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SCI Syntax Help / Re: [SQ4CD] Ending with some missing lines...
« Last post by L@Zar0 on January 15, 2025, 05:29:29 AM »
That's what I seen, yes.

This is a bit different than the method used in KQ5CD, that's why I'm a bit confused. I understand that the compiler uses some kernel display function (kDisplay/kPrint?) for message texts strings given a noun/verb/cond/seq (in message resources tab) and the speech uses some kernel audio function (kDoAudio) for voices given a noun/verb/cond/seq (in map resources tab, and include the mouth sprites?).

I wish I had this in KQ5CD, it had been a bit more easy to add subtitles.

The problem I see in this case is that I should extract that voices and add to message resource to use them as normal method used in SQ4. So, I think I will leave the code with the little solution I found.
SCI Syntax Help / Re: [SQ4CD] Ending with some missing lines...
« Last post by doomlazer on January 14, 2025, 10:44:40 PM »
In any case, I don't understand how the hell the game access that audios. They are not in Message.557, but I can see they are in file, at the end.

Open in SCIViewer and it shows the noun, verb, condition, sequence along with its audio offset, which is the offset in AUDIO.VOL where the voice wavs are stored.
SCI Syntax Help / Re: [SQ4CD] Ending with some missing lines...
« Last post by L@Zar0 on January 14, 2025, 05:06:13 PM »
Ok, I finally achieved something, altough I don't like the scripting method:

This would be part of the code:

For the second lines, I use: "(DoAudio 2 557 34 0 2 1)"

In any case, I don't understand how the hell the game access that audios. They are not in Message.557, but I can see they are in file, at the end.
SCI Syntax Help / [SQ4CD] Ending with some missing lines...
« Last post by L@Zar0 on January 14, 2025, 02:45:04 PM »

I found a post "SQ4 Intro (Missing Subtitles)" in "General and Everything Else" subforum:

As I'm working in the translation for SQ4 CD, I've reached the ending and seen that some of the ending lines are missing (in fact, they show too fast, or even near don't show, with NRS Update 3 or not). I seen that @doomlazer has fixed this deleting the lines because presumably, the voices does not exists. But, in fact, the SQ4 CD has that lines, but I don't understand how it finds (and play them).

This is part of the code showing the text or the speech depending on what we have set (Text or Speech):

And here is the Prop when using Speech in normal vanilla game:

Ok, here it says, talkerNum 34, but I can not find this talker in messages file Message.557. But it seems that plays the audio (Roger and Roger Jr. talking at the same time). Maybe it is a sound, I don't know. Apart, in Message.557, the text lines exist, but the voices not (although they seem to play in speech mode).

I would like to know how the game finds that voice AND I would like to know if it is possible to do some type of fix/patch when using Text and Speech settings at the same time (like in ScummVM).

I would hve assumed that it already did.
Hi friends,

I?ve long been thinking of different ways to enjoy some of the characters from the classic Sierra games and ended up prototyping a casual Match-3 Bejeweled style game themed after KQ6.

I know it?s not an adventure game but I see it as a supplementary works to the original game with the goal of offering a new, nostalgic experience.

Curious to hear thoughts!

I'm necroing this thread to say that GAL picture support has been added to ScummVM:
SCI Development Tools / KQ6 original 911 patch files
« Last post by doomlazer on January 05, 2025, 06:47:04 PM »
If you remember this thread you know that a corrupt debug script was found in the Italian version of KQ6 by Omer. It was eventually restored to work with the english version of KQ6CD.

On Dec 17th some floppy disks were uploaded to recovered from Dave Lowe's studio. One of the disks labeled "Sierra Cheat Code SCIV" contains 911.SCR, 911.HEP & 911.TXT. These are for the floppy version of KQ6. They crash with KQ6CD. It also contains ROOMS.TXT. A nicely formatted list of room names and numbers for teleporting to.

Code: [Select]
screen sierra description

isle of crowns

2 200 beach
3 210 tree
4 220 castle gate
5 230 castle wall
6 240 village 1
7 250 village 2
8 260 ferry docks
9 270 book shop
10 280 pawn brokers
11 290 ferry boat


12 130 magicmap
13 135     ocean
14 140 cassima
15 145 vizier/genie
16 150 alex/vizier
17 155 nightmare
18 160 v & c wed
19 165 a & c wed
20 180 alex prop

isle of wonder

23 450 beach
24 460 !
25 470 swamp
26 480 gardens
27 490 chessboard

isle of beast

28 500 beach
29 510 stone archer
30 520 boiling pond
31 540 beasts garden

isle of mists

32 550 beach
33 560 druids woods
34 580 stone circle

realm of dead

35 600 surface 1
36 630 surface 2
37 640 entrance
38 650 passage
39 660 river styx
40 670 gates
41 680 hall
42 690 lord of dead


43 700 stairs
44 710 west basement
45 720 north basement
46 730 grand hall
47 740 throne room
48 750 tower room
49 770 treasure room
50 780 bedrooms
51 790 tower landing
52 800 passage landing
53 810 passage hallway
54 820 dungeon
55 840 east basement
56 850 west upstairs
57 860 east upstairs
58 870 north upstairs
59 880 behind pillar

isle of sacred mountain

12 300 beach
13 320 logic cliff
14 330 top of cliffs
15 350 winged gates
16 370 palace nest
17 380 oracle
18 390 caves


19 400 generic rooms
20 410 spike maze
21 420 crushing room
22 440 minotaurs lair

As you can see from the pictures, both the floppy and CD script debuggers are functionally identical; though I'm not sure if the cursor artifacts in 2.png are cause by the patch, or the floppy version is just glitchy in general. I tested it with DOS, perhaps it's meant for the Amiga version?

Just like the CD version, additional debugging effects are enabled if an empty file named g is present in the game folder.

The other disks contain the "german" version of the KQ6 intro playable in an amiga emulator. The text in the intro is all english though.

There are a lot of music source files with some interesting comments by Dave to dig through as well.
I use a fairly recent version of Kawa's nightly builds. Strange that conjunction wouldn't be in all versions of SciCompanion. At least you got it working!
Well, to be sure, I reopened a clean install of the GOG version for KQ4. This is what my Vocab.000 says:

It seems I have not Conjunction or Association classes. I think this is the SCI version. I'm using SCI Companion

PD: And for your interest, with it seems to have that classes:

Which version are you using btw?
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