number (count) of messages in the file

Block 2 - message addresses, size = 10 bytes
Offset Size Description
00 .......... 1 ....... Noun (on which object the action is performed, the list is located in the corresponding one .hep file)
01 .......... 1 ....... Verb  (what action, ie. what icon is selected in a menu or an item from inventory)
02 .......... 1 ....... Case (state, condition)
03 .......... 1 ....... Sequence (the order may be invoked multiple consecutive message boxes)
04 .......... 1 ....... Talker (Who is talking)
05 .......... 2 ....... Message address ("real adr." = " this adr." + 2)
07 .......... 3 ....... Unknown

Block 3 - the messages themselves
Offset      Size           Description
00 .......... variable ... Message in text format, ends with 0

Block 4 - Developer comments (most likely missing)
In theory, it should be, but I really did not meet the files of version 3000 with comments

Correction.  File 815.msg from the official patch QFG1VGA has comments.

SCI Development Tools / Re: Changing message - fails
« on: January 19, 2021, 01:47:22 AM »
I think there are three possible solutions to the problem.
1. Use the Enrico Rolfi's utility to edit messages.
2. Change message.cpp
At least uncomment the line
//MessageWriteTo_3411(message, byteStream);
Add a function MessageWriteTo_3411() and recompile SCIcompanion.
3. Write your own message editor or export to a message file.

I have already given a link to the Spanish translation. QFG1 has never been translated officially.

I don't have any Hebrew translations. I would appreciate a link.

Here is a list of translations that I have.
Authors of fan French translations: Threepwang and Hrvg.

Official traslations:
Betrayal in Antara, Eco Quest 1, Eco Quest 2, Freddy Fharkas, Gabriel 1, Gabriel 2, King's Quest 5, King's Quest 6, King's Quest 7, Laura Bow 2,
Larry 3, Larry 5, Larry 6, Larry 7, Lighthouse, Mixed up Mother goose deluxe, Police Quest 4, Phatasmagoria 1, Phatasmagoria 2, Quest for Glory 3,
Rama, Shivers, Shivers 2, Space Quest 4, Space Quest 5, Space Quest 6, Torin, Woodruff.
Castle of Dr. Brain, Conquests of the Longbow, EcoQuest 1, Gabriel 2, Leisure Suit Larry 1 VGA, Police Quest 1 VGA, Police Quest 3,
Quest for Glory 1 VGA, Space Quest 1 VGA, Space Quest 4, Space Quest 5, Space Quest 6.

Bulgarian fan translations: Quest for Glory 3.
Ukrainian fan translations: Quest for Glory 1 VGA.
Hungarian fan translations: Gabriel 1.
Czech fan translations: Betrayal at Krondor, Quest for Glory 1 VGA, Quest for Glory 3, Quest for Glory 4, Gabriel 1, Gabriel 2, Woodruff
Polish official: King's Quest 5, Larry 1 VGA, Larry 2, Larry 3, Larry 5, Larry 6, Larry 7.
Polish fan: Gabriel 1, Gabriel 2. 
Polish (fan?): King's Quest 1 AGI, Larry 1 AGI, Woodruff.
Italian official: King's Quest 5, King's Quest 6, Space Quest 4, Space Quest 5.
Italian fan: Eco Quest 1, King's Quest 4 SCI, Larry 5, Larry 6, Gabriel 1 floppy, Gabriel 1 CD, Quest for Glory 3.
Japanese official: Castle of Dr. Brain, King's Quest 5 CD, Police Quest 2, Quest for Glory 1 EGA, Space Quest 4.

Maybe I missed something or didn't specify it.

It remains to make a list of Spanish, German and Russian translations. There are a lot of them.

Here is the compiled version. The program is not finished, but it was used to translate the game Conquest of the Longbow.

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