After taking a long look at the current boards on, I thought I'd give some suggestions for extra boards that could be added, which would expand the range of things that can be done. As right now, it seems as if some things are a bit confusing, such as, where to post certain things that do not really meet the criteria of the current board(s) that exist. Here are my ideas:
SCI Programming:"The SCI Lounge" (For discussing SCI Titles and / or Projects, for getting suggestions on how you can improve your SCI Resource(s) (Such as art, music, scripts, writing, etc.) and / or SCI Game(s), and for finding people to join your SCI Project(s) in "Key Areas" (such as art design, music design, scripting, writing, etc.); Topics in The SCI Lounge are distinguishable by a tag in square brackets at the start of the subject in block capitals: [DISCUSSION], [CRITIQUE] or [RECRUITMENT]. (Such as [DISCUSSION] Phantasmagoria Hidden Files))
AGI Programming:"The AGI Lounge" (For discussing AGI Titles and / or Projects, for getting suggestions on how you can improve your AGI Resource(s) (Such as art, music, scripts, writing, etc.) and / or AGI Game(s), and for finding people to join your AGI Project(s) in "Key Areas" (such as art design, music design, scripting, writing, etc.); Topics in The AGI Lounge are distinguishable by a tag in square brackets at the start of the subject in block capitals: [DISCUSSION], [CRITIQUE] or [RECRUITMENT]. (Such as [CRITIQUE] Kings Quest III-Style Sprites))
General and Everything-Else: (Suggested Changes)"The Games and other Sierra Adventure stuff" becomes "The Games Room" (This seems like a much better name, since topics that fit either "The SCI Lounge" or "The AGI Lounge" would probably be moved into them to allow them to be found easier.)
"Everything-Else" becomes "Everything Else" (Just because it bugs me!)