Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: User-submitted tutorials / How-To's
« on: December 04, 2010, 04:04:24 AM »
The SCI Studio Help files could be done, but it is a lot of work. I have started on Brian's tutorial and am getting to a burnout point. I'll have to look into one of the HTML to WikiMedia converters.
It took me a while to figure out how to modify the navigation pane. You have to get to it much the same way that you get to the Chrome file for Firefox and it is only accessible with an admin login. Just let me know when you want something added to it. I have enabled uploads, but because of the security risk regular users do not have permissions. I could try to create a new permissions mask for a trusted group of regular contributors. Please bear with me, as I am new to administering a Wiki.
I am starting to see the Wiki as a valuable tool that many will want to have opened along side Studio or Companion to have all the SCI info we have right at hand. I have thought of a couple of GUI changes that would be nice for Studio once it gets to a point of being as usable as Companion. Have the New Game drop a dosbox.conf in the game's folder and the Run Game launch DOSBox, using that config file. A link to the Wiki and this forum in the Help Menu or on the Toolbar would be great. For NSIS I use NIS Edit. It is an older editor that is becoming dated, but I feel more comfortable with it. A link to the NSIS Wiki and the NSIS forum are right in Help Menu. This is extremely convenient when I am having trouble with something or I get stumped on how to do something new.
It took me a while to figure out how to modify the navigation pane. You have to get to it much the same way that you get to the Chrome file for Firefox and it is only accessible with an admin login. Just let me know when you want something added to it. I have enabled uploads, but because of the security risk regular users do not have permissions. I could try to create a new permissions mask for a trusted group of regular contributors. Please bear with me, as I am new to administering a Wiki.
I am starting to see the Wiki as a valuable tool that many will want to have opened along side Studio or Companion to have all the SCI info we have right at hand. I have thought of a couple of GUI changes that would be nice for Studio once it gets to a point of being as usable as Companion. Have the New Game drop a dosbox.conf in the game's folder and the Run Game launch DOSBox, using that config file. A link to the Wiki and this forum in the Help Menu or on the Toolbar would be great. For NSIS I use NIS Edit. It is an older editor that is becoming dated, but I feel more comfortable with it. A link to the NSIS Wiki and the NSIS forum are right in Help Menu. This is extremely convenient when I am having trouble with something or I get stumped on how to do something new.
Edit: It might just be me but I do not think the reference page is set up.Thanks for the link. As I said in earlier posts I had not figured out the footnotes or citations. I'll try to look into tomorrow.
To easily find the problem just click on the reference at the bottom to take you to the reference
This is the page I used used to make sure I was doing it correctly, it has been awhile since I have done any wiki editing...