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Messages - Cloudee1

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Lars, never before has the ownedby or really any of the inventory items other parameters really been discussed. I personally had no idea how to do it, even though, it makes since that ownedBy would be a room number. I assume that by getting the item the ownedby attribute is changed automatically, or do we need to make a call to change it when the ego gets the item?

That will be great to get rid of some of those redundant global variables in the main script. Every byte counts afterall. ;)

Who'd have thought that I would have learned something from my own tutorial.

This is a pretty basic need, perhaps you have given the golden ring to the potion maker or say you eat the spinach dip, either way your character will need to "lose" the inventory item.

This is not covered in any of the tutorials, but has been covered enough at our old home that we all know how to do it, but any new members won't. I figured I had better stick this up here so anyone new to sci won't have to ask. I remember I asked when I first started out.

Anyway, if you have done the tutorial, which if you haven't you should, then you will remember that in order for you character to get an item you needed to use the code

Code: [Select]
(send gEgo:get(INV_KEY))

Now to drop an item either when your character uses it, gives it away, or simply drops it, it is simply a matter of using put instead of get.

Code: [Select]
(send gEgo:put(INV_KEY))
And that is it. One thing to remember though, in whatever room your character got the item, if you checked to see whether or not gEgo had it before initing it, then the item will reappear there since your character no longer has the item. This may seem strange if the person used the item, or gave it to someone else. Handling these type of instances will require using global variables.

I was just about to comment that old shiny man. It looks 'fabulous'. ;D
This looks like a fun game to play when it's ready.
I would love to see how you implemented the cursor interface. I presume you can click on views and certain areas on the background? If so, are you using certain regions with coordinates or control color?


Actually, I am using a combination of priority colors, and coordinates when necesary to determine when something has been clicked on in the background. Then check against which cursor is set to determine what you are trying to do to it.

Code: [Select]
// Background                                                              pillars  //
(if((== $0100 OnControl(ocPRIORITY (send pEvent:x) (send pEvent:y)))   or    // GREY
    (== $0002 OnControl(ocPRIORITY (send pEvent:x) (send pEvent:y))))        // NAVY

      (case 999 ) // walk
      (case 998 (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))Print(3 43))// look
      (case 996 (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))Print(3 44))// talk
      (case 994 (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))Print(3 45))//  get
      (default  (send pEvent:type(evMOUSEBUTTON) claimed(TRUE))  // Item
         (switch(Random(0 2))
            (case 0 Print(0 16))
            (case 1 Print(0 17))
            (case 2 Print(0 18))

This sample above, handles all of the "said" statements for trying do do anything to any of the pillars found in the casino. It's much easier than trying to come up with all of the user inputs that someone might try. For starters I don't have to come up with all the different alternative names someone might type in for pillar, column, pole ...

Thanks, I definately find producing the graphics to be the most laborious part of creating anything in sci.

As you might be able to see from the screenshot of the casino, there is a process to my graphics development. I like to kind of sketch my pic with blue lines using the pic editor. I usually test at that point by running the game to make sure everything is actually sized approximately right. After I'm happy with that, I start redrawing both the pic resource and rough sketches of the views (the rough view of the woman in the lower right for example is worse than the sketch which she was placed on.) Then, it's just a matter of finalising everything and giving it a pretty shine (like the old man at the bottom right). I haven't gotten to put much shine on those pics yet, but they are all pretty well into the process.

Everything-Else / Merry Christmas!
« on: December 25, 2006, 08:45:46 AM »
I have officially finished opening presents with the fam damily and thought I'd take a minute to wish everyone here a Merry Christmas before we hit the road.

Hoping everyones season is merry!

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: Strange happenings
« on: December 24, 2006, 10:25:44 PM »
There was one day when I rearranged a couple of threads, feature announcements, bug report, feature cancellation addressing everything in the new feature thread, that may have been part of it.

Also the AGI category is always marked with a new posts icon, just because I can't really check for a cookie from Chris's site to turn it off. Also the thread title in that recently changed but held no relevence because I'm pulling it from another sites rss feed, testing it until Chris comes up with making the rss feed, if everybody thinks this approach is good enough, no one has added their opinions  :(

Beyond that since it opened, I have been tinkering testing and editing my posts and the scripts constantly, some of you may have even seen my errors, but none of that should influence anything about new posts, unless editing posts changes the new post icon, but I don't think it does. All I can say is that except for some minor editing to the members profile in posts, to include awards and arcade stats and then to incorporate Chris's rss feed maker into these forums providing a similar fake board on his own site. I'm hoping he'll make that part anyway, I made the display  ;) There isn't much else script editing on the horizon.

I haven't ever noticed it myself, but if it persists, let me know as my script editing is definately winding down. So if it continues, it isn't because of me editing scripts, but before now, I guess its entirely possible.

I also stickied a couple of threads, as I plan to add to them giving each category its own resources reference like with the sci sytax and listing all of the known resources for them. I stickied one of Omer's threads in the game section because it had game related links on it that I had no idea about so I figured it was a good starting point. If that is an example of what you meant.

Or even it could be, the sci syntax board has two more child boards inside of it, sci how tos and template fixes. It could be the new posts were in those but because of the new post icon you thought you were looking for it in the first board level when it was actually further in.

This is a question that I recently asked at Mega-Tokyo in which Troflip was good enough to write up some code illustrating that exact functionallity. This is a little snippet of code which I had hoped Troflip could enter here, but as he has not signed up yet and I really didn't want to lose this snippet as I plan to find a use for it, I have moved it here.

Troflip's code to get a view to follow the cursor broken up with small explanations added by me.

We first need to create an instance of an Actor, it needs to be an actor so that it can move around the screen. An init method has been included in the instance telling the actor to do what that script says.
Code: [Select]
(instance thing of Act
      x 100
      y 100
      view 800
   (method (init)
Now that the instance is complete, we also need to create the script which the instances init method references.
Code: [Select]
(instance thingScript of Script
   (method (doit)
      (var myEvent)
      (= myEvent Event:new(evNULL))
      (send client:setMotion(MoveTo (send myEvent:x) (send myEvent:y)))
      (send myEvent:dispose())

...and then of course do (thing:init()) in your room's init method.

* View this how-to script in it's entirety here

Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas!

During a working vacation in Vegas, you find yourself in a casino lounge enjoying the Spice Girls  one night only show. Having finished your sixth or eighth  cocktail, afterall no one's counting, you find yourself the center of attention for some young hottie. Made confident by the drink, and your pending successful "business" venture planned for the following afternoon, you find yourself not only witty and charming, but also trailing behind this young woman on the way up to the penthouse suite, her room.

After a night of raw unbridled animal passion, you assume since you blacked out shortly after entering the elevator, you find yourself rudely awakened by three very "Italian looking" gentlemen. The biggest, fattest, most italian looking one it turns out is your night of whatever it was's husband.

Left with few options as the men who awoken you advance, you leap from the bed, severely lacking of clothes, and dart off to the bathroom and quickly shut the door. As the impending doom reaches the outer limits of the flimsy bathroom door, your mind flashes to the business you have to conduct later that afternoon... paying back the 20 grand you borrowed from a loan shark to cover a hot tip. Luckily the tip was spot on, unfortunately your clothes and your money are both on the other side of the door with the "Italian looking" gentlemen... oh wait, change that, they're on their way in.

So that's the introduction anyway. After four years of tinkering with sci, I think it is about time that I culminate that tinkering into something useful. Hopefully this game is that result. Featuring a totally point and click interface including an icon inventory interface used for either manipulating two items or for preparing an item for use (changing cursor to item cursor.)

The idea of keeping the game to the confines of a hotel and casino, I thought was going to keep the room count relatively low in an attempt to not get bogged down by the graphics. With the introduction of several mini games and the "activity" present in the background, I have blown that plan out of the water and this game is just as, if not moreso, graphic intensive.

The mini games that are currently functional include blackjack, a slot machine, and boxing. The slots and blackjack scripts were inspired by Eigen's contributed scripts over at Mega-Tokyo, but they have pretty much been entirely rewritten. I still attribute their inspiration to Eigen though, if he hadn't posted his I would have never probably even thought of writing mine. Likewise, the boxing script finds it's inspiration from pikachu's cheap ass battle mode which he posted at Mega-Tokyo.

I know you've all heard about this already, but I wanted to at least get it up here as a subliminal way to get me to get back to work on it now that everything is pretty much set up here and seems to be running fine forum wise. I have added in some screenshots, some of them are in  more states of doneness than others.

SCI Community News / Re: A New home for the SCI Community
« on: December 22, 2006, 04:35:54 PM »
Yeah, I really have no idea of way to get in touch with Brian about changing any of his links, or of even letting him know about the move. I am hoping for that very reason, and all the tutorial links in the scistudios already downloaded, that DF will put up and keep up a redirect link for a while like with chase's OS dev stuff now.

Alright, I was thinking about having the rss feed act like a forum page on my site but that seemed like a lot of work just for them to need to go to your site anyway to view beyond the title or an abbrev. version of the post. So I figured why not just send them there at the first click.

maybe a simple rss feed with one channel that could be used to show those few variables in the forum index. recent post title, author, time of post, total forum posts, total forum responses. Right now I'm using some random variables just to fill in the spaces so it looks about right without being entirely accurate.

What does everybody think, the featured link the way it is in the forum index or are there bigger steps that we need to take to keep the two communities in contact with each other.


Hey you guys, in case you care, I submitted our new little home here to smfoogle, kind of like a google for simple machine forum users and currently we are the only site listed in computers and internet / programming and development. It probably won't last, but its nice being number one

I do notice that they took a screen of the emptysacdesigns homepage and that doesn't reflect anything sci right now (that will change). I guess I don't get to work on my game quite yet, I get to redesign my website first. It needed it anyway, never having been fully finished to begin with.

The Games and other Sierra Adventure stuff / Re: VGA SCI with Parser!
« on: December 22, 2006, 04:14:30 AM »
It's a novel idea Omer but it may not be practical to have both the text parser and point and click. I have made a totally point and click interface for our ega version, and by the time youv'e added all the clickable stuff which is actually a hundred times easier than coming up with all the different phrases that someone would type in,  but to also include all the if saids would seriously put a hurt on the memory.

I don't know what kind of memory resources the later sci games required but if it's anything like we have now, there just isn't room in the game for both.

I was looking over Omer's wiki article and I noticed in there a title by the name of "Fun Seeker's Guide." I have no idea what it is, the name doesn't even sound familiar. Has anyone ever heard of it, I assume it's not a game but I have no clue and I'm to lazy to go Google it right now.

SCI Development Tools / SCI Development Resources
« on: December 22, 2006, 01:02:57 AM »
If you are thinking about making an SCI game, or fiddling with ones resources, you are going to need some tools. This is a preliminary list as I haven't started tracking them all down yet, I will expand it as time allows. If anyone can think or know of other tools and where to find them please add em to a reply and I'll add them to the list.



  • FreeSCI ... This is the first and only non-Sierra SCI Interpreter. Currently it supports SCI version games. All kernel functions have been added making not only games fully playable with it, but also many games have been completed on it!

Resource Viewers

  • Brian's SCI Game Recover Utility ... I'm not sure what corruption this fixes, but if you've accidentally rebuilt your game while it's running I made a how to for fixing that. If your corrupted beyond that, this tool may help.

Excellent, I figured something along those lines would be more than sufficient to keep our communities linked and up to date of each other, I called us all cousins before, but I guess really we'd be like sister communities.

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