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Kawa: http://i.imgur.com/MytZOwb.png using my new "set custom title bar colors" kernel call, too!Kawa: Plus, all the items have a name property set so it uses that instead of their object names, like "keyRing".Kawa: Also cleaned out all the (use ...) lines on the room scripts.Kawa: ...dumb idea: write the done button in the item cheat window in Felinese.Letrune: Yeeees, do so! :3Letrune: And do the NAMES in felinise if you cheat! Kawa: You mean, specify and print the item names in felinese?Kawa: I COULD...Letrune: If you cheat, at least know felinise... :3Kawa: HaaahKawa: http://i.imgur.com/ZCf158U.png then?Letrune: Yes. :3
Ew...did I just say I have a taste in something to do with furries? *shudder*
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