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Messages - Cloudee1

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Basicly, it revolves around pulling an rss feed from the main news boards of each others sites assuming new games, demos, tools or whatever finds it's way into the news section, or whichever is the most interesting. For instance on my index page a board titled something like News from the agi front, then clicking on that opens up the newsreader page. Displaying the last 15 abbreviated posts or whatever in that board which act as links to each others sites. We wouldn't be pulling all the posts or all the threads, but the ones that keep us up to date with each other as far as major happenings.

That was my initial idea anyway. I don't think it would be overly hard but it would definately take some modifications to the initial and any future themes which is the main drawback.

Everything-Else / The Official Rules
« on: December 21, 2006, 03:32:44 PM »
These are the initial rules of conduct,  which you will be expected to abide by, If for some reason you cannot, or refuse to, you will be banned from the community.

  • No posting Serial Numbers, cracks ~ Big no no, Don't do it.
  • No Abandonware, warez links or offerings ~ You know what they are, and the games that interest us aren't supposed to be on them. We don't need to know where you steal all of your games from, we can find our own sources if we want them.
  • No Advertising, no SPAM, No selling of goods or services ~ I don't want to know where cheap viagra is. Or where I can get something enlarged and If you have posted something in one thread, it very rarely ever needs repeated in another one.
  • No Adult Content ~ You know what adult content is, something you would need to hide if your mother came in the room. If you make a "Mature" game please leave out the offensive references and screenshots in your posts here. If done in a conscientious way, you may promote your sci game regardless of the type. But the key word is conscientious. This isn't because I have a stick up my butt, but the host server.

That's about it, besides being respectful of each other, even during disagreements if they arise. You can critiscize a persons work without critscizing a person and if someone offers critiscism, don't take it personally.


This is the preliminary set of rules, if anybody would like to respond with any suggestions or critiscisms then I'm all ears.


Everything-Else / Re: new home
« on: December 20, 2006, 07:45:32 PM »
Glad to see someone else made it. Welcome and I hope it feels like home, that was my intention.

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: AGI forum
« on: December 20, 2006, 07:44:24 PM »
I haven't even given it a thought. Chris has a developed agi community and all of the agi resources are easy enough to find already. It's time that sci had it's own space to grow.

I think the two communities will always share a kinship, I often refer to AGI members as part of the family, but we are more cousins than brothers. I really think that seperate houses would serve both communities the best. We have a shared interest, but they are definately different technologies.

SCI Community News / Re: A New home for the SCI Community
« on: December 20, 2006, 03:40:07 PM »
He has already signed up, and I'm sure he'll keep us filled in whatever gets decided.

SCI Development Tools / Re: Anvil Studios ~ For creating midi sounds
« on: December 20, 2006, 03:27:50 PM »
I'm glad the new home is already providing help.  8)

SCI Community News / Re: A New home for the SCI Community
« on: December 20, 2006, 03:26:41 PM »
I don't think it will ever be "Lost", I think Chris is going to archive it, I am not positive but I do know that he is getting a copy and he likes to save stuff  ;)

I don't think we have anything yet that can reconstruct anything above the EGA versions. So the mini games in Hero's Quest 3 aren't buildable at the moment.

You should be able to view all of the views and pics though with Brians unfinished sciVga, then you could copy the images. Try to paste into new views of scistudio 3 and then clean up the image as best as possible to 16 colors. Then after all that try to recreate the Roomscript of the game. I am working on trying to figure out two mini game scripts myself one of them being similar to Bomberman, so it might be possible. I haven't decided bomberman is possible yet, so don't start expecting it.

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: Plea to archive Mega-Tokyo Forums
« on: December 20, 2006, 02:12:17 PM »
As for the SCI forums, I encourage you to scour the forums and duplicate some of the most important gems here, some of them to be expounded on in the tutorials section, others as development tools, and so many that are duplicate topics, or game development announces that never came to fruition (I know I have at least three of those now), when is sci vga coming out, scistudio crash, and how do I do...

Rather than archive these type of topics, a few new threads here can replace so many pages of the archive. For instance the soundbox thread in the development tools replaces almost every post about getting and using soundbox and using sounds that appear in the MT forum, in one clear resource.

I would like to see the sci forums archived, but moreso for posterity sake than as a constant reference, and the guy who collects interpreters is the one to trust with posterity. I have an idea for keeping this and Chris's agi site tied closely together, it needs to be hashed out a little better and talked over with Chris, but his having the "official records" of MT shouldn't really slow our progress or access to them. DF has already said that he plans to package it up and give the files to Chris. But those pages represent the stumbling first steps of fan-made sci programming. The last half dozen pages still show record of Chris' work on a template game and release of sci studio 2.0, old stuff that doesn't really help us today. It's great for the sake of history but where they ended is where we begin. Then only Brian knew what was going on, granted now it is only Troflip, but I can stumble through a lot and Eigan has more than proven himself knowledgeable. Besides Chris and Lars, if Lars joins; our beginnings have a much stronger foundation to grow on than was available then.

So while it would be nice, it isn't wholly necesary when you actually look at what all is in there.

Sooner or later it happens to everybody. You code in some room, added in a programControl() and had no way to exit the screen besides the windows button when you actually tested it. Then you were so eager to fix whatever you were testing that you forget to actually close the now minimized Dos window. Then you compiled and then it happens, you hit the rebuild game button. SciStudio does not like this one bit, not one bit at all.

Congratulations you have now corrupted your game all while watching sci studio crash to a something strange happened error. When the dust clears, you spot it. That Dos window,hiding out down there in the task bar looking all innocent. Don't worry, your game isn't lost in fact there is a really really simple way to get everything back up and running again.

Enter your game's folder. When you look at the file names, you should notice that there is no resource.001 file, instead there is something named respak.tmp. This wierd new file is in fact your resource file and all you need to do to fix it is simply rename it to it's original resource.001

That's it, you have saved your game from the brink of utter destruction. Well it happens to me alot anyway, and there's nothing so scary as that first time. Hope this makes someone elses first time a little less scary.

SCI Community News / Re: A New home for the SCI Community
« on: December 19, 2006, 12:26:58 PM »
I'm only doing it because it's a community I'm a part of, and one I want to be proud of. Thanks Doan for supporting it and also listing your games. I am confident that before long, we can grow this sci communtiy larger than the old Mega-Tokyo forums allowed.

Everything-Else / Re: Lonely place indeed
« on: December 19, 2006, 11:58:26 AM »
I'll give IT to you when you get home tonight.  :-*

And yes, in case anybody was wondering, thewife is in fact MY wife. She's just here to play Pac Man in the arcade though  ::)

SCI Community News / Re: A New home for the SCI Community
« on: December 19, 2006, 09:50:13 AM »
Hey Doan, finally an sci guy signed up.  :-* Great.

Hey Doan in the game section, would you please be so kind as to describe your game and demo that you have released and link to them, Ultimately we are probably going to have a sticky in there with a list to all of the games that are known about, so it would probably be best to intro  each it's own thread...

I am trying to give everyone a chance to put up their own words for their own products. Like with Troflip and scicompanion, Brian with scistudio (I doubt he'll ever show though so I guess I'll have to do it) and you with your games.

But welcome, hopefully we can get everyone over here and continue on with business as usual.  ;D Let me know what you think about the theme, additions, suggestions.

Everything-Else / Re: Lonely place indeed
« on: December 18, 2006, 01:37:14 PM »
No not yet, I haven't even really invited the communtiy that it is meant to house yet either. I figured I would try and get as much set up as far as layout and mods go as possible.

I have  started including a few new mods and am just making sure everything works before any official announcements of being open. Congratulations on being the first new official member Keith. I'd give you an award but I haven't drawn any yet.

SCI Community News / Really Beginning to Look like Home
« on: December 17, 2006, 10:56:49 PM »
It's true, when the final shutdown of Mega-Tokyo forums happens it will be a sad day. I have been a member of the Mega-Tokyo forums for almost 4 years now. It is always my first stop when I get online and my last stop before I log off. The disappointment of it's closing only seems to encourage me to make this the new SCI community. I don't want to  forget where it is I came from.

In honor of Mega-Tokyo, and to make it feel as much like home as possible, I have nearly finished my first attempt at a forum theme. As you can see it is currently the forum default and I named it the Classic Mega-Tokyo Theme. Who ever said you can't go home again.

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