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(instance icon4 of IconI (properties view 990 loop 10 cel 1 cursor 984 type 0 ; Not sure if these three ; message V_COMMAND ; are required signal $0043 ; to be these values. maskView 990 maskLoop 13 maskCel 4 noun N_COMMANDICON helpVerb 5 ) (method (show param1 &tmp [line 7] [size 4] font) (super show: &rest param1) (= font 1605) (Format @line "%d" gScore) (TextSize @size @line font 0) (Display @line dsCOLOR 14 dsFONT font dsCOORD (+ nsLeft (/ (- 50 [size 3]) 2)) (+ nsTop 14)) ) ; Prevent selecting and highlighting (method (select param1) (return 0) ) (method (highlight param1) (return 0) ))
(instance public gcWin of BorderWindow (properties) (method (open &tmp temp51) ; &tmp temp0, temp1[25], temp26[25], temp51) ; all of the others are for the score thing. (= temp51 -1) ;... ; (DrawCel 995 9 0 (+ 5 (CelWide 995 1 1) (+ 38 (CelHigh 995 0 1)) temp51) (Graph grUPDATE_BOX 12 1 15 (+ 151 (CelWide 995 0 1)) 1) ; (Message msgGET 0 18 0 1 1 @temp1) ; (Format @temp26 "%d %s %d" gScore @temp1 gMaxScore) ; (Display @temp26 105 gFont 100 (+ (+ 5 (CelWide 995 1 1)) 6) (+ (+ 38 (CelHigh 995 0 1)) 15)) (SetPort 0) ))
(send gSq5IconBar:enable()) (send gSq5IconBar:enable(2 4))// add 4 here (send gSq5IconBar:select((send gSq5IconBar:at(2))))
(send gSq5IconBar: add(icon0 icon1 icon2 icon3 icon6 icon7 icon8 icon9 icon4) eachElementDo(#init) //I know Sierra games do this too but it's still bullshit. //eachElementDo(#highlightColor 0) //eachElementDo(#lowlightColor 5) curIcon(icon0) useIconItem(icon6) helpIconItem(icon9) walkIconItem(icon0) //And yes, Sierra games do this too. //disable(5) state(3072) disable())
(if ((== (send gSq5IconBar:curIcon) (send gSq5IconBar:at(5))) and not (send gSq5IconBar:curInvIcon))
If only I could easily remove embedded palettes. Best I can do is make it ignore the stuff.
Quote from: Kawa on June 24, 2015, 07:29:07 PMIf only I could easily remove embedded palettes. Best I can do is make it ignore the stuff.?
I'll convert them if nobody else will. What Kawa said is one example of SQ5's palette not being ideal; its greys are actually shaded blue a little bit which means it's impossible to get a true gray. The classic KQ5 palette, as I said, has a wider variety of colours that represent more than what SQ5's slanted palette does.
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