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SCI Development Tools / Re: SCI Companion V3 - alpha build notes/bugs/feature requests
« Last post by L@Zar0 on February 09, 2025, 05:30:32 AM »
Hi again,

I'm having problems when importing images -256 colors indexed bitmap (.bmp) images- into Space Quest 6. I used Photoshop (the worst for indexed images) and Paint Shop Pro 7. With Paint Shop Pro I understand that the indexes are correct.

I'm having the issue with picture: 150 and view: 150 (the main menu). Picture 150 seems to have a lot of black pixels with different black indexed colors, that cycle with the palette. When I import the picture, all this is deleted, it seems the indexes are lost. Can it be?

Also, after importing, when I export the file (150.p56) and use it, it causes an error in scummvm saying that there is not Cel 0 selected or something like this.

Do you know if there is any fix for this?

PD: Ok, after checking the image exported, it seems the indexed colored pixels are not correctly exported (at least when exported they seem to be index 0 (black color), but if you check in SCI Companion with mouse cursor, you will see in 150.p56, that all the black pixels, have different index.
SCI Syntax Help / Re: [SQ6] Issue decompiling
« Last post by L@Zar0 on February 08, 2025, 05:26:54 PM »
Hi doomlazer...
That's another option, yes. But at the end, I have finished the intro with translated subtitles. I can play the VMD videos with VLC (so, I had only to test the video a very few times -2-).

This is the result FYI:

In any case, I don't know if I will need to modify rm100 or not for translation... but in case I have, this will be a little issue.
Hello dear community, I was missing the good vibes of these calm forums and their helpful members. In case you were curious the LSL5 Czech localization is out. There's a video presentation as well.

Also LSL6 is somewhat done without need to tamper with scripts or re-compilation. However there are few bugs worth discussing.

During the intro cutscene of LSL6 there are two instances when the scene goes out into dark and narration goes on, no text being visible at that time unfortunately for localization. When a new scene pops in there's the text from the previous narration still visible for a short time before it gets replaced by new text along with new narration.
The short glimpse is of string "After a few glorious moments in the back of the limo (in which you act out your favorite scene from "No Way Out" while Shalo acts out her favorite scene from "Ice Station Zebra") you arrive at the studio, and are escorted directly to the set, where an episode of "Stallions" is being taped."

So to summarize rm130 ends with narration without visible text, scene rm140 starts with text from previous scene visible for a while. Would it be possible to make the scene rm140 appear sooner so that the text is visible for at least 3 seconds before the new narration occurs? If not sooner maybe just pause for 3 sec right after popping in before it gets into motion. I believe the snippet dealing with loading the scene is this (from sluicebox's)

Code: [Select]
(instance rm140 of LarryRoom
picture 140
horizon 0

(method (init)
(SetCursor 98 0 0)
(gGlobalSound2 number: 0 stop:)
(super init: &rest)
(Palette 2 0 255 local8) ; PalIntensity
(gMouseDownHandler add: self)
(gKeyDownHandler add: self)
(self setScript: cartoonScr)

(method (handleEvent event)
(not (event claimed:))
(& (event type:) evMOUSEBUTTON)
(not local6)
(== (event message:) KEY_RETURN)
(& (event type:) evKEYBOARD)
(event claimed: 1)

(method (dispose)
(gMouseDownHandler delete: self)
(gKeyDownHandler delete: self)
(super dispose: &rest)

(method (newRoom newRoomNumber)
(= local6 newRoomNumber)
(gCast eachElementDo: #hide)
(gThePlane drawPic: -1)
(roomTimer setReal: self 2)
(if global205

(method (cue)
(roomTimer dispose: delete:)
(Palette 2 0 255 100) ; PalIntensity
(super newRoom: local6)

There's another such transition from rm140 to rm800 when these lines are being said:
Wow! What a cherry '73 Pacer!!
Finally! Your luck has changed, Larry! Two weeks at an exclusive health spa, filled with gorgeous women!
La Costa Lotta, HERE I COME!

and this is the snippet which might have the timing involved.

Code: [Select]
(instance startOfGameScr of Script

(method (changeState newState)
(switch (= state newState)
(gEgo hide:)
(= ticks 60)
(gGlobalSound1 number: 803 loop: -1 hold: 1 setVol: 10 play:)
(= ticks 30)
(gGlobalSound1 fade: 127 10 5 0)
(= ticks 240)
setStep: 5 2
setCycle: Fwd
setMotion: DPath 174 120 61 120 -20 119 self
(limo hide:)
(= ticks 120)
setStep: 3 2
loop: 1
cel: 0
posn: -10 89
setCycle: Fwd
setPri: 100
setMotion: MoveTo 117 89 self
(gGlobalSound1 hold: 2)
(= ticks 120)
(gGlobalSound2 number: 801 loop: 1 play:)
(guardGate setCycle: End self)
(= ticks 20)
(gGlobalSound1 hold: 3)
(limo setCycle: Fwd setMotion: MoveTo 197 89 self)
(gGlobalSound1 hold: 4)
(limo loop: 2 cel: 0 setCycle: CT 2 1 self)
(= cycles 2)
(limo setPri: 80 posn: 202 89 cel: 2)
(= ticks 45)
(gEgo setPri: 79 posn: 203 90 loop: 8 cel: 1 show:)
(= ticks 90)
(gGlobalSound1 hold: 5)
(gGlobalSound2 number: 802 loop: 1 play:)
(guardGate setCycle: Beg)
(limo setCycle: End self)
(= cycles 2)
(limo posn: 194 88 loop: 3 cel: 0 setCycle: Fwd)
(= cycles 2)
cel: 0
loop: 3
setCycle: Fwd
setMotion: MoveTo -10 88 self
(limo dispose:)
(gGlobalSound1 fade:)
setPri: -1
setSpeed: 6
setMotion: DPath 211 90 215 87 217 84 223 84 self
(= ticks 120)
(gThePlane drawPic: -1 0)
(gCurRoom newRoom: 200)

Well, even if these scripts could be altered in a way that would help the localization would it be possible to make SCR patches that would be compatible with the vanilla files of the game?
SCI Syntax Help / Re: LSL6 Gravis Ultrasound Audio
« Last post by Collector on February 08, 2025, 01:11:54 PM »
Well, that driver was provided by Sierra.
SCI Syntax Help / Re: LSL6 Gravis Ultrasound Audio
« Last post by doomlazer on February 08, 2025, 12:22:18 PM »
It works fine. I just thought it was odd that it requires the drivers to be in a GK folder. Other non-sierra games find the GUS midi patch folder as defined in the dosbox config - normally C:\ULTRASND
SCI Syntax Help / Re: LSL6 Gravis Ultrasound Audio
« Last post by Collector on February 08, 2025, 08:47:52 AM »
That folder would indicate the path inside of DOSBox, not your computer, of course. Is the parent folder of the 'SIERRA' folder mounted as C:? i.e., if the actual folder is C:\Oldgames\SIERRA\GKCD\ then the command in the [autoexec] section of your dosbox.conf should be

mount c C:\Oldgames

then DOSBox will see the game installed in 'C:\SIERRA\GKCD' and the GUSMIDI.DRV should be in the GKCD directory.
SCI Syntax Help / Re: [SQ6] Issue decompiling
« Last post by doomlazer on February 07, 2025, 07:30:33 PM »
If the goal is to bypass the intro for testing, why not use the script debugger?

Modify a room you can re-compile to play the video and then TP to it from the 'Where to?'
SCI Syntax Help / Re: LSL6 Gravis Ultrasound Audio
« Last post by doomlazer on February 07, 2025, 10:23:24 AM »
I was trying the GMGUS drivers, but after your comment I downloaded the GUS32 driver from this page. I ran 'loadpats -ill6.ini', but when I start the game I get:

Error 53: Can't find sound driver 'C:\SIERRA\GKCD\GUSMIDI.DRV'.

Putting the drivers in that folder does work. but I'm not sure it was worth the hassle.
SCI Syntax Help / [SQ6] Issue decompiling
« Last post by L@Zar0 on February 07, 2025, 07:45:52 AM »

well, I reached SQ6. Although it has a spanish translation, I want to review it, and check some things.
For do this, the first thing is try to add subtitles to 90.VMD and 1090.VMD videos (the existant fanmade translation has subtitles, but I don't like them and the font is different to the one of the game -font 71-).

For achieve that, I want to mod to play directly the video and not lost time seeing the beginning of the intro, so I need to modify the script.
This time, I have not luck. I can not make it compile correctly with sluicebox sources (and there are either sources from EricOakford), and the decompilation results in:

I added the original source of the method and Prop from sluicebox, but the hiliteState is not compiling well. In any case, with a minor change, I can make it to compile correctly:

But in ScummVM I get this:

Any idea how to solve this?

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