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Messages - Cloudee1

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Everything-Else / Lonely place indeed
« on: December 17, 2006, 05:02:27 PM »
I must say that there isn't a single place on Earth that is lonelier than a one member forum. I suppose it's alot like living in a mansion all by yourself. You've got this great place to roam around with all kinds of stuff that interests you, just there's nobody to roam the halls and talk about the stuff with.

SCI Community How To's & Tutorials / Simple Automatic doors
« on: December 17, 2006, 04:26:51 PM »
When using Doors and AutoDoors, I am not sure why but things always seemed to go awry. This little tutorial will have a simple Automatic Door (when the player walks near them, they open) up and running with two simple lines of code.

We begin at the very top of the script. We will need to tell the script that we are going to be using an automaic door and to include that functionality. This is done simply by adding in another use command where all of the others are.

Code: [Select]
(use "autodoor")
Now that one line is finished, lets go on to the second one, the hard one. Just kidding, there is nothing hard to this method of using automatic doors. The script can now handle AutoDoor instances now, but we are not making one of those, at least not the traditional way. In the rooms init method, where you init() your rooms views and actors, you will need to add in the call that inits the automatic door. the parameters are of the basic type, and I don't think it's necesary to go into detail about them.

Code: [Select]
(send (AutoDoor:new()):view(211)
                       posn(161 62)

At this point, as long as you have added the doors view, and have set up the doors control colors Navy and Green (you won't need a Yellow one because this type of door does not get blocked) for when to open or transport to a new room. We don't need to create an instance or anything else, we are all done coding.

This simple type of door has some limitations though, because there is not an instance name to reference you won't be able to program interactions with it as the code stands now. So keep this in mind. This door can't be locked or blocked, if all you need is a door that opens when you near it, then you are all set.

SCI Community News / A New home for the SCI Community
« on: December 16, 2006, 03:19:40 PM »
With the slow trimming of the Mega-Tokyo forums by DF for reasons of his own, several of the MT staples are finding new homes. First the OS-Developers made a move over to chase's site, now there is talk of AGI and SCI moving to Chris's AGI site. While I support the AGI community and consider them part of the SCI family  ;)
I have a fear that SCI will get lost in the deluge of AGI info found at Chris's site. In an attempt to grow the sci community on its own standings, These forums were born.

Welcome to a brand new SCI geared community, while I would like to have a close relationship with the AGI community I think we can support and expand our own community rather than hanging out in somebody elses home. The two communities will always be closely interlinked by their enjoyment of Classic Sierra adventure games, and Chris's continuing hosting of fan-made games of both types ensures a string of contact between the two communities. AGI members who are looking to step up to the best of 1989 technology, or fellow SCI users who are just looking for someone who can help them make their game, you have found your new home for SCI.

With that I would like to welcome any and all who are interested in Sierra's Creative Interpreter and the games that can be played with it.

SCI Syntax Help / SCI Resources
« on: December 16, 2006, 04:57:37 AM »
One of the hardest parts about learning to program with sci is in finding resources to guide you. I don't know of a single php programmer who doesn't reference the php manual. Unfortunately, we don't have such a manual and what we do have isn't in one place, but that isn't to say that there is nothing, on the contrary.

Scripting Resources
  • Brian's Making a Game with SciStudio 3: Volume 1 ... All beginners start here. Giving a basic introduction to all types of SCI resources as well as guiding a user through the process of creating a basic two room game including picking up an inventory item as well as interact with other actors and changing score.
  • Brian's Making a Game with SciStudio 3: Volume 2 .. Far less useful or descriptive as volume 1, the second volume describes adding in global said phrases, controlling an actor via changestate, as well as providing step by step guides for making guages, buttons, and windows more graphical
  • Troflip's Advanced SCI Studio tutorials ... Consisting of 8 chapters ranging in topics from advanced said strings,  using loacales and regions, adding a shadow to the ego, a template fix and discussion of using the jumpto command, to controlling ego's z index as well as a great discussion on using control colors effectively.
  • My own Larry 2, Reloaded! ... Working usable SCI source code meant to mirror the first city of Sierra's Leisure Suit Larry 2. Consisting of approximately 30 rooms, the code reflects several examples of a number of things, ranging from the copy protection when you first load the game, to the sea gulls and the presents they drop while flying overhead, to the pistol packin attendant of the quickie mart.

Decompiled Scripts
these scripts were created with a decompiler that we don't have access to. They aren't perfect in that you can't just copy and paste into scistudio, you can come pretty close though and they might give you some new ideas.

  • FreeSCI Groups Documentation ... Goes into technical detail about Sierra's Creative Interpreter, hence SCI, and different types of calls that are made upon it. They also  document their own work on FreeSCI an alternative interpreter to Sierra's, but it still has a few bugs. The documentation has fewer bugs and is well beyond my own grasp.

  • FreeSCI ... This is the first and only non-Sierra SCI Interpreter. Currently it supports SCI version games. All kernel functions have been added making not only games fully playable with it, but also many games have been completed on it!

SCI Development Tools / Anvil Studios ~ For creating midi sounds
« on: December 16, 2006, 01:50:06 AM »
Unless you plan to either use only Sierra's music, or find midi files on the web for use in your game, you may need to create some fresh new sounds from scratch. Anvil studios is the perfect tool for the job.

Offering several tools that are well over my head, the different composing environment options make it easy for anyone to scratch out something. Offering piano keys, a guitar fret, or my favorite a piano roll as an interface for composing the sounds or music it makes it easy to click around finding just the notes you want. At least for those of us who are not musically inclined.

You should note, anvil studios creates midi files and that type of file itself is not usable by the sci interpreter, you will also need Ravi's tool SoundBox  to convert your freshly made midi sound into a sound resource that you can use in your games.

SCI Development Tools / Soundbox ~ Sound Resource Editor
« on: December 16, 2006, 01:34:38 AM »
If you would like to add sounds to your SCI games, and frankly who doesn't, then you are going to need SoundBox created by Ravi Iyengar.

SoundBox has two main purposes in SCI game development. The first is that it allows you to import almost any midi sounds and convert them into sound resources. The second is that it allows you to configure the proper instrument channels for varying soundcards. Supposedly you can also set loop points even though thinking on it now, I am not sure how to program loop points or moving around them so I have never had to use this functionality, but it's there.


* You will need to download one of two copies of SoundBox, and that is determined by whether or not your computer has  MFC70.DLL. If you are like me you don't, so you will need to download the statically linked binary, otherwise you can download the standard 1.0 version.

Once you have downloaded the appropriate copy, if you get it wrong the first time, it's no big deal the files are pretty small so just download the other one instead. Installing it is a matter of unzipping the file and placing the contents inside the plugin folder of scistudio. I am not sure yet how scicompanion plans to handle soundbox, but the program can be run seperate from scistudio by simply clicking on soundbox.exe in the approriate folder, or by creating a shortcut to the file and placing it wherever you want. When opened from within scistudio, it automatically extracts a sound resource to your games source folder for editing.

After importing a midi or making changes to channel properties getting the sound into your game is as simple as saving the file as a sound resource and adding it via the add resource option in either scistudio or scicompanion.

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