Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas!
During a working vacation in Vegas, you find yourself in a casino lounge enjoying the Spice Girls one night only show. Having finished your sixth or eighth cocktail, afterall no one's counting, you find yourself the center of attention for some young hottie. Made confident by the drink, and your pending successful "business" venture planned for the following afternoon, you find yourself not only witty and charming, but also trailing behind this young woman on the way up to the penthouse suite, her room.
After a night of raw unbridled animal passion, you assume since you blacked out shortly after entering the elevator, you find yourself rudely awakened by three very "Italian looking" gentlemen. The biggest, fattest, most italian looking one it turns out is your night of whatever it was's husband.
Left with few options as the men who awoken you advance, you leap from the bed, severely lacking of clothes, and dart off to the bathroom and quickly shut the door. As the impending doom reaches the outer limits of the flimsy bathroom door, your mind flashes to the business you have to conduct later that afternoon... paying back the 20 grand you borrowed from a loan shark to cover a hot tip. Luckily the tip was spot on, unfortunately your clothes and your money are both on the other side of the door with the "Italian looking" gentlemen... oh wait, change that, they're on their way in.
So that's the introduction anyway. After four years of tinkering with sci, I think it is about time that I culminate that tinkering into something useful. Hopefully this game is that result. Featuring a totally point and click interface including an icon inventory interface used for either manipulating two items or for preparing an item for use (changing cursor to item cursor.)
The idea of keeping the game to the confines of a hotel and casino, I thought was going to keep the room count relatively low in an attempt to not get bogged down by the graphics. With the introduction of several mini games and the "activity" present in the background, I have blown that plan out of the water and this game is just as, if not moreso, graphic intensive.
The mini games that are currently functional include blackjack, a slot machine, and boxing. The slots and blackjack scripts were inspired by Eigen's contributed scripts over at Mega-Tokyo, but they have pretty much been entirely rewritten. I still attribute their inspiration to Eigen though, if he hadn't posted his I would have never probably even thought of writing mine. Likewise, the boxing script finds it's inspiration from pikachu's cheap ass battle mode which he posted at Mega-Tokyo.
I know you've all heard about this already, but I wanted to at least get it up here as a subliminal way to get me to get back to work on it now that everything is pretty much set up here and seems to be running fine forum wise. I have added in some screenshots, some of them are in more states of doneness than others.