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Messages - EricOakford

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SCI Development Tools / Re: Recreating complete QFG1 EGA source code
« on: October 06, 2018, 08:14:09 PM »
Great work on this decompilation effort! I've been working to adapt this code for the QFG1EGA release (version 1.200). After downloading the code, I used the SCO files to help me in decompiling the newer version. Between the first and last releases, a lot has changed, not just the title.

As noted here at TCRF, the High Speed Hero option was removed. The Kobold's cave scripts were also massively overhauled. The Tavern added an additional note for earlier in the game. Finally, a lot of the game's text was revised.

When testing the decompiler on QFG1EGA (1.200), QFG1VGA, QFG2 (1.102), and LSL1VGA (2.0) (all from GOG), immediately recompiling the resulting scripts caused some errors. Here are the logs:

QFG1EGA compile log
Code: [Select]
Warning: ( Duplicate case values. Already encountered a case for '3'  Line: 580, col: 4
Warning: ( Duplicate case values. Already encountered a case for '18'  Line: 1084, col: 4
Warning: ( Duplicate case values. Already encountered a case for '65'  Line: 168, col: 4
Warning: ( Duplicate case values. Already encountered a case for '13'  Line: 1056, col: 4
Warning: ( Duplicate case values. Already encountered a case for '14'  Line: 1059, col: 4
Warning: ( Duplicate case values. Already encountered a case for '15'  Line: 1062, col: 4
Error: ( Unknown class 'gamefile_sh' .  Line: 64, col: 9
Error: ( Unknown type 'gamefile_sh'  Line: 94, col: 6
Error: ( Unknown type 'gamefile_sh'  Line: 101, col: 9
Error: ( Unknown type 'gamefile_sh'  Line: 102, col: 6
Error: ( Unknown type 'gamefile_sh'  Line: 105, col: 39
Error: ( Unknown type 'gamefile_sh'  Line: 110, col: 14
Error: ( Unknown type 'gamefile_sh'  Line: 161, col: 5
Error: ( Unknown type 'gamefile_sh'  Line: 162, col: 5
Error: ( Unknown type 'gamefile_sh'  Line: 166, col: 6
Error: ( Unknown type 'gamefile_sh'  Line: 169, col: 5
Error: ( Unknown type 'gamefile_sh'  Line: 170, col: 5
Error: ( Undeclared identifier '--UNKNOWN-PROP-NAME--' .  Line: 570, col: 16
291 scripts compiled.
Time elapsed: 5.42 seconds.

QFG1VGA compile log
Code: [Select]
Error: ( &rest cannot be used if the send target itself contains nested procedure calls or sends. Assign the result of the procedure call or send to a temporary variable and use that instead.  Line: 56, col: 27
Error: ( Duplicate label 'code_0448'  Line: 145, col: 0
Error: ( Duplicate label 'code_0453'  Line: 152, col: 0
Error: ( modeless is a property.  Only one parameter may be supplied.  Line: 525, col: 13
Warning: ( Duplicate case values. Already encountered a case for '50'  Line: 235, col: 4
Error: ( Undeclared identifier '--UNKNOWN-PROP-NAME--' .  Line: 1262, col: 32
Error: ( Undeclared identifier '--UNKNOWN-PROP-NAME--' .  Line: 330, col: 32
Error: ( &rest cannot be used if the send target itself contains nested procedure calls or sends. Assign the result of the procedure call or send to a temporary variable and use that instead.  Line: 416, col: 29
Error: ( &rest cannot be used if the send target itself contains nested procedure calls or sends. Assign the result of the procedure call or send to a temporary variable and use that instead.  Line: 419, col: 29
Error: ( &rest cannot be used if the send target itself contains nested procedure calls or sends. Assign the result of the procedure call or send to a temporary variable and use that instead.  Line: 551, col: 29
Error: ( &rest cannot be used if the send target itself contains nested procedure calls or sends. Assign the result of the procedure call or send to a temporary variable and use that instead.  Line: 554, col: 29
Error: ( &rest cannot be used if the send target itself contains nested procedure calls or sends. Assign the result of the procedure call or send to a temporary variable and use that instead.  Line: 595, col: 29
Error: ( &rest cannot be used if the send target itself contains nested procedure calls or sends. Assign the result of the procedure call or send to a temporary variable and use that instead.  Line: 598, col: 29
Error: ( &rest cannot be used if the send target itself contains nested procedure calls or sends. Assign the result of the procedure call or send to a temporary variable and use that instead.  Line: 748, col: 29
Error: ( &rest cannot be used if the send target itself contains nested procedure calls or sends. Assign the result of the procedure call or send to a temporary variable and use that instead.  Line: 751, col: 29
Warning: ( Duplicate case values. Already encountered a case for '4'  Line: 1661, col: 5
235 scripts compiled.
Time elapsed: 3.97 seconds.

QFG2 compile log
Code: [Select]
Warning: ( Duplicate case values. Already encountered a case for '54'  Line: 1023, col: 5
229 scripts compiled.
Time elapsed: 4.50 seconds.

LSL1VGA compile log
Code: [Select]
Error: ( z is a property.  Only one parameter may be supplied.  Line: 339, col: 6
Error: ( z is a property.  Only one parameter may be supplied.  Line: 345, col: 6
Error: ( z is a property.  Only one parameter may be supplied.  Line: 562, col: 92
Error: ( z is a property.  Only one parameter may be supplied.  Line: 563, col: 36
78 scripts compiled.
Time elapsed: 1.54 seconds.

SCI Development Tools / QFG1 Event Flags, Procedures, and Variables
« on: September 14, 2017, 12:20:33 PM »
After a bunch of work digging through the decompiled scripts of QFG1EGA, I was able to put together a few lists of variables, procedures, and event flags relating to the game. Some of the flags and variables are specific to QFG1VGA, and are noted as such.

9/30/2018 UPDATE: Thanks to Charles' work on the scripts here, I now have more complete and accurate lists! Also, there is now an extensive list of procedures and global variables for QFG1VGA.

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