SCI Syntax Help / Re: SCI0: Issues implementing Trite Phrase Menu item
« on: December 11, 2024, 07:13:22 AM »
Right solved.
I was not declaring my string1 correctly. Same problem as Kawa pointed out earlier. I needed to use [string1 40] in the local instead of what I was using string1.
From what I understand was going on here is its placing the gExpletive into string1 and it was not big enough to hold it hence the weirdness with the view naming error.
Thanks again everyone
I was not declaring my string1 correctly. Same problem as Kawa pointed out earlier. I needed to use [string1 40] in the local instead of what I was using string1.
From what I understand was going on here is its placing the gExpletive into string1 and it was not big enough to hold it hence the weirdness with the view naming error.
Code: [Select]
(Print (Format @string1 029 47 gExpletive)
Thanks again everyone