« on: October 06, 2018, 07:57:22 PM »
When testing the decompiler on QFG1EGA (1.200), QFG1VGA, QFG2 (1.102), and LSL1VGA (2.0) (all from GOG), immediately recompiling the resulting scripts caused some errors. Here are the logs:
QFG1EGA compile log
Warning: (TownOverlook.sc) Duplicate case values. Already encountered a case for '3' Line: 580, col: 4
Warning: (Antwerp.sc) Duplicate case values. Already encountered a case for '18' Line: 1084, col: 4
Warning: (TownOutlook.sc) Duplicate case values. Already encountered a case for '65' Line: 168, col: 4
Warning: (EndGame.sc) Duplicate case values. Already encountered a case for '13' Line: 1056, col: 4
Warning: (EndGame.sc) Duplicate case values. Already encountered a case for '14' Line: 1059, col: 4
Warning: (EndGame.sc) Duplicate case values. Already encountered a case for '15' Line: 1062, col: 4
Error: (CharSave.sc) Unknown class 'gamefile_sh' . Line: 64, col: 9
Error: (CharSave.sc) Unknown type 'gamefile_sh' Line: 94, col: 6
Error: (CharSave.sc) Unknown type 'gamefile_sh' Line: 101, col: 9
Error: (CharSave.sc) Unknown type 'gamefile_sh' Line: 102, col: 6
Error: (CharSave.sc) Unknown type 'gamefile_sh' Line: 105, col: 39
Error: (CharSave.sc) Unknown type 'gamefile_sh' Line: 110, col: 14
Error: (CharSave.sc) Unknown type 'gamefile_sh' Line: 161, col: 5
Error: (CharSave.sc) Unknown type 'gamefile_sh' Line: 162, col: 5
Error: (CharSave.sc) Unknown type 'gamefile_sh' Line: 166, col: 6
Error: (CharSave.sc) Unknown type 'gamefile_sh' Line: 169, col: 5
Error: (CharSave.sc) Unknown type 'gamefile_sh' Line: 170, col: 5
Error: (Actor.sc) Undeclared identifier '--UNKNOWN-PROP-NAME--' . Line: 570, col: 16
291 scripts compiled.
Time elapsed: 5.42 seconds.
QFG1VGA compile log
Error: (Forest-43.sc) &rest cannot be used if the send target itself contains nested procedure calls or sends. Assign the result of the procedure call or send to a temporary variable and use that instead. Line: 56, col: 27
Error: (WizardGame.sc) Duplicate label 'code_0448' Line: 145, col: 0
Error: (WizardGame.sc) Duplicate label 'code_0453' Line: 152, col: 0
Error: (RTRandCycle.sc) modeless is a property. Only one parameter may be supplied. Line: 525, col: 13
Warning: (HermitCave.sc) Duplicate case values. Already encountered a case for '50' Line: 235, col: 4
Error: (inputBox.sc) Undeclared identifier '--UNKNOWN-PROP-NAME--' . Line: 1262, col: 32
Error: (egoFight.sc) Undeclared identifier '--UNKNOWN-PROP-NAME--' . Line: 330, col: 32
Error: (TownOutsideBar.sc) &rest cannot be used if the send target itself contains nested procedure calls or sends. Assign the result of the procedure call or send to a temporary variable and use that instead. Line: 416, col: 29
Error: (TownOutsideBar.sc) &rest cannot be used if the send target itself contains nested procedure calls or sends. Assign the result of the procedure call or send to a temporary variable and use that instead. Line: 419, col: 29
Error: (TownOutsideBar.sc) &rest cannot be used if the send target itself contains nested procedure calls or sends. Assign the result of the procedure call or send to a temporary variable and use that instead. Line: 551, col: 29
Error: (TownOutsideBar.sc) &rest cannot be used if the send target itself contains nested procedure calls or sends. Assign the result of the procedure call or send to a temporary variable and use that instead. Line: 554, col: 29
Error: (TownOutsideBar.sc) &rest cannot be used if the send target itself contains nested procedure calls or sends. Assign the result of the procedure call or send to a temporary variable and use that instead. Line: 595, col: 29
Error: (TownOutsideBar.sc) &rest cannot be used if the send target itself contains nested procedure calls or sends. Assign the result of the procedure call or send to a temporary variable and use that instead. Line: 598, col: 29
Error: (TownOutsideBar.sc) &rest cannot be used if the send target itself contains nested procedure calls or sends. Assign the result of the procedure call or send to a temporary variable and use that instead. Line: 748, col: 29
Error: (TownOutsideBar.sc) &rest cannot be used if the send target itself contains nested procedure calls or sends. Assign the result of the procedure call or send to a temporary variable and use that instead. Line: 751, col: 29
Warning: (Forest.sc) Duplicate case values. Already encountered a case for '4' Line: 1661, col: 5
235 scripts compiled.
Time elapsed: 3.97 seconds.
QFG2 compile log
Warning: (rm130.sc) Duplicate case values. Already encountered a case for '54' Line: 1023, col: 5
229 scripts compiled.
Time elapsed: 4.50 seconds.
LSL1VGA compile log
Error: (DiscoExterior.sc) z is a property. Only one parameter may be supplied. Line: 339, col: 6
Error: (DiscoExterior.sc) z is a property. Only one parameter may be supplied. Line: 345, col: 6
Error: (CasinoEvesBedroom.sc) z is a property. Only one parameter may be supplied. Line: 562, col: 92
Error: (CasinoEvesBedroom.sc) z is a property. Only one parameter may be supplied. Line: 563, col: 36
78 scripts compiled.
Time elapsed: 1.54 seconds.