Author Topic: Looking for a lil help  (Read 11365 times)

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Offline Aftertaste

Looking for a lil help
« on: December 20, 2014, 02:05:22 PM »
I am slowly emulating sierra's online game, currently i am mapping the network packets, and doing my best to emulate them, i have made a good bit of progress seeing as how i am the only semi programmer working on it, and honestly, all i need help to finish is getting these packets correctly mapped, i have quite a few that are, but others i am having issues with a few bytes here and there, if anyone has time and wouldn't mind lending a hand,  i can share all the info i have learned and would be very appreciative of the help.

Below is a quick vid i made of some of the progress
« Last Edit: December 20, 2014, 02:07:16 PM by Aftertaste »

Offline Collector

Re: Looking for a lil help
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2014, 03:22:48 PM »
Sorry, this is out of my area. Not sure if it would be of any help, but you could try contacting the people that REing the old INN server. They are dealing with SCI type stuff.!forum/imagination-network-server-project
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Offline Abstain

Re: Looking for a lil help
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2014, 12:12:04 AM »
Aftertaste I would love to help out. Send me a message with the best way to get in touch with you, I have a ton of free time at the moment.

Offline stateofpsychosis

Re: Looking for a lil help
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2014, 01:12:28 PM »
the realm?

I remember that game

that's back online already eh
haven't bothered with it yet though since they still after all of these years make you pay to play
I had a free trial back when it came out
seemed pretty cool

not sure if you're just trying to get it working offline for your own fun though

Offline Collector

Re: Looking for a lil help
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2014, 01:23:26 PM »
What he is working on is the version(s) that Sierra originally created and released. It is very SCI like, if not an outright SCI variant. The rights were sold to Codemasters, who continued to develop it. I would be very surprised if the engine is not a complete rewrite in something other than SCI.
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Offline stateofpsychosis

Re: Looking for a lil help
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2014, 01:27:09 PM »
Oh that's cool...

wait codemasters?

name sounds familiar...

we're they the group that ran cmgsccc back in the day with all of those cool custom gameshark codes that let you do fun stuff other than cheating like play as kefka in ff3?

nah probably a different group just a similar name

Offline Collector

Re: Looking for a lil help
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2014, 10:22:48 PM »
Codemasters was the same British company that bought the rights to LSL when VU bowed out and they sold the license to Replay for the new remake.

It looks like they have since sold The Realm to yet a third company, Norseman Games.
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Offline stateofpsychosis

Re: Looking for a lil help
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2014, 07:29:56 AM »
ahh gotcha

Offline Aftertaste

Re: Looking for a lil help
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2015, 05:43:46 PM »
Yes Norseman games bought it, then raised the prices for update and never updated, hasnt seen a promised update in about 4 years or more, they pretty much just run it for family and friends, and terrorize anyone else that plays and doesn't share their views about anything, you know the type.

They double billed everyone last month then took the game servers down, so pretty sure it doesnt have long to live on the end of its poor crippled life, currently i am simply duplicating the network packets used to communicate with the client, i would love to use the patch server to actually update, or back update the game to a prior release, and 1 day i will learn how, just too much on my plate atm to really get into it until i get the emu closer to done.

Anyone interested in helping shoot me a email, i would post it now, but spam bots hate me, can you guys msg me here ?

Offline Collector

Re: Looking for a lil help
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2015, 12:28:11 AM »
I am interested, but doubt I would would be of much help. Please let us know if you get anywhere with this.
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Offline Aftertaste

Re: Looking for a lil help
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2015, 01:47:20 AM »
I've gotten quite far, i redirect the client to my router, and can log in, create a char, walk around the world, wear and change colors of worn items, see other players, use the gossip/tell/room chat systems, including private password protected channels.

You can cast spells sort of, its in the developmental stage, you can summon a mob and run through a base quick combat scenario, also in development, cause it to snow, summon many different game items (all for mapping them atm), and a few other things, still a ways to go though, cant get the client atm as the game site wont patch it, would it cause a problem to post it here ?

Offline Collector

Re: Looking for a lil help
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2015, 02:26:31 AM »
If memory serves, it seems that you could get the game for free because the profit was in the fee charged for access to the server. Given this, I don't think it should be an issue.
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Offline Aftertaste

Re: Looking for a lil help
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2015, 03:39:32 AM »
Here is the up to date client

Then i wrote a launcher, the emu is currently running, but i am rewriting some stuff so not on it atm, however once you extract the client, get the launcher, click connect to emulator, then choose the realm dir.

It's auto account creation while testing, just use anything not in use.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2015, 03:48:59 AM by Aftertaste »

Offline Aftertaste

Re: Looking for a lil help
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2015, 02:52:54 PM »
I suck at people interaction, and really need to try and get some help with a few things, as i said before i am working on a 3x emulator, and have made very good progress, have most of the packets mapped and at least working sort of, and i have also begun on a realm 1.x, or 2.x emulator too, no packets to sniff for those, so slow going, i really could use help in a few areas, i want to be able to update the scripts the game uses, *.scr and *.hep, and i have, or can get a log of the patch server sending patches to the game, and honestly, i do not mind doing the work myself, so not looking for people to code it all for me, but a few things i could really benefit from knowing are.

A way to edit/update scripts, there are quite a few areas that are blank and avail for future expansion,
such as, in game to learn the spells i wrote a /spell # command, so we just go through all the valid id's until we get a cast effect, there are areas in which 32 is a spell effect, but 33 34 35 36 do nothing, and 37 is a spell effect, so, in theory i should be able add something there.

A way to add new graphics, i have messed with photoscishop alot, and i just do not get it, i cannot import a new bmp, because i am unable to use the exported *.pal, or the extracted *.pal from the resource files, in any imaging program i know of, i have tried them all, and i have even tried adding the microsoft riff header to the files, and nada, so no clue how to keep the same palette.

I have most of the packets mapped, but there is the stray byte here and there, that i do not understand,  so if anyone is into packet editing.

And of course large portions of the server logic needs to still be written in c#.

Does anyone have a mapping of any of the files ? Most info out there is for older versions, and i can compensate for that if i had more data, such as for the *.v56 animations.
Are these just normal bmp files wrapped into loops or cells ?
If anyone knows the byte structure for any of these file types, please point me there.

Anyone know how to convert the sci *.pal to microsoft pal ?
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 02:55:21 PM by Aftertaste »

Offline Collector

Re: Looking for a lil help
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2015, 11:20:01 AM »
Keep in mind that the people here are working with SCI0. The resources are fairly different and better documented than the ones you are trying to work with. The picture resources are vector, not raster and uses an embedded EGA palette. Heap has to be managed within the scripts themselves, so no HEP files. Also, using SCI Studio or SCI Companion there is no disassembly or working with compiled scripts and no hexediting. It is not because of lack of interest, but more of a matter lack of the necessary skills.

As I suggested, you might want to try contacting Enrico Rolfi (FotoSCIhop author) and or the ImagiNation Network Revival Server project. If you do, please let us know if you make any progress.
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