I'm not sure, I wasn't able to actually locate it at the time (I tried), I'm doing a search for it now and I haven't been able to track it down.

I'm gonna snag the newer one, now. But earlier, straight from opening sci companion to the pic I wanted to edit, hung it twice in a row. I didn't do, look, or click on anything else, I opened it up soley for the purpose of editing that pic. So it seems to be repeatable.
If you want, Troflip, I can rename this thread to sci companion prerelease testing or something like that.
* Is there a new one up, the page says Version, I think that's the one I've got, or have you just not edited that?
** There is a new one up, but a slight bug with the version number T, the exe file itself thinks its, while the about sci in help thinks it's But whichever is right, Opening pic right away doesn't hang now.
*** Once I close the preview pane, how can I reopen it?
Replace color, only replaces one way.