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Messages - kelmer

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Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Space Quest IV - Text and speech?
« on: October 22, 2004, 09:20:21 AM »
I finally managed today to activate both speech and text in space Quest IV talkie version using the instructions found at (that is, pressing space when the narrator starts talking at the beggining of the intro and skipping it). I noticed then that when you use the main menu, it says "Both Speech and Text", and that makes me thing this is an option that was initially programmed but never made it into the game, for any strange reason.

So my question is, wouldn't it be possible to enable that option under the game, given it is already available but disabled, using reverse engineering or something?

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:Gabriel Knight 2 No Interlace Patch
« on: June 12, 2004, 11:20:12 AM »
Yes I did, I also translated Sanitarium, and made adaptations for Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade VGA (around 1999) and LSL6CD using the original translations into spanish.

I don't think I will be releasing a new version of my translation, as it is now very generalized and would maybe create incompatibilities with the previous one. Anyway, I would have to create a new installation (the previous one used a modified version of the sierra installer) from scratch, and it's simply too much work. Anyway, I'm very interested in that graphics editing tool of yours, do you have anything done already?

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:Gabriel Knight 2 No Interlace Patch
« on: June 12, 2004, 10:41:14 AM »

I did. The first version of TraduSCI was released on March 2003.

Nope it didn't. My translation was done around sept/nov. 2002 and published on september 2003.

You should have left unchanged the order of the words in each phrase in order to do a translation without  having to modify the script.

Couldn't do a thing with it. Text in that very puzzle is stored as views, not plain text, so I would have needed to edit views, which is still not possible with the utilities out in the internet.

Yet, I wanted to leave the puzzle in english instead of brazilian (because it's obviously spoken by more people), but when I didn't include the script from the brazilian version it just screwed up.

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:Gabriel Knight 2 No Interlace Patch
« on: June 12, 2004, 07:13:00 AM »
Not at all, my translation was released somewhere on september 2003, and done about a year before. By that time I don't think you had released your tools.

I took some files from the brazilian versions (to add subtitles to the english one, which most spanish adventurers have), then used VAG's Resource Dumper to dump msg files (and some other formats too, I can't remember which ones), then added the header to each of those, then used some utility Cristoph Reichen (I think that was his name) had sent me to convert msg files into plain text, then edited, then recompiled again.

I only had one major problem, that puzzle involving some tapes to create a new sentence by Dr. Klingman. I was forced to leave it in brazilian and add a line to the readme with the solution of that puzzle.

Anyway, your tool may be interesting to start a new project, such as the translation of SQ6 (not by me, I'm not interested at all :) )

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:Gabriel Knight 2 No Interlace Patch
« on: June 12, 2004, 06:47:00 AM »
[quote author=Wintermute
By the way, did there really exist an official Spanish version of GK2? I though that it was just an unofficial patch for the English version which was released some time ago by 'Aventura y C

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:LSL7 Debug Mode
« on: June 12, 2004, 04:42:44 AM »
Wow, I participated in that thread and couldn't even remember  ;D

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:LSL7 Debug Mode
« on: June 12, 2004, 02:04:01 AM »
In fact, creating a file named 911.scr DID somthing: blocking my game and preventing it from loading correctly  ;D

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:LSL7 Debug Mode
« on: June 12, 2004, 02:01:42 AM »
I already knew about that debug mode, but what abour LSL6?

I tried searching in the first script but I could only found references to files "version" and "%d.scr", the latter referring I think to 911.scr, none of which worked with my versions of the game.

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:Rare SCI games
« on: July 10, 2003, 02:52:49 AM »
But it came with a magazine so it's possible they took the files from the floppy version and re-structured them on the resource main pack (there is no evidence though)

LSL6 CD really wasn't translated into spanish, in fact I made a translation using the method I mention above (took the files from floppy version and used them as patches).

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:Rare SCI games
« on: July 10, 2003, 02:49:58 AM »
I've got two GK1 CD versions.

One of them came with the Gabriel Knight Mysteries pack and its completely in english.

The other one is a different CD version (no windows interpreter, only DOS with vesa support) which came with spanish subtitles.

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:Rare SCI games
« on: July 07, 2003, 09:47:44 AM »
Let's settle this with a little history of the spanish distribution of Sierra On-Line games:

No Agi games were ever distributed in Spain, hence no agi games were ever officially translated into my language.

Erbe software was born in 1984 as a spanish distributor of multimedia products, centered in videogames (like Nintendo's). They had a golden age linked to the adventure games' one: they signed contracts with the most important and relevant companies of the era, distributing mostly adventure games, and in my opinion, doing very good translations. Almost every adventure game until 1994 was distributed by this company, they had contracts with LucasArts, Infogrames, Sierra; no adventure games were released without a translation.

They distributed LSL1(VGA), LSL5, LSL6, SQ1(VGA), SQ4,SQ5, KQ5, KQ6, QFG3, Police Quest 3 (PQ1 was never translated or distributed, don't know why) among others, with their respective translations. They even released cheap versions which were the EGA only ones of SQ4 or KQ5 and some more (i got this two, kq5 is somewhat damaged). Robin hood, conquest of the longbow wasn't ever distributed either.

Yet, special edition versions of some Sierra games (like SQ4 CD, KQ5CD or LSL6CD) were never released or translated (well, Gabriel Knight CD was). I guess Sierra didn't want to because they thought they wouldn't make much profit. Some of this games were later released under collections or magazines. (I got them all original in their english versions)

But then this company, Erbe, began to have internal and financial problems (which started when one of their buildings catched on fire), and little by little every partner company were leaving it alone with no products to distribute. (LucasArts signed with EA, Sierra with Coktel, Infogrames got its own distributor in Spain) So much that they wen bankrupt around 1998.

Coktel Educative (one of Sierra's subsidiaries) took care of Sierra's products around 1995, and since then they've translated, as far as I know, the following adventure games:
The Last Dinasty (translated, dubbed)
Torin's Passage (text translation only)
LSL7 (texts)
Lighthouse(texts, voices)
Gabriel Knight 3 (texts)
Urban Runner (texts)

The quality of this translations is not as good as those of Erbe's, but can be stood. They left the following games with no translation of any kind (although they did distribute all of them):

Mixed up Mother Goose
Quest for Glory 4
Space Quest 6
Gabriel Knight 2
Phantasmagoria 2
Shivers 2
Quest for glory 5

When the internet area started and SCI and AGI utilities were being made, the following  amateur translations were made, existing one to each of the following games:

Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel (AGI)
King's Quest I (SCI)
King's Quest IV
Laura Bow: Colonel's Bequest
Space Quest 2
Space Quest 3
The Black Cauldron
Robin Hood: conquests of the longbow

An I think that's all.

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:v56 images
« on: June 12, 2003, 09:17:36 AM »
...whoever you are...

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:v56 images
« on: June 12, 2003, 09:14:16 AM »
I already translated that game into spanish so please don't screw it up by releasing another amateur translation...

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:LSL7 teleport?!?
« on: October 25, 2002, 05:12:40 PM »
I was wondering if there were any secret places you couldn't normally enter in the game.  

There aren't.

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:Rare SCI games
« on: October 11, 2002, 03:36:15 PM »
Furthermore, the startup disk from King's Quest V was damaged and the distributor replaced it with another disk with a hand-written label reading "King's Quest V EGA, Espa

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