// ===========================================================================
// When giving the milk bottle to one of the babies in the garden in KQ6 (room
// 480), script 481 starts a looping baby cry sound. However, that particular
// script also has an overriden check method (cryMusic::check). This method
// explicitly restarts the sound, even if it's set to be looped, thus the same
// sound is played twice, squelching all other sounds. We just rip the
// unnecessary cryMusic::check method out, thereby stopping the sound from
// constantly restarting (since it's being looped anyway), thus the normal
// game speech can work while the baby cry sound is heard.
// Fixes bug: #4955
-- ScummVM, /engines/sci/engine/script_patches.cpp
Actual method being replaced with naught but a return:
(method (check)
(if (((babyIsCrying and DoAudio(audPAUSE)) and (== DoAudio(audPOSITION) -1)) and not global84)
(I named local0 and looked up what subops 4 and 6 are, this should be correct.)
Make of that what you will.