SV can do it. I use it myself. And I use its command-line counterpart for mass ops.
Use SV V1 to export to MIDI. The latest version (that has a separate EXEs for GUI and command line) has a bug with music playback and doesn't play all channels properly (exporting has the same problem).
Thanks, I'll finally be able to learn to play the theme tune to the first two games in the Hoyle Franchise (Since they both have the same theme tune, along with most of the same artwork). Sadly, though, SV.EXE doesn't have support for LSCI (Large-Scale SCI) which was created by Jeff Stephenson to manage the networking for The Sierra Network, which later became The ImagiNation Network once AT&T bought half of the service. I so wanted to learn to play the map theme for INN.

The SCI Sound Utilities can. It uses an updated SoundToMidi that Gumby did. You can also do it in bulk.
Yes, it can... But not for me. I'm unable to run SoundToMIDI because it is a 16-Bit Program because I'm using a 64-Bit version of Windows. As I quote from the error window: "Unsupported 16-Bit Application: The program or feature 'Snd2MIDI.EXE' cannot start or run due to incompatibility with 64-bit versions of Windows. Please contact the software vendor to ask if a 64-bit Windows compatible version is available."