MAKEVOLS is actually quite flexible, which in the case of SCI0/10 with multiple volumes is very useful. Basically, you can have as many lists as you want, with one list calling up another. For example, you could do the following (stylized example):(CDROM ; all resources in one volume file
volume 0
volume 1
volume 2
volume 0
volume 1
script 999
script 998
script 1
pic 1
script 2
pic 2
Anything that is not a recognized keyword is interpreted as a reference to a separate list. When MAKEVOLS is run without a list name, it just takes the first one in RESOURCE.TXT. If you specified "MAKEVOLS 360k" with the RESOURCE.TXT above, only the "360K" list would be built, which puts all resources associated with rm1 and rm2 in separate volumes 1 and 2, whereas "MAKEVOLS 720K" would put them in the same volume 1. That flexibility still exists in MAKEVOLS 3.01, though it is somewhat useless since that version of MAKEVOLS/SCI does not support multiple volumes anymore.
Some early versions of MAKEVOLS, but not 1.10 and not 3.xx, apparently specified the paths in RESOURCE.TXT as well using the "resource" keyword (from INN): resource view 0x80 /app24/ll/view/%d.v56;/app24/appshare/view/%d.v56
It seems that the paths were moved out of RESOURCE.TXT into the WHERE file at some point in time, possibly because SCI.EXE (without V) requires a WHERE file anyway which could be reused.