With how ridiculously popular it seems to be I'm sure NP++ would support
whole word search, which would handily make it ignore "Print" when it's part of another word like "PrintFormat".
Anyway, code folding and context menus are not the same ballpark. They're barely the same
sport. Not only would you need to draw the little + boxes in the margin, you'd have to
- Determine where those little + boxes go — determine where each block starts.
- Handle actually collapsing the blocks — line numbers are now non-contiguous, selecting and copying is suddenly all weird...
And that first part is a particular brand of nightmare on its own, even
if the control supported collapsing! This is a Lisp-like, you can't
just add fold markers to every
( you find or they become useless noise! In C at least you can detect
{ knowing that it means "here's the start of a code block".
Context menus are not an inherent
part of the control you clicked on to begin with. You detect a right-click, determine what word you clicked on so you can offer to "Go to definition: User" or whatever, adjust the context menu accordingly, and pop it up yourself.
And anyway, I found where the Crystal Edit control
came from and it doesn't seem there's been a new version of it for twenty years.
(Edit: running the demo for Crystal Edit and right-clicking on a whim, it gave me a message box saying to "Build your own context menu!" so take that as you will lol)