Yeah, setting it up to use DOSBox probably needs to be made to work more automatically. It can be done to take the guess work out it for the user. What I was doing with my Developer IDE was I had DOSBox in a sub directory under the program. This allowed it to always be able to find DOSBox, regardless whether the user had DOSBox or did not have it in the default location. It did not need to have to copy it to each games' folders during development. I did also provide a place in the options form to allow the user to browse to a different build if they wanted.
Ok, I've made some changes for the next release of SCICompanion. DOSBox has been included with the install for a while, but I wasn't actually using it anywhere.
Anyway, I've set up a list of "profiles" you can choose from in the Game Properties dialog. Currently they're hard-coded to DOSBox, ScummVM and "Other". So you can easily switch profiles to run the game with a different interpreter.
By default, the DOSBox path is set to that under the SCICompanion folder, and the ScummVM path is set to %program files(x86)%\ScummVM\ScummVM.exe. So for most people, when they create a new game, they should just be able to run it immediately with DOSBox (which will be the default profile). And if they have ScummVM installed, then they can switch to the ScummVM profile and that should "just work" too.
Then, for custom options, they can use the "Other" profile. If you've already got a game where you've set the executable (run.cmd, or whatever you're using), then that should be picked up automatically and listed in the "Other" profile, and the Other profile should be the default.
For Sierra games (which won't have a game.ini or anything like that), the profile will be set to DOSBox automatically, and we'll scan for known executable names (sierra.exe, sciv.exe, etc....) and construct the DOSBox command line to make running the game also "just work".
Still doesn't solve the issue of packaging the game to make it easier for others to run, but it should ensure that people can get up and running right away with SCI Companion.