I suck at people interaction, and really need to try and get some help with a few things, as i said before i am working on a 3x emulator, and have made very good progress, have most of the packets mapped and at least working sort of, and i have also begun on a realm 1.x, or 2.x emulator too, no packets to sniff for those, so slow going, i really could use help in a few areas, i want to be able to update the scripts the game uses, *.scr and *.hep, and i have, or can get a log of the patch server sending patches to the game, and honestly, i do not mind doing the work myself, so not looking for people to code it all for me, but a few things i could really benefit from knowing are.
A way to edit/update scripts, there are quite a few areas that are blank and avail for future expansion,
such as, in game to learn the spells i wrote a /spell # command, so we just go through all the valid id's until we get a cast effect, there are areas in which 32 is a spell effect, but 33 34 35 36 do nothing, and 37 is a spell effect, so, in theory i should be able add something there.
A way to add new graphics, i have messed with photoscishop alot, and i just do not get it, i cannot import a new bmp, because i am unable to use the exported *.pal, or the extracted *.pal from the resource files, in any imaging program i know of, i have tried them all, and i have even tried adding the microsoft riff header to the files, and nada, so no clue how to keep the same palette.
I have most of the packets mapped, but there is the stray byte here and there, that i do not understand, so if anyone is into packet editing.
And of course large portions of the server logic needs to still be written in c#.
Does anyone have a mapping of any of the files ? Most info out there is for older versions, and i can compensate for that if i had more data, such as for the *.v56 animations.
Are these just normal bmp files wrapped into loops or cells ?
If anyone knows the byte structure for any of these file types, please point me there.
Anyone know how to convert the sci *.pal to microsoft pal ?