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Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: User-submitted tutorials / How-To's
« on: December 04, 2010, 04:04:24 AM »
The SCI Studio Help files could be done, but it is a lot of work. I have started on Brian's tutorial and am getting to a burnout point. I'll have to look into one of the HTML to WikiMedia converters.

It took me a while to figure out how to modify the navigation pane. You have to get to it much the same way that you get to the Chrome file for Firefox and it is only accessible with an admin login. Just let me know when you want something added to it. I have enabled uploads, but because of the security risk regular users do not have permissions. I could try to create a new permissions mask for a trusted group of regular contributors. Please bear with me, as I am new to administering a Wiki.

I am starting to see the Wiki as a valuable tool that many will want to have opened along side Studio or Companion to have all the SCI info we have right at hand. I have thought of a couple of GUI changes that would be nice for Studio once it gets to a point of being as usable as Companion. Have the New Game drop a dosbox.conf in the game's folder and the Run Game launch DOSBox, using that config file. A link to the Wiki and this forum in the Help Menu or on the Toolbar would be great. For NSIS I use NIS Edit. It is an older editor that is becoming dated, but I feel more comfortable with it. A link to the NSIS Wiki and the NSIS forum are right in Help Menu. This is extremely convenient when I am having trouble with something or I get stumped on how to do something new.
Edit: It might just be me but I do not think the reference page is set up.

To easily find the problem just click on the reference at the bottom to take you to the reference

This is the page I used used to make sure I was doing it correctly, it has been awhile since I have done any wiki editing...
Thanks for the link. As I said in earlier posts I had not figured out the footnotes or citations. I'll try to look into tomorrow.

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: User-submitted tutorials / How-To's
« on: December 03, 2010, 08:54:43 PM »
The Wiki will accept some HTML code, so commenting is the same

Code: [Select]
<!-- text inside these tags will not be seen -->
This can be used to hide, but keep the original text with the page. The Wiki software tracks changes, however, commenting out the original text will keep it where it was. I think that the Free SCI document and Brian's tutorial are the only things that we should do this with. The Wiki tracking is fine for everything else.

By the way, it will accept the HTML tag for line break. Probably should use the XHTML version:
Code: [Select]
<br /> since it generates XHTML code. I put  links to WikiMedia formatting, linking and tables how tos on the main page.

I have still to work out citations and footnotes, but if I don't have much success, I'll just set named anchors to link to.

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: User-submitted tutorials / How-To's
« on: December 03, 2010, 06:17:41 PM »
Go ahead and make any corrections you see that need to be made. Just comment out the original and notate it.

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: User-submitted tutorials / How-To's
« on: December 03, 2010, 06:02:30 PM »
Feel free to add Ravi's stuff. I am aware of the site, but it seems to be mostly about his drivers and not much about SCI specifically.

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: User-submitted tutorials / How-To's
« on: December 03, 2010, 05:23:20 PM »
Why not, but I'm not sure what good the Free SCI source would do us. Perhaps for the SCI Studio development? Better to get it and not need it than not and find out later that it would have been of use.

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: User-submitted tutorials / How-To's
« on: December 03, 2010, 02:24:20 PM »
It would be good to have it arranged and linked in some kind of logical, cohesive way. That is part of the point of doing it in a Wiki. I do think we need to concentrate first on gathering all of the information before anything more disappears. I expect the Free SCI site to not be around much longer. Is there anything else on their site that we should get?

Omni mentioned the Web Archive, but this is of limited use. The main thing that would be what we would want to get is the SCI forum of the MT board and forums are never archived at any usable level. Most of the threads are inaccessible and the rest are incomplete. It would probably be more productive to contact an admin of the AGI Games site if they have a backup of the board's data base. I could setup a temporary SMF board to import it into so we could grab the info in the threads. Of course it would be missing any images or files, but the info would be there.

Does anyone know how to contact an admin from the MT board?

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: User-submitted tutorials / How-To's
« on: December 03, 2010, 12:15:34 AM »
This wiki is awesome, one of the best things to happen with this community in while I think. Also I have some server space(a Linux server at godaddy) I pay for monthly and do not use if it can be of use.

This helps get the information into all one source, as currently a lot of the old sources are dying and The Way Back Machine only does so much.
Cloudee wants it to be all under one roof, but it does eat up space. I'll host the Wiki until he's ready for it. Server space is not an issue for me, as I essentially have unlimited space and don't even come close to my monthly allotment of bandwidth. I feel that is is important to save what we can as soon as possible. If we had had the foresight to save the MT content before it disappeared we could have have all of it. I'll probably keep an archive of the Wiki on SHP as a backup after Cloudee sets it up here.

If anyone can think of anything else that should go in the Wiki, feel free to have at it. Should Brian's tutorial be duplicated in the Wiki? It might be handy. How about some general information about developmental resources, including Omni's SourceForge project? Or adding the fan games to the SCI game list in the Free SCI documentation?

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: User-submitted tutorials / How-To's
« on: December 02, 2010, 09:35:47 PM »
I have the Kernel functions section entered. It was a formatting headache. Could look it over to check it out? Just need that "SCI in action" section done, now.

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: User-submitted tutorials / How-To's
« on: December 02, 2010, 01:25:05 PM »
No, it helped. The only thing that I noticed was that you didn't put closing tags on your tables. I've started to mark what need to be done in red, like links and footnotes. You can use the span tag for certain things such as font color. I'm working on the "The SCI Virtual Machine" section. I still have to format the last half of it, yet.

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: User-submitted tutorials / How-To's
« on: December 01, 2010, 03:56:22 PM »
In the Navigation box, click on the "SCI Specifications". You can start pasting in pages for the red links. I still need to sort out how to do the Wiki foot notes.

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: User-submitted tutorials / How-To's
« on: December 01, 2010, 02:18:46 PM »
The test Wiki with only a few pages is currently approaching 50MB not counting the database. Adding any images or other files will make this grow. I imagine that the database will also quickly grow. Even if this test Wiki is not to be the Wiki, it can let us to continue to set it up. I'll look into how possible it is to export the database. I suppose that even if things have to be copied over manually, it will already be in the Wiki format, so little to no editing would need to be done for a second copy and paste.

As far as copying the Free SCI stuff over, you can't do a straight copy and paste. Any line that begins with a space gets interpreted as code and a single line break will not be recognized as a line break. It does not recognize BB code. It uses its own code for formatting. Links are handled different. See the following for more.

It does accept some HTML tags, like br and pre. You can hit the edit tab on a page to see how I've started to enter the Free SCI docs. You can create a link before you create the page. The link will be red. If you click on a red link, you will be given a link to create that page. It probably makes more sense to do an intermediate copy and paste into a text editor where you have a search and replace function to speed up the reformatting. Let me know if you need any more help.

SCI Syntax Help / Re: How to use Qualifying Adjectives with the parser?
« on: December 01, 2010, 01:02:29 AM »
Too bad that we couldn't ask one of the old Sierra developers for input. Scott Murphy can be contacted on Facebook, but he would probably be too keen about it.

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: User-submitted tutorials / How-To's
« on: December 01, 2010, 12:57:25 AM »
I think that Brian's original tutorials and the advanced tutorials should also be present here as well. This could really be a great thing for SCI development. I don't know what Cloudee thinks either, but either way I think a Wiki should be kept somewhere.
I agree. We should put everything on it. Not in lieu of, but in addition. Things have a way of disappearing on the internet. Having information duplicated on different sites is a good thing, but the Wiki could bring it all together in one place for convenience's sake. I am plugging away at it, setting up the frame work, but I don't want to get too much work invested in it if it is to be hosted elsewhere and all of my efforts would have to be duplicated.

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: User-submitted tutorials / How-To's
« on: November 30, 2010, 10:42:29 PM »
We can probably dump the section on Free SCI. The rest can be added as is into, perhaps an SCI specification section? After that, anything in it can be copied/modified into the how-tos. We should probably start thinking about some kind of structure. Perhaps general, scripting with sub groups of general scripting and parser scripting, GUI handling, Resource handling, etc.

Forum Support and Suggestions / Re: User-submitted tutorials / How-To's
« on: November 30, 2010, 09:23:52 PM »
I don't know what Cloudee has in mind, but I believe that the resources here are somewhat limited. I don't mind hosting the Wiki. I don't want to step on any toes, but if this is alright with him, others can start to contribute. Gumby, you might be more familiar with what is on SCI info that should be salvaged and what is good info for development. Feel free to add anything you think should be there.

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