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Topics - lskovlun

Pages: [1] 2
I stumbled across these in the source code archive that's known to everyone about now. They had been misplaced in one of the LSL1 folders, but wouldn't decode as AGI pictures - which I found odd, until it dawned on me that they were in fact SCI pictures! I'm still busy sorting out the differences to the final version (based on file sizes, most are minor), but here's one scene with big differences:

I seem to remember that there was a thread about Corey Cole drawing a blank when it came to SCI01, and I'm not finding it. Well, I managed to find this quote from him on the matter:
Major thanks are due co Larry Scott, who created a new version of the SCI interpreter which removed many of our space restrictions from individual "rooms". This game would probably not have been possible (or at least would have been far more painful to create) without his improvements!
But that's precisely what SCI01 is (or at least was, until ScummVM changed the versioning). Interestingly, it's never mentioned in the changelogs. It would seem to have been significant enough.

SCI Development Tools / Is it safe to patch this?
« on: September 17, 2023, 03:42:22 PM »
Another thing I've been thinking anout: Given a game, a patch and some saves, it should be possible to determine whether it is safe to apply that patch without breaking your saves, or determine how far you need to go back to do so safely. There's just one little extra piece of info you need from the savefile, which is easily added using Kawa's build environment.


SCI Community How To's & Tutorials / Returning pairs of values in SCI
« on: September 16, 2023, 06:52:16 PM »
I have finally gotten around to writing this. Pairs arise in SCI in several contexts, both as x,y coordinates and as far text references, but in the stock SCI language there is no such thing as a pair. However, the PMachine can be coerced into returning pairs of values from functions. Since it is a hack, you need to stow the values away immediately (and in the right order), but it can be done. This bit of code was written for the original compiler, since the Companion compiler tends to get stuck in an animation loop trying to resize the messages window; I then hex-edited it to put my hack in place (in Companion you would simply use an asm directive) - the following shows the result of a later decompilation. I therefore haven't tested it with Companion, but I know that my original works:
Code: [Select]
;;; Sierra Script 1.0 - (do not remove this comment)
(script# 935)

RetPair 0
PairFst 1
PairSnd 2

(procedure (RetPair param1 param2)
(== param2 param2)
(return param1)

(procedure (PairFst)

(procedure (PairSnd &tmp temp0)
sst      temp0
lat      temp0
You can then do things like:
Code: [Select]
(procedure (WhosAPair)
        (RetPair {Larry} {Patti}))

(procedure (FarTextPair)
        (RetPair "This is a far text string"))
and retrieve the results with
Code: [Select]
                        (= el1 (PairFst))
                        (= el2 (PairSnd))
                        (Printf "Pair (%s, %s)" el1 el2)
                        (= el1 (PairFst))
                        (= el2 (PairSnd))
                        (Printf el1 el2)
I'd like to make the retrieval a bit neater, but that'll have to wait.

EDIT:  :'( this does not work in SSCI. Figures. But I consider that a bug in SSCI.

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Sound samples in SQ3?
« on: December 30, 2003, 01:15:35 PM »
Hi all,

The FreeSCI team has just discovered several sound samples present even in the PC version of SQ3, the longest of which is sound.100 - it seems that Sierra simply forgot to remove them.
Sound.100 is used when Roger opens his eyes in the intro. And the best? The latest CVS snapshot of FreeSCI actually plays this bit of sound, if you massage it just right. As always, it's
tricky because of the bugs.


Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Documentation for the new SCI Studio?
« on: February 27, 2003, 11:18:58 AM »

I was wondering how much of the documentation for SS will be done when the program comes out? It seems reasonable to assume "relatively little" since you've spent a lot of time coding.


Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Multiple controllable egos in SCI
« on: August 25, 2002, 02:16:14 PM »
For your information, I'm working on support for multiple egos, as in Maniac Mansion. Most of it is already finished, so I can switch between them either by using the script code or an on-screen button, I can place the egos in the same or different rooms, and so on. There are still some things missing though: For one thing, I want to  have an ego continue to walk when I switch away from him, which is non-trivial. I'll let you know when it's completely done.


Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Tip: Debugging graphics problems in SCI
« on: August 09, 2002, 09:30:49 AM »
This tip will probably be most useful in the last phases of game development. If you put the following code in your game, you will be able to switch between the visual, priority and control maps at run-time. You can use it to debug problems with actors not appearing behind things when they should and other similar problems.

Code: [Select]
(local theMap = 1)

and in your handleEvent:
Code: [Select]
           Show(= theMap (Print("Select the map to display:"
                          #button "Visual" 1
                          #button "Priority" 2
                          #button "Control" 4
                          #button "Cancel" theMap))))

SCI Development Tools / Wolfenstein 3D fizzlefade (SCI-related)
« on: May 05, 2021, 01:38:33 PM »
So today I learned why Sierra's DISSOLVE algorithm (aka dpOPEN_CHECKBOARD) works. Shame on me for not realizing earlier, but I'm not a graphics guy. It is described here in terms of Wolfenstein 3D, but it is easy to see that it is the same thing.

SCI Development Tools / SCI1 interp with parser
« on: April 07, 2019, 09:43:59 PM »
Sluicebox, who has written a large number of script patches for ScummVM, has uncovered SCI versions from the SCI1 timeframe with a parser! For Amiga, unfortunately  ::) but they are later than what was previously thought to exist. Also, 16-color graphics (I guess?).

Everything-Else / Telltale Games are shutting down
« on: September 21, 2018, 08:09:30 PM »
Not SCI related, but Carl Muckenhoupt ended up with Telltale in case you missed it. His SCI Decoder was so very influential back in 1999 when I got started on SCI. And now they're closing.


Aric Wilmunder is getting ready to publish some of the old SCUMM documentation on his site at
Cue the inevitable comparisons  8) There is even talk of code.

The Games and other Sierra Adventure stuff / SCI32 Shirt
« on: February 27, 2016, 07:43:35 PM »

The Games and other Sierra Adventure stuff / GK2, day 4 [spoilers]
« on: June 30, 2015, 09:08:19 PM »
So I've been working on this list of required actions on day 4. 14 at each location - it's no wonder that people seem to get stuck often. The numbers are the flags that the game requires to be set in order to progress.
Code: [Select]
Neuschwanstein (14 flags)

L = look (cursor), T = tour tape

579    Entry hall T
628    Small door T
580    Entry Hall Paintings left T
581    Entry Hall Paintings right T
582    Bedroom, either screen T
589    Bed closeup, first time T
590    Bed closeup, second time T
592    Bedroom painting (right) T
583    Study T
584    Chapel T
585    St Louis & Seraphim T
586    Living room T
587    Grotto T
588    Singer's Hall T
1031    Wolf Painting L

Herrenchiemsee (12 flags)

The game is very fussy here. For the entries marked Video, you must
see a video of Grace reflecting on what she sees.
For the others, it is enough that the player has seen the text.

995    "The people need to see you at the throne"
996    "You spoke so movingly of your torment"
997    Video "What were his last wishes?"
999    "If any more correspondneces come from Louis, they are to
    be burnt immediately"
1000    "Remember that when the Great Friend arrives at
    Neuschwanstein and we retreat to the hall"
624    Video "Grace sees, recognizes sleigh painting"
1002    "A group of men demand to take the king in custody"
1003    "Ludwig knows the conspirators will return"
1004    "At Berg, Ludwig seems more cooperative and coherent."
1005    "Ludwig's funeral procession marches through the streets of
278     Asked clerk to see diary
279     Asked clerk about new Wagner opera

278 and 279 above in turn require

622     Video "I've got to see that diary!"
623     "Even after Wagner's death, Ludwig still showed signs of obsession with the composer"

In the latest SCI1.1 versions (LSL6, some demos), it is possible to write text to a secondary monochrome monitor.
There is no official support in DOSBox, but there is an unofficial patch, available from, which adds this. It was a bit of a hassle, but I managed to make it work. Now, using the DbugStr kernel call, you can print any (heap) string to the secondary display.

Another thing that you can do with this (hinted at in the subject line) is that you can turn on a special mode where the Message kernel call will print text strings from an xlate resource (extension trn) on the second monitor as the corresponding strings are fetched from the ordinary message resources. The file formats are identical, except that the first byte is 94 hex rather than 8F hex.

To enable this mode, add the following line to resource.cfg. Note that doing so will bomb you to DOS if some of the XLATE files do not exist.
Code: [Select]
xlate = .You can substitute any directory for the dot.

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