Great, that points me in the right direction.
I looked at the readme and I understand the egg better now. The instruction Alt+D to open the debugger is to bypass the copy protection! If you type "marble" it launches the game, "pirate" shows the egg. The online easter egg descriptions didn't make it clear you were supposed to be using the debugger to bypass CP.
I like your suggestion about bobalu. Does allowing bobalu and marble to bypass CP, but pirate to produce the egg seem like a good compromise?
"Marble" works in version 2.0. In version 2.2, the command was changed to "wave anchor".
On another note, I have actually completed my KQ4 system upgrade. It involved major code rewrites that take advantage of the procedures introduced since the game's initial release.
One thing I did was make the various objects into instances rather than new: objects. This gives the advantage of specifying their individual properties, freeing up a lot of heap space.
Another thing I did was replace much of the Load commands with the LoadMany procedure, freeing up some more heap.
Also, I restored the inventory item descriptions, lifted directly from the AGI version.
Finally, Lolotte's dialog sequences were moved into their own room, numbered 192, since room 92 used WAY too much heap space.
Feel free to PM me if you'd like to test it. The LSL2 upgrade is up next on my agenda, and it should be much easier, since Sierra already did the major code rewrites for the Amiga version.