Out of curiosity, how did you do that? Use a hex editor on the binary and search for path names an modify them?
Maybe we can re-construct the complete original development environment, for those who not only want to play retro games, but also program in a retro IDE, lol...
I used a disassembler (IDA Pro) and the DosBox Debugger to learn what's going on.
Most of the executables are checking if the there's a file server named "
DEVELOPMENT" in NetWare's file server name table (using
Int 21/AX=EF04h).
I *think* they later validate the user is logged on to it.
Other executables check for the existence of the same executable on drive X:.
I simply replaced the call to this check with NOPs.
It's interesting to note that beside the DEVELOPMENT string, there are also
CS and
APPS. It appears they aren't in use, but I guess these are the names of Sierra's other file servers.
BTW, I just recently taught myself how to use IDA Pro, as part of my work on the INN Revival project. I needed that to disassemble the modem driver and the TSN Executive. It's fun (in a perverted way)!