SCI Syntax Help / Re: SCI0: Issues implementing Trite Phrase Menu item
« on: November 05, 2024, 12:35:32 PM »
Sorry for the hiatus.
So I have in my main.sc
I don't have the "echo SPACE" syntax as it does not like it. I'm not sure if its needed?
I've tried to simplify the command a little more in my 290 script:
So I have in my main.sc
Code: [Select]
(User alterEgo: gEgo blocks: FALSE x: -1 y: 150)
I don't have the "echo SPACE" syntax as it does not like it. I'm not sure if its needed?
I've tried to simplify the command a little more in my 290 script:
Code: [Select]
(= gExpletive ;this is causing startup not to work
(Format @gExpletiveBuffer 290 1)
If I use %s in my text file 290 1 it works but does not show a default Trite phrase when selecting it from the menu. You can enter in a new one and it seems to work fine. If I change the %s for "Have a nice day" that's when it crashes on the ProgramControl syntaxes.