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Messages - kelmer

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Gabriel Knight 2 subs
« on: August 09, 2002, 08:24:50 AM »

I finally got my hands on the GK2 game (I've been looking for it for a long time, I found it on a GK Mysteries pack), but as you know the game is in english (I think it wasn't dubbed to any other language) and apparently there's no way to get any subtitles to show on the screen.

After looking the file I got them to appear when I deleted the line ResAud=CD: (or something like that), which tells the game where are the voice files. The problem is that I won't hear those voices if I activate the subtitles, and there's no subtitles if I have the voices.

As I'm not a native english speaker, I would have a hard time if I played the game without subtitles, and it looks kind of dull without voices. I want both to work.

Can I?

Another question I have is:

The Gk Myteries also came with a CD-version of Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers, with the classic 2 interpreters, being the first for DOS and the latter for Windows. I already had the spanish cd version of the game, but it only comes with the DOS interpreter.

I just copied the files in the folder of GK1CD coming with GK mysteries to the spanish GKCD folder, and was i surprised when it worked!

The question is; can I use this files to execute any SCI1 game under windows?


Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Debug mode in SCI32 games
« on: May 19, 2002, 04:26:19 AM »
This is not exactly SCI programming related but... sort of.

I've heard of a debug mode in some sci32 sierra games (LSL7 and torin's passage to be exact). Something like creating a blank file named classes or something. Is there any truth in this? If it's so, how exactly can one get access to it?


Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:New VGA SCI View Editor!
« on: May 05, 2002, 03:15:53 AM »
Yep, the files where just outside the main pack, perhaps being part of some sort of patch (and that could be the reason why they didn't work, i didn't thought of that before)  :P

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / Re:New VGA SCI View Editor!
« on: May 04, 2002, 12:53:26 PM »
I tried with some KQ6 v56 resources, but it didn't work (came up with a message saying "not a valid v56 file" or something). Is this one really supported?

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