I was going to say the same thing! SQ6 uses SCI32, so using the SCI32 SAVE.SC would have made more sense.
Also, here is the EgoDead procedure from the SCI01 template game. It doesn't decompile, so it falls back to assembly.
Decompile results:
Decompiling script 0
WARNING: ::EgoDead: Analyzing control flow: Expected node with two successors (then/else): 1 at 0178
Falling back to disassembly for EgoDead
Generated c:\scicompanion\templategame\sci0.1\src\Main.sc
Decompiled 13 of 14 functions successfully (92%).
Overall bytecount success rate: 84%.
Fell back to assembly for the remaining functions.
For reference, here is the uncompiled code:
(procedure (EgoDead message &tmp printRet)
;This procedure handles when Ego dies. It closely matches that of QFG1EGA.
;To use it: "(EgoDead {death message})". You can add a title and icon in the same way as a normal Print message.
(Wait 100)
(= normalCursor ARROW_CURSOR)
(theGame setCursor: normalCursor TRUE)
(SFX stop:)
(music number: deathSound play:)
(= printRet
(Print message
#width 250
#button {Restore} 1
#button {Restart} 2
#button {__Quit__} 3
(switch printRet
(theGame restore:)
(theGame restart:)
(= quit TRUE) (break)
And here is the asm that the decompiler fell back to:
(procedure (EgoDead param1 param2 &tmp temp0)
pushi 0
call HandsOff, 0
pushi 1
pushi 100
callk Wait, 2
ldi 999
sal normalCursor
pushi #setCursor
pushi 2
lsl normalCursor
pushi 1
lal theGame
send 8
pushi #stop
pushi 0
lal SFX
send 4
pushi #number
pushi 1
lsl deathSound
pushi 42
pushi 0
lal music
send 10
ldi 1
bnt code_0187
pushi 12
lsp param1
&rest param2
pushi 70
pushi 250
pushi 81
lofss {Restore}
pushi 1
pushi 81
lofss {Restart}
pushi 2
pushi 81
lofss {__Quit__}
pushi 3
calle Print, 24
sat temp0
lst temp0
ldi 1
bnt code_0168
pushi #restore
pushi 0
lal theGame
send 4
jmp code_0184
ldi 2
bnt code_0178
pushi #restart
pushi 0
lal theGame
send 4
jmp code_0184
ldi 3
bnt code_0184
ldi 1
sal quit
jmp code_0187
jmp code_012d
The part where the decompiler fails is at code_0178, the part that handles the Quit button. It must be the break statement that it can't handle.