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Topics - Doan Sephim

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
SCI Syntax Help / Trying to sidestep the Restore Menu (SCI0)
« on: March 26, 2024, 08:42:47 AM »
I'm trying to add a "Retry" button on the death dialog that will automatically restore the most recent save.
Here's what I have tried to no effect:
Code: [Select]
(= mbResult
{Remember:\nsave early, save often!}
{Words to the wise:}
(switch mbResult
(if (!= (gGame restore:) -1) (return))
(gCast eachElementDo: #dispose)
(gCast eachElementDo: #delete)
(RestoreGame objectName 0 gVersion)
(3 (gGame restart:) (return))
(4 (= gQuitGame TRUE) (return))
I simply added a new button called retry, and when it is clicked I copy/pasted some code from the restore method in the game script, but I am clearly missing something. Here is the code from the game script. I'm a bit out of my element when it comes to deciphering the base code, so any help would be appreciated.
Code: [Select]
(method (restore &tmp gameNum oldCursor hSound)
(= gameNum  -1)
(Load rsFONT gSaveRestoreFont)
(Load rsCURSOR gNormalCursor)
(Load rsCURSOR gLoadingCursor)
(= oldCursor (self setCursor: gNormalCursor))
(= hSound (Sound pause: 1))
(if (GetSaveDisk TRUE)
(if gPrintDlg (gPrintDlg dispose:))
(= gameNum (Restore doit: &rest))
(if (!= gameNum -1)
(self setCursor: gLoadingCursor)
(if (CheckSaveGame objectName gameNum gVersion)
(gCast eachElementDo: #dispose)
(gCast eachElementDo: #delete)
(RestoreGame objectName gameNum gVersion)
{That game was saved under a different interpreter. It cannot be restored.}
(self setCursor: oldCursor (HaveMouse))
(= gameNum -1)
(GetSaveDisk FALSE)
(Sound pause: hSound)
(return gameNum)

SCI Syntax Help / [SOLVED] Parsing lone nouns
« on: February 02, 2024, 02:24:48 PM »
Does anyone know how to parse lone nouns without using a verb?

I want the player to be able to answer a question by just answering with a noun, but it gets caught up in a syntax error since it's not a complete command.


SCI Syntax Help / Is there no cond in Studio Script?
« on: July 13, 2023, 07:22:27 PM »
Don't crucify me here! Yes, I'm coding Betrayed Alliance Book 1 is Studio Script, but only because the project is older than Sierra Script and the migration process would be more burdensome than it's worth. Don't worry, Book 2 is in Sierra Script!

All that said. I was trying to migrate the "look/item" from Book 2 into book 1 and hit a snag...apparently there is no "cond" conditional in Studio Script! Does anyone know if there is a functional alternative? I'm trying to migrate the following code over:
Code: [Select]
(if (Said 'look>')
((= i (gInv saidMe:))
(if (i ownedBy: gEgo)
(i showSelf:)

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / new game! Quest for the Cheat for DL
« on: September 13, 2004, 03:44:54 PM »
my not so original game "Quest for the Cheat" will be back up for download as soon as it is OK'd by Chris: you will find the game
for those who've played the "beta" version, there is little that is different: some bugs fixed, a song removed, and now for a limited time only, you can kick someone in the game!
itll say the author is rayne - thats me, doan ok? have fun!

edit-don't yell at me if its too short either! it was my first game :P

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / beta v.1.0 of QftC available
« on: June 02, 2004, 12:10:12 PM »
i put up a short little game that i would like some people to beta-test...sinse i put it up, ive already changed afew problems (i changed it from "Brian Provinciano says: to something else-but in the v.1.0 it will still say that...sorry Brian), but i would still like input.
just go here:
thanks and have fun!

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / i cannot hear anything!!
« on: May 17, 2004, 07:27:58 PM »
ive been having a problem with sounds. on my new computer (windows xp) i cannot get any sound...that is, i can get sound from other games like unreal tournament 2003 or and other thing...but things like quest for glory are sadly silent. i had tried to figure out the problem for some time, but have not made any progress.
i wonder, is this a similar problem anyone else has encountered and/or solved?
thanks doan

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / something really crappy just happened
« on: May 13, 2004, 11:16:57 PM »
i was working on my game and i went to rebuild the resources or know that button that reduces the game size. well i did that and SCI Studio informed me that some rare problem occured and it closed out my game. i tried to reload it, but it said that it was unable to on account of it not being complete, or the wrong version and all that. it told me that it was unable to do it because "resource.001" was messed up. so i checked the folder and it was missing (really replaced by a new temporary file called respak.tmp. i attempted to copy and paste a new resource.001 file into the folder, but sci studio told me that if was not of the same game and wouldnt open the game.
im working on XP, does anyone have any idea what happened? really all i want to be able to do is salvage the views, pics, and that possible? any ideas extremely upset about this!

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / how can i take away your control?
« on: May 12, 2004, 12:50:39 PM »
hello. i was just wandering how i can take control away from the player for a moment. ide use this to make it better when climbing things...its kinda dumb looking in i can make them climb left and right...
and just in case its not the same would i give them back control?

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / ego and moveSpeed
« on: December 02, 2003, 03:49:30 PM »
to help quicken movement in my game, im trying to do what sierra did with quest for glory, and using the run ability...and i ran into some trouble.
i checked out the user script and found the Ego class and all his properties...and moveSpeed looked like it would work.
well it works, but only in the wrong direction ;)  i set my global statement:
   (send gEgo:moveSpeed (0))
however, his current speed seems to be the fastest and i can only slow him down...i tried to set the property in the ego class to be slower, but to no avail...what am i to do?

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / global variable check
« on: December 02, 2003, 12:12:21 AM »
hi all!
x = 10
when x = 15, 30, 45, 75 ego gains new abilities. now i can do this, but everytime x increases i have to write in code for how to handle whatever number x i write the same code for everytime i increase x...i suspect there is a way to write the code once, and jump to it without having to write it out several times. if so, where do i put it?

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / one time actions
« on: November 12, 2003, 01:30:23 PM »
i set up a local like:
then i set it to true like:

my question is, when i do an action and set it to false, does it "forget" it is false if i leave the room and come back in? in my experience it does, and how do i make it to not change back to true?


Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / direction arrows
« on: November 09, 2003, 09:34:30 PM »
supposing one was to create a scenario in which a direction arrow was needed to indicate a change in view (for a motionless animation...that is motionless regarding the y and x does one do so...and can it be made so that ego does not move when you push an arrow?


Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / i have a question about dialog boxes
« on: November 02, 2003, 07:54:12 PM »
ive been through the tutorials and have no problem with adding views to my dialog boxes...(btw the tutorials are excellent!)...but in any event, i dont know how to set the views in motion there. ive tried to discover it by checking out the dying sequence because that view is animated, but i think i confused myself more than i found anything helpful.
again, if this is a dumb question with a readily available answer in some obvious place, im sorry and i would love to be directed is something like what i have coded:
            (if(< (send gEgo:distanceTo(aMan)) 40)
                    "Well hello!"
                    #title "Titan Says:"
                    #icon 4 0 0

Mega Tokyo SCI Archive / beginner in some kind of trouble
« on: October 23, 2003, 05:13:50 PM »
well hello!
i am a stupid beginner trying to make it through the SCI training chapters about all the aspects of SCI game know, pics, texts, etc...but keep running into difficulties and this time i cannot seem to work myself into some sort of solution and i must bother you smarter and probably much more talented people about a trifle im sure...but i digress, here is my problem:

i downloaded the latest SCI studio with its tutorial guide and followed it to the part of tells me to double-click on "Title Screen" to open up the script editor, but i only get the message that scripts cannot be i open up the editor manually and open the title screen script therefrom...i make the suggested changes, save, and try to compile, but to no benefit; also running the game yields no change either.

im sorry if the answer is in some faq or other place that i havent been able to find, but could anyone please help out a fool?

With great thanks to everyone here, Betrayed Alliance Book 2 Demo is now available for free download on my website
Brandon Blume (AKA musicallyinspired) created the music and it can even be played with different sound drivers (mt32, adlib, sound blaster, even pc speaker!)

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