Looks great. The boards just make me wonder about actors walking up and down slopes/stairs -- naively you'd expect standing on the left side and pressing the right arrow key to walk screenspace-diagonally...
It doesn't do that now, but maybe it should. I probably should have taken that into account when designing the level... i.e. make the boards either horizontal or vertical.
Still undecided if I want the player to fall off or not. They definitely fall off if they don't find the light switch, but right now I have it so the edges become hard boundaries otherwise. The problem is, I'm inconsistent throughout the game on whether walking off the edge of things kills you or not. I don't really like having to maneuver precisely, but OTOH it makes for some funny death scenes.
Edit: attaching some shit for critiquing.
Those images are super-crisp... are you developing an SCI2 game, or are they going to get downsized to SCI1.1 res?
I don't have much to criticize, it looks good. Shadows look correct, and the art style is "cohesive". I prefer perspective view to isometric though. And in the last photo, it's hard to tell what that is behind the small stools.
I'm excited because Cascade Quest is one of the two demo games I've wanted to see made into a full game, the other is Legend of the Lost Jewel.
It's pretty much a full game now. I think the demo was 4 screens or so, but I expanded it to around 50 or 60 several years ago - but never released. It still needs a few months of polish and fleshing out. And at least 3 more screens to wrap up the story. And also the story doesn't make much sense, so I need to revamp some of that to make it all tie together